I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch29 - “Are you doing this on purpose?”


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Translator's Note

the Chinese saying for someone being jealous is eating vinegar

Translator's Note

honorable you

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  1. That waiter must’ve donated his braincells. What an idiot, things don’t go the way you want so you just throw a tantrum? Really ridiculous.

    Also, lol, wanting to speak to the boss and just having to pierce the paper-window with him, how practical~

  2. So he isn’t slow coz he’s typing, he takes his time for everything

    If only we could secrete disinfectant, I wouldn’t need to carry a bottle around… _(:c 」Z)

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  3. I hate thIs kind of brain dead crazy fans the most. Do they think that celebs are their bossom friend? If he had asked for a simple autograph on paper the whole situation could have been avoided easily.

  4. It’s generally okay to pull a Karen card if the situation calls for it, but embodying it wholly and using it in every inconvenience and entitlement is what is messed up.

  5. super bad move on the waiters part. if he was a fan for 5 years, he should know he wouldnt autograph a body part. and then to throw a fit at being refused and then to throw water on Shen Qi. ugh.

    but Shen Qi is such a flirt! I’m full of dog food.

    thanks for the chapter <3

  6. Putangina gusto ko syang sakalin grrr

    Mainit pa naman ulo ko dahil sa tambak na modules!! Aaaaaaaaaaaa

    Thank you for the chapter 🤍

    Fire him ba

  7. That is still hot water!!!!! HOT WATER!!!!

    What will you do if his hands were splashed by it too?

  8. What the hell is wrong with that waiter?!?! 😡 Mingyuan Gege and Shen Qi is so sweet holding hands aaaa and that autograph is so intimate 💗💗💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  9. He might’ve gotten an autograph if he had respectfully asked for one on paper instead. Guilt tripping the actor into signing his body part is going too far. Now he even splashed the guests with boiling water because his crazy request wasn’t granted?

  10. This is actually a private time not an official.. he was supposed to be an ordinary person just eating then you demand like that… Idiot.. so since he thought he was being fired unjustly he just have to make some valid reason and you dare hurt his wife… prayers for you dude.. the last person who harassed his little wife went to jail….

  11. It’s been a few years since I read this before, and I always remember this scene lmao…. the CP interactions are so much fun.