Let Me Live!Ch35 - Eternal Radiance (4)


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Translator's Note

Released in 1989 and sung by Cui Jian, the ‘Father of Chinese Rock’. Youtube link here (there’s a translation of the lyrics in the comments).

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  1. Huh, so it’s really just a lookalike? Oh well, we’ll see in future chapters.

    And although I’ve never dated or liked anyone in the romantic sense (I think? 🤔) I would do the same as Hai Ri I guess. I would want someone to be that straightforward with me, I can’t/don’t really catch subtleties.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Now I’m even more curious if there is more behind that. Was HR there before or not?

    HR countered Yi Wei so nice >3

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و