Little Translator Asking For WageCh28 - Understanding most of the professional terminology

This time, when going to Japan, Wu Zehao didn’t bring a suitcase. Instead, he brought a backpack for hiking and a photography bag.

The backpack for hiking had ample space, with room to spare for the bath supplies and spare clothes for two people. The camera bag, although compact, carried a DSLR and two lenses, making it quite weighty. sLZigj

Wen Jiaxuan didn’t have much to bring, apart from essential documents. His backpack was mostly empty, except for a charger and a portable WiFi device.

When the two of them arrived at Kansai International Airport, it was a little after four in the afternoon. As soon as they got off the plane, Wen Jiaxuan started chattering away, telling Wu Zehao where to go and which bus to take. Wu Zehao couldn’t bear it and grabbed the overly excited Wen Jiaxuan, saying, “You little brat, this is my seventh time in Japan already.”

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“Oh…” Wen Jiaxuan felt a bit disappointed for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, she quickly ran ahead to the Shinkansen ticket counter.

Wu Zehao, feeling helpless, decided to ignore Wen Jiaxuan and took his camera out of the photography bag to adjust the settings. 6c3O2x

When Wen Jiaxuan came out after buying the tickets, Wu Zehao had his camera lens pointed at him. In the early years, when Wen Jiaxuan went out to take photos with his dad, Wen Hua, Wen Hua often captured candid shots of him. So he smiled naturally at the camera, showing all eight of his teeth. After Wu Zehao finished taking the photo, he jogged over to see the result.

“What a pity, these shots are ruined,” Wen Jiaxuan grabbed Wu Zehao’s wrist and leaned in to look at the screen. “The sign in the background is too bright.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit overexposed,” Wu Zehao raised an eyebrow. “You understand?”

“My dad is also an old hand with DSLRs,” Wen Jiaxuan chuckled. “I understand a bit.”


“No wonder you always mess with my camera when you come to my place.”

The two of them didn’t linger at the airport for long. After buying the tickets, they went downstairs directly to take the Shinkansen to Nara.

The theme of this trip was Buddhism, and Wu Zehao didn’t plan any unrelated sightseeing spots. He set their destination directly to Nara, closely associated with Chinese Buddhism, and Mount Koya, the headquarters of Japanese Shingon Buddhism.

Wen Jiaxuan had been to Nara before, but his previous visits were primarily to see the deer in Nara Park. He had no interest in the Buddhist temples in the area. So, coming here with Wu Zehao was a fresh experience for him. KmBIVp


“Boss, I can’t walk anymore,” Wen Jiaxuan pitifully tugged at Wu Zehao’s sleeve. “Can we sit for a while?”

“Even if you can’t walk, we still have to walk,” Wu Zehao didn’t slow down at all. “We have to be at Horyu-ji by 1 PM, and we haven’t finished the morning’s shooting tasks yet.”

“But…” Wen Jiaxuan wanted to protest again. y60MRx

“Do you think we’re here just to have fun?” Wu Zehao interrupted.

Wen Jiaxuan sighed and had no choice but to keep up.

It seemed that what Zhang Zhitao had said was true; his boss was indeed a planning fanatic!

However, at this moment, Wen Jiaxuan suddenly felt a weight lifted from his shoulder, and he realized that Wu Zehao had taken the photography bag from him. lbFXd9

Wu Zehao had brought two different lenses on this trip and switched between them based on the scenes he was shooting. The spare lens was kept in the photography bag, which was naturally being carried by Wen Jiaxuan.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although it was just one lens, its weight should not be underestimated. Coupled with the hot weather in early August, Wen Jiaxuan had already worked up a sweat in less than three hours since they left.

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Rbk atja atf yju ogbw tlr rtbeivfg kjr ajxfc ys Qe Iftjb, Qfc Aljzejc ofia wemt ilutafg. Lbkfnfg, tf ralii ofia uelias atlcxlcu jybea Qe Iftjb mjggslcu rfnfgji xlibugjwr bo mjwfgj fdelqwfca jibcf. Vb joafg gfralcu obg j ktlif, tf nbiecajglis abbx atf qtbabugjqts yju yjmx jcv mjgglfv la bc tlr rtbeivfg.

