Love The VillainCh62 - Shocked Black Dragon City


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  1. Thanks for the chapter! And a lot of thanks for taking extra work for next week. It would also be fine if you don’t post, we already love your work, so we can’t be mad. ❤️

  2. 😂 Serves them right. That big family didn’t want anything to do with Liu Mufeng so they don’t deserve to be angry if he also doesn’t want to have anything to do with them. Muahahah. 🤣

  3. Thanks for the info & chappies.

    Those characters who whine “it’s unfair” are so annoying. They never think it’s unfair that they were born into a rich family. 😒Wang Zhennan is the smartest of the bunch. 🤔

  4. Why when we talk about ourselves it’s smart and if we talk about the enemy it’s wickendness?

    Thank you for the chapter

  5. oh, now they are exposed~ anyway, thank u for the hard work in translating this!! wish u have a peaceful holy week~

  6. My crow’s mouth! I just thought if Xue family would keep secret, but now everybody would know about this matter! WZN is really too smart~

    Thank You for the new chapter (੭ ›ω‹ )੭⁾⁾♡ Hope everything will go smooth in Holy Week (especially rooms could clean themselves)!

  7. 2 things I dislike:

    why did those people blab about something so important?
    why are they saying that he “swindled”, as in took what wasn’t his due, wasn’t that a fair price for something as important as enabling you to cultivate? On the contrary, if our MC hadn’t used his tenuous family relationship, he’s the one who would have been swindled out of his rightful earning because he has no backing!

  8. I hope Wang Zennan is a good sort. He’s seems tolerable compared to the rest of the family. They should’ve made that other family promise not to say anything! It just brings trouble… Our poor couple