Killer and HealerChapter 19

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Editor-Alysia 3S4Jdv

Chu Ran took her luggage and went to her apartment, where she had already planned to move, after leaving her house. She rented it ahead of time while still in Hong Kong and was relieved to discover that it was clean and tidy. The landlord’s aunt told her that the other roommate with whom she would share an apartment was also a young lady, but she was very busy at work and would be away from home during the day.

Chu Ran simply tidied her things in her room and headed out to the Jingcheng Police Station to find Jin Dacheng before the end of the day.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Being a simple citizen and refusing to say why she came, the guard in front of the police station couldn’t let her in. Chu Ran, who wasn’t in a hurry, waited patiently by the gate.

When Song Rong drove out of the police station, he recognized Chu Ran standing outside the gate at a glance. R8jeAX

“Boss, look!”

Jiang Yue Lou had not expected to run into Chu Ran again. Was she watching out for him? Did she find out about him when she was in Hong Kong? Why did she show up? He felt anxious all of a sudden.

Jin Dacheng’s car happened to drive out of the police station at the same time. Jiang Yue Lou, fearful that Chu Ran would go inside and ask questions about him and disclose information, told Song Rong, “Drive over and grab her.”

Listening to his words, Song Rong drove quickly in the direction of Chu Ran and stopped the car steadily where Chu Ran was standing.


Before Chu Ran could react, the door was opened, and Jiang Yue Lou pulled her in. Chu Ran was about to struggle but was stunned when she recognized Jiang Yue Lou’s face.

“It’s you?” She started to blush, and couldn’t understand why.

Song Rong twisted the steering wheel, and the car drove away quickly. Jin Dacheng sticking his head out of the window and looking around* happened to see the scene, “Wasn’t Jiang Yue Lou just now, what is he up to?”

Chu Ran leaned against Jiang Yue Lou, although she wasn’t afraid, her heart was beating fast. pTgmCG

“Stop right there!” She blushed a little, “I will yell if you don’t stop!”

Song Rong slammed on the brakes and parked the car on the side of an abandoned road.

“Section Chief, I’ll be waiting in the car.”

Chu Ran had already opened the door and jumped off. When she heard the words “Section Chief”, her heart suddenly stirred. VIEYRW

“You are a Section Chief of the police station? What is your name? It’s not Bai Qing, right?”

Jiang Yue Lou exited the car. He was taken aback by the name Bai Qing, which he had long forgotten. Chu Ran noted his startled expression.

“Are you…?” Chu Ran’s head swam with dreadful thoughts. She felt as though her heart was about to leap out of her chest, and the pit in her stomach felt as heavy as though it were filled with lead.

“You…, your name isn’t Jin, right?” iN2Hdv

This time Jiang Yue Lou was stunned. He didn’t understand what Chu Ran meant.

Chu Ran thought he just acquiesced and was immediately filled with grievances as if she fell into an ice hole.

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“Jin Dacheng! You! Why would you marry someone else if you already have a wife? Do you believe that because you are the chief of the police department, you are above the law and can do whatever you want*? I’m telling you, no matter what the Chu family promises you, I will never marry you!”

“Marry me?” Jiang Yue Lou blinked, “You want to marry me?” zVKCYy

“Who wants to marry you!” Chu Ran stamped her feet with anger, “I’m here to decline your marriage proposal!”

Jiang Yue Lou was relieved as it turned out that Chu Ran came for Jin Dacheng.

“Jin Dacheng just left.” He smiled, “This marriage cancelation indeed cannot be delayed. You should come back tomorrow.”

Chu Ran was stunned. Her mood went up and down several times. She thought that the man who made her heart move was scum for forcing her to marry him as a concubine, but this turned out to be a misunderstanding. 9c8Gpz

“You…, why don’t you make it clear…”

Her cheeks were flushed, and stammering she tried to defend herself, “Anyone would have thought that you were tacitly acquiescing…”

Knowing now that she didn’t come because of the Hong Kong matter, Jiang Yue Lou didn’t care anymore, but still exhorted, “It’s getting late, you should go home quickly. And remembers that Hong Kong’s matter is rotten in your stomach. Don’t say a word about it.”