Wu Zehao noticeably quickened the pace of his photography, and they soon completed the morning’s shooting tasks. They took a break at a small shop near the entrance of Toshodai-ji Temple. Wen Jiaxuan sat on a stone bench by the road and chatted with an elderly Japanese woman, while Wu Zehao went to the vending machine area to smoke. oiVfyD

Wen Jiaxuan hadn’t used Japanese in a while and was engrossed in conversation with the elderly woman. Suddenly, he heard cheerful English conversation coming from nearby.

Curious, he turned his head and saw that Wu Zehao was talking to a tall, slender, blonde woman who had appeared beside him. They were conversing while smoking, and the atmosphere seemed quite pleasant.

Wu Zehao’s English was so good.

Wen Jiaxuan felt a twinge of jealousy. DzElZK

Although Wen Jiaxuan’s English wasn’t as good as his Japanese, it wasn’t bad either. So he quickly realized that the blonde woman was asking Wu Zehao for his contact information and inviting him to visit New Zealand.

To Wen Jiaxuan’s surprise, Wu Zehao took out his phone, and the two of them leaned in close together, clearly exchanging contact information.

Wen Jiaxuan’s brows furrowed, and he wore a displeased expression.

After they finished smoking, Wu Zehao bid farewell to the blonde woman and then noticed that Wen Jiaxuan seemed upset. MtF2hx

“What’s wrong?” Wu Zehao asked.

“Do you always have encounters like this whenever we go out?” Wen Jiaxuan said sarcastically.

“Isn’t that normal?” Wu Zehao replied.

Wen Jiaxuan didn’t know why he was feeling jealous. Lj05fq

“So you just welcome all of them?”

“Why should I refuse?”

Wen Jiaxuan fell silent. He couldn’t think of a reason to argue, but he was still unhappy.

This feeling of unhappiness persisted until they returned to the hotel in the evening. Wu Zehao tried to talk to him, but Wen Jiaxuan responded with monosyllabic answers and an indifferent attitude. MzsDLT

“Kid, are you giving me the silent treatment?” Wu Zehao initially thought Wen Jiaxuan was tired, but now he sensed that something was off.

“No,” Wen Jiaxuan lied on the bed, looking at his phone and not even glancing at Wu Zehao.

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It was clear that he was giving Wu Zehao the silent treatment.

“I told you before, traveling together with someone can easily lead to disagreements,” Wu Zehao frowned. “We’re here for work, so stop thinking about having fun all the time.” 1Iux0L

Wen Jiaxuan pursed his lips, covered himself with the blanket, and turned away from Wu Zehao.

He knew Wu Zehao wasn’t a patient person, and his behavior might anger him, but Wen Jiaxuan couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable and didn’t want to engage with him.

Indeed, there was no sound from behind him, and Wen Jiaxuan figured that Wu Zehao was also not interested in engaging with him.

However, at that moment, the mattress behind him suddenly sank, and he turned his head in surprise to find Wu Zehao sitting cross-legged on his bed, wearing an impatient expression on his face. dywPoN

“Come on, what’s going on?” Wu Zehao took the phone from Wen Jiaxuan’s hand, locked the screen, and tossed it onto the bedside table.

Wen Jiaxuan slowly got up and reluctantly asked, “Why did you give your contact information to someone else?”

Hearing this, the impatience on Wu Zehao’s face instantly disappeared, and he looked at Wen Jiaxuan with a smile, asking, “Are you jealous of this?”

Wen Jiaxuan pursed his lips and fell silent. Wu Zehao propped his chin up with his elbow, looking quite relaxed, and asked, “Do you really consider me your husband? Should I check with you before giving my contact information to anyone?” LZuFKe

Wen Jiaxuan was taken aback and immediately sat up straight, saying, “I definitely don’t!”

“Then why are you upset?”


Wen Jiaxuan bit his lip and said firmly, “I think it’s not right for you to be so casual about it. Just like Zhang Zhitao, he says he can sleep with anyone, and you shouldn’t follow his example.” KLQvWF

Wu Zehao couldn’t help but chuckle, “I just gave someone my contact information, and it was a girl. You’re overthinking this.”

Wen Jiaxuan said uneasily, “I, I’m just worried that your lifestyle might be problematic.”

“Worried?” Wu Zehao bluntly exposed Wen Jiaxuan, “Worried to the point of feeling jealous while I’m out?”