Chu Ran was still embarrassed, nodded, and was just about to leave when she suddenly stopped and looked at Jiang Yue Lou, “Then, what is your name?” lGkjoA

Jiang Yue Lou who had an appointment that night, and was in a rush to leave, answered casually, “Jiang Yue Lou.”

He got into the car and Chu Ran said behind him, “I…, I’m not Cheng, my name is Chu Ran.”

After speaking, she turned around and hurried away, not even daring to look back.

Jiang Yue Lou in the car didn’t notice her weirdness, and said to Song Rong, “Let’s go.” UEdh8n

Song Rong started the car and puzzled finally asked, “Section Chief, did I just hear Miss Cheng saying something like she would never marry you?”

Jiang Yue Lou laughed loudly, “Just go, let’s not keep Minister Chang waiting.”




After Jiang Yue Lou left, several patients came to Yu Zhi Tang and it was already dark when Chen Yu Zhi decided to close the clinic for the day. Chen Yu Zhi tidied up the hospital and was about to turn off the lights and close the door. A car stopped at the door, and a man who looked like a butler walked out.

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“Are you Doctor Chen?”

Chen Yu Zhi nodded, “I am, what can I do for you?” A2qdgD

The man was very polite, “I am the housekeeper of Captain Liu’s house of the City Defense Department. Madam had chest tightness and headaches in the past few days. I would like to invite you to visit the patient at her home.”

Chen Yu Zhi hesitated, “It’s already late. I’m afraid it’ll not be appropriate if I’m visiting Captain Liu’s wife at night. Would you like to change it to daytime tomorrow, or I could wait in the hospital, would it be safe to escort his wife here?”

The housekeeper said, “You are charitable in thought and deed*, and there is no one in all Jincheng who is not aware of that already. Captain Liu himself ordered us to request you. I’m just following our Master’s order by inviting you to come to the house.”

Chen Yu Zhi thought for a while, then went into the hospital, took his medicine box, and got in the car with the housekeeper. UsNRLi




Captain Liu of the City Defense was a well-known figure in the city, and his home decoration was magnificent. Crystal lamps hung from the ceiling of the hall were filling the room with bright light and ostentatious carpets were covering the floor. QlkE1K

Without glancing sideways*, Chen Yu Zhi followed the butler into the back hall. Mrs. Liu was sitting in a chair accompanied by a maid, waiting for him. She was about thirty years old, with a gentle and kind appearance, the same as a person born into the household of a great family, but with a sick complexion, looking weak and dispirited through illness.

Chen Yu Zhi took her pulse carefully and asked about her daily diet. She was well aware that there were symptoms such as spleen and stomach discord, lazy eating, etc., which were really common problems of women from wealthy families. But getting older, she gradually developed new symptoms in the last five years like heart palpitations that she was having when she got up and which got worse during nighttime.

“What’s the disease of our Madam?” the little maid next to her quickly asked.

“It’s not a serious illness. First, I’ll prescribe you a medicine to relieve the dyspnea at night.” FDdQTr

Chen Yu Zhi said, “For the rest, I think it’s better to let a doctor trained in Western Medicine listen to it before making a judgment.”

The maid didn’t understand what he refrained and the evasive answer meant, “Can’t you listen?”

“I didn’t bring my stethoscope.”

Madam Liu understood and said with a smile, “It’s okay. I’m just a patient in your eyes, am I not?” XP8bkM

Chen Yu Zhi smiled and nodded, “Well, I will come tomorrow.”


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Jiang Yue Lou didn’t want to go to Hui Xian Lou, so Song Rong decided on Zhi Mei Lou instead. This was a newly opened Jiangsu* restaurant, which had just settled in Jingcheng. Jiang Yue Lou ordered the signature dishes one after the others, to taste and determine which one was the most delicious.

Someday, he would bring Chen Yu Zhi with him to taste it. Sun Yongren and Song Rong used this opportunity to also enjoy it.

It’s a shame the food didn’t make it to Jiang Yue Lou’s mouth. Sun Yongren dashed in as soon as the chef’s finest “five-willow fish with oily deep-fried tripe” dish was served. He defied Zhan Jun Bai’s salute and whispered in Jiang Yue Lou’s ear, “Boss, we have a huge situation!”

He stretched out his hands under the table with two fingers. Jiang Yue Lou’s eyes flashed before turning his head at Zhan Jun Bai. O4UGT2

The latter smiled knowingly, “Brother Jiang’s official business is important, so Jun Bai would have to enjoy the good food alone.”

“I’m sorry, Brother Zhan, forgive me!” Jiang Yue Lou cupped his hands in salute, turned, and followed his subordinate.

Zhan Jun Bai shook his head, picked up a piece of fish with the chopsticks, and put it in his mouth.




Sun Yongren caught a big fish this time. There was an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Jingcheng, not far from the place where Xiao Zhao was buried last time, in the unregulated zone. This factory was usually unoccupied, almost in ruins. But recently, there was a group of squatters who were coming here during the night and sneakily leaving before dawn.

Sun Yongren ran into one of them by chance when he was wandering around. He sent someone to watch over them for several days to be certain they were after the good ones and to not let them go away once they would have to arrest them. As a result, he ended up catching a big fish today. It’s a pity that at that time he didn’t have enough manpower to stop them. 5qpV 7

“There is a tunnel in the factory. When I discovered it, it had already been bombed inside.”

Sun Yongren pried open a box in the corner as he was explaining. There were packs of opium inside, probably more than 500 kilograms. Some wrapping paper was scattered beside a printing machine, colorful and written in a foreign language.

Jiang Yue Lou took a piece and peeled it off, pinching a little black soil and sniffing it.

“Imported drugs from the south.” He said, “The same as the one handled by Jinmatang.” kmUdvc

As a strategic place in Central China, Jingcheng has always been the “hub” of opium trading between South and North China. Nowadays, there were three main types of opium entering Jingcheng: the crude opium from Sichuan, the Rehe
* crude opium from the northeast, and the one from Yunnan.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The first two kinds of opium were cheap, and rich people didn’t smoke it, even the poor couldn’t smoke it for more than a few days, so they are mainly used to make morphine and red pills. The opium produced in Yunnan was the most common one on the black market.

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Dea atlr xlcv bo bqlew vlv cba fcafg vlgfmais tfgf ogbw Teccjc, gjatfg wbnlcu jgbecv j ijguf mlgmif, qgbmfrrfv lcab bqlew qjraf lc Rjcsjcu, jcv atfc ygbeuta yjmx ab Jtlcj ys rweuuifgr nlj Lbcu Bbcu. Cii atfrf fzmtjcufr kfgf wjvf ys atf rfj, atja’r kts atf qbilmf lcrqfmalbcr kfgf obmerfv bc atf Jerabw vfqjgawfca.

Song Rong didn’t understand, “Since it came by sea, how come those things end up here? Unloading the goods at the dock and then transporting them out of the city? Isn’t that unnecessary?” pv0VFj

Jiang Yue Lou shook his head, “Is the old abandoned dock for water transportation nearby?”

Sun Yongren slapped his head, “It’s nearby! The rain is heavy this year, and the dock can be used again.”

“Ships seem to dock here first before entering the city to unload the drug shipments, then they find a way to transport it into the city. The focus of our inspections has always been the customs, but it seemed we forgot another one.” Jiang Yue Lou grunted coldly.

The two subordinates looked at each other, “The Ministry of City Defense?” Ge4uPZ




Chen Yu Zhi prepared some medicinal decoctions for Mrs. Liu before leaving. When he went out, he happened to meet Master Liu who was coming home after drinking. Q54fUT

“Who is this?” Captain Liu, haggard, looked at Chen Yu Zhi with drunk eyes.

“Master, this is the doctor who treated Madam. You specifically requested for him before leaving.” The housekeeper replied, holding him by the waist

“Oh… I remembered it.” Captain Liu staggered and grabbed Chen Yu Zhi’s wrist, “I…, how is my wife…”

Chen Yu Zhi frowned and was about to struggle to break free when he suddenly smelled something. His expression changed slightly, suddenly holding the other person and helping him to stand still. 2sO9De

“I’ll stay and prepare a decoction to dissipate the effects of alcohol.” He said to the housekeeper, “Allow me also to do some acupuncture and moxibustion for Mr. Liu, it will be able to sober up and sleep peacefully.”