“I’m not jealous…” Wen Jiaxuan suddenly felt guilty, “You’re my boss, I just hope you behave properly.” RY1EWt

Wu Zehao didn’t bother pointing out the illogical aspects of Wen Jiaxuan’s words. He stretched his back, placing his hands behind him, and said, “I’ve told you that this trip is for work. I’m exhausted from traveling all day; I don’t have the energy for one-night stands.”

“Oh, I see…” Wen Jiaxuan responded gloomily, but deep down, he felt relieved.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“But if you keep giving me these irrational silent treatments…” Wu Zehao suddenly changed the subject, “Even if I’m tired, I’ll make you call me ‘Brother’ all night.”

Wen Jiaxuan blushed and retorted, “I won’t call you that!” UZoGP6

Wu Zehao raised an eyebrow, “How about trying it now?”

Wen Jiaxuan quickly covered himself with the blanket, turned away from Wu Zehao, and remained silent.

Wu Zehao sighed in exasperation and changed the topic, “Kid, I overheard you talking to someone else today.”

Wen Jiaxuan waited silently for a couple of seconds but didn’t hear anything further. Unable to contain his curiosity, he turned back to Wu Zehao and asked, “And then?” P EZNc

“You speak Japanese very nicely,” Wu Zehao said.

Suddenly being praised, Wen Jiaxuan felt a bit elated, but he didn’t want to show it, so he bit his lip and forced down the corners of his mouth, looking away awkwardly. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, it has a youthful vibe to it, and… it sounds very pleasant,” Wu Zehao continued.

Wu Zehao rarely praised Wen Jiaxuan so openly, and Wen Jiaxuan was genuinely delighted. He sat up on the bed with excitement and said, “Boss, from now on, I’ll say anything you want to hear.” dOTnEm

“You’ll say things I don’t understand anyway…” Wu Zehao interrupted himself, and his eyes darted around as if he had thought of something. He asked, “You’ll say anything?”

“Of course, my Japanese is at a native level,” Wen Jiaxuan said without realizing what Wu Zehao was getting at.

“Then say something I can understand,” Wu Zehao said.

“What do you understand? Do you understand train announcements?” Wen Jiaxuan asked earnestly. 6eSVZE

“I don’t understand those, but…” Wu Zehao paused for a moment, “I basically understand the terminology in GV.”

Wen Jiaxuan was stunned, and his mind immediately conjured up phrases like “้›…่ ›่ถ” and “ไธ€ๅบ“ไธ€ๅบ“.” He looked at his boss with a mixture of disbelief and exasperation. “You pervert!”

Wu Zehao burst into laughter and said, “I was just messing with you, kid.”

Wen Jiaxuan huffily covered himself with the blanket and ignored Wu Zehao. uG3KsQ

Wu Zehao casually rubbed the back of Wen Jiaxuan’s head and said, “Get some rest early. We’ll have another tiring day tomorrow, and I’ll take you to soak in the hot springs at night.”

Upon hearing the word “hot springs,” Wen Jiaxuan suddenly thought of something and couldn’t help but peek out from under the blanket, looking at Wu Zehao. He asked, “What kind of hot springs are we going to tomorrow?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wu Zehao had planned the entire trip, and Wen Jiaxuan hadn’t been involved in the planning. All he knew was that they were staying at a temple on Mount Koya tomorrow night, but he didn’t know that Wu Zehao had booked a temple with hot springs.

“It’s a private rental, 45 minutes,” Wu Zehao replied. SJ0HrB

“Oh…” Wen Jiaxuan was somewhat dazed.

A private rental hot spring, in simple terms, means renting the entire facility for a certain time. It usually includes only one pool and is suitable for families. During the rental period, no other guests are allowed, which means that tomorrow night, the hot spring pool will only have Wen Jiaxuan and Wu Zehao.

What should he do now?

Everyone knows that you don’t wear clothes when you soak in a hot spring. What if his boss accuses him of trying to seduce him? 5n2Wok

Wu Zehao seemed to have seen through Wen Jiaxuan’s thoughts and said with a smile, “You don’t have to go; I’ll go by myself.”

“No, that won’t do!” Wen Jiaxuan immediately objected. It had been a long time since he had soaked in a hot spring, and a hot spring inn like this usually cost at least over a thousand for one night. It would be a waste not to go.

As long as he behaved properly, there wouldn’t be any problems. Wen Jiaxuan reassured himself.

Wen Jiaxuan, the young comrade, told himself. vlRDdH

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