It was already midnight when Jiang Yue Lou reached home. The lights of Chen Yu Zhi’s house had already turned dimed. He didn’t want to disturb him and was still hesitating when he heard footsteps from the inside. Chen Yu Zhi opened the door.

“You’re back?”

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“Are you waiting for me?”

The two said at the same time. fT5baJ

Chen Yu Zhi nodded, invited him to come in and closed the door, turned to him, and handed him a handkerchief. Although there was no lamp around, Jiang Yue Lou’s eyesight was very good. Through the moonlight, he could see a few strands of hair inside.

Jiang Yue Lou smiled, “Where did it come from? Did you plan to become a monk and shave your head to show your sincere convictions …”

He suddenly stopped, leaning to smell the hairs, and when he raised his head, his face became solemn.

Chen Yu Zhi watched his movements. Jiang Yue Lou’s five senses were extremely sensitive, and he has known this smell for a long time. MG2f4o

“Where did you get this?”

“I wasn’t sure at first, but it seems I was right.” Chen Yu Zhi said, “Come inside and let’s talk.”

“…When I was about to leave after having seen Mrs. Liu, Captain Liu came back. He was drunk and there was a faint smell of smoke on his body, which resembled the smell of opium that I smelled in Shengdetang, but I didn’t dare to confirm.”

“And how did you manage to get some strands of his hair?” WSLFda

“I gave him acupuncture and moxibustion to relieve alcohol, and pulled out some of his hairs easily.”

Jiang Yue Lou showed an expression of disapproval, “It was too risky, if this person wasn’t drunk, he would have found out when you pulled out some strands of his hair.”

“Smoke scent usually adheres to clothes and hair, but the moment you wash them, the smell will dissipate.” Chen Yu Zhi responded, “But still I’m not certain, you have to identify them first, and we have to be sure not to accuse wrongly an innocent person”

Jiang Yue Lou shook his head, “We are not. Something happened today.” 3xgX8R

He took out a wrapping paper from his pocket and handed it to Chen Yu Zhi, “Look at this.”

Chen Yu Zhi took the piece of paper, lowered his head, and sniffed it, frowning, “Is that the same?”

“Yes.” Jiang Yue Lou nodded, “Right now, it seems that the Ministry of City Defense colluded with Jinmatang. They avoid the sight of the Customs department by unloading the opium on an abandoned dock outside the city, before taking a land transport to bring it into the city.”

“This wrapping paper is from “Southeast Asia Guangdong Soap Factory”.” j5SqK

Chen Yu Zhi looked at the foreign language on the package, “There should be a record for this at the City defense, right? See which foreign company made this kind of soap?”

“It’s not that easy.” Jiang Yue Lou bit his nails, “Even if this thing gets into the city, it won’t be placed in a random place. It must be hidden secretly… Do you have to go to Liu’s house for a follow-up visit tomorrow?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


“I’ll go with you.” Jiang Yue Lou said, “I have to go to Liu Qing Feng’s house to dig into it myself.” PdU6ul

“What if you are seen?” Chen Yu Zhi frowned, “Liu Qing Feng would recognize you.”

“I made a special call to the city defense office today, he will be on duty tomorrow.”

Jiang Yue Lou shrugged and grinned at Chen Yu Zhi, “Besides, won’t you be there too?”

Chen Yu Zhi didn’t understand what he meant but had a bad feeling about it. aVgAT6




When the housekeeper of Liu’s house came to pick him up early the next morning, he was surprised to find a middle-aged man beside Chen Yu Zhi, wearing a long gown and a top hat, wearing glasses on his yellow face with a small beard. xfvaFp

“Who is this?”

“This is my cousin Chen Qing Zhi.” Yu Zhi replied, “Brother Qing is the best in our field to diagnose and treat palpitations and dizziness, so I asked him to come with me to see Captain Lui’s wife.”

The elder Dr. Chen stood with his hands behind his back and nodded slightly, looking like a famous and reputable doctor. The butler didn’t ask more and invited the two of them to get in the car.

Of course, “this cousin” was Jiang Yue Lou in disguise pretending. Chen Yu Zhi used some face powder to change his complexion and put a mustache and a beard on him. Looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Yue Lou felt quite satisfied —— If it wasn’t for someone familiar, it was really difficult to recognize him. He sat in the backseat with a big horse and golden sword*, with a disdainful gaze, touching his beard from time to time. aeyShl

Looking at his self-satisfied attitude, Chen Yu Zhi felt a little worried, and secretly pushed him with his arm, “Brother Qing, Mrs. Liu’s pulse is okay, just a little weak. She sometimes feels dizzy and mentally tired, she also doesn’t have much appetite, seems like symptoms of a deficiency syndrome.”

As he said that, he looked at Jiang Yue Lou, gesturing to him to remember it, in case he was asked.

Jiang Yue Lou nodded thoughtfully, “The wives and young ladies of wealthy families often have these kinds of symptoms. They are the roots of the disease accumulated over time when people are idle, staying at their husband’s house doing nothing, only waiting for their daily two meals.”

Butler Liu in the front seat glanced back when he heard this. Chen Yu Zhi glared at Jiang Yue Lou, his face saying that he should stop talking and just shut up. gR38VI

Butler Liu, who didn’t give the impression of being offended, asked, “By the way, Dr. Chen, our Master asks after you and wanted to receive acupuncture again today. He said that the needles yesterday were very useful.”

Chen Yu Zhi and Jiang Yue Lou looked at each other.

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“Is Captain Liu at home today?”

“With his hangover from yesterday, he got up late today, it would do you no harm to get along and treat him again.” The butler smiled, “After all, this is a request from our Captain of the City defense.” ed6Iwi

Chen Yu Zhi looked at Jiang Yue Lou, and the latter nodded invisibly: Use discretion*!




Liu Qing Feng woke up with a hangover, had breakfast, and ordered someone to make a bowl of strong tea before feeling better. The housekeeper came to him to tell him that the doctor had just arrived, inviting him to go down to see him. Liu Qing Feng reluctantly dragged his feet downstairs.

“I think it’s fine but, why are they meeting in the side room near the backyard?”

“He said that he had to use some western medicines and wanted to avoid suspicion. Besides, he had to treat you with acupuncture later and it will be more convenient to do it in the side room.”

The butler trotted and opened the door curtain of the side room. Liu Qing Feng didn’t comment and bowed his head before going in. Once inside, he saw the back of Chen Yu Zhi standing in front of a screen, wearing a stethoscope on his ears, and on the other side behind the screen, he saw the maid holding the other part of the stethoscope in her hand and placing it on Mrs. Liu’s chest. ohMlU6

Liu Qing Feng was furious when he saw this, thinking that Chen Yu Zhi was disrespectful to his wife. He strode over and tore off the stethoscope placed on Madam Liu’s chest.

“What are you doing?! No wonder you wanted to use the side room!”

The maid was frightened, “Master…”

Liu Qing Feng kicked the screen and glared at Chen Yu Zhi, “Good, your surname is Chen, you do have some guts!” 52DdjR

Chen Yu Zhi was rather calm, “Captain Liu, you have misunderstood, this is a stethoscope used in Western medicine. It is used to listen to the sound of the heartbeat. You will know by listening to yourself.”

He was so calm, that Liu Qing Feng momentarily didn’t dare to be harsh. He took the stethoscope with suspicion, placed it on his chest randomly, and moved it to listen if there was any sound. Surprise gradually appeared on his disdainful face when he heard the magical rhythmic beating in his ears.

Liu Qing Feng took down the stethoscope, “No wonder everyone is chasing after Western products. It’s amazing. Dr. Chen must have been offended.”

A small storm was immediately resolved. Chen Yu Zhi continued to auscultate Mrs. Liu. Only then did the housekeeper notice that someone was missing. wQ4W 0

“Doctor Chen, where is your cousin?”

This time Chen Yu Zhi simply instructed Master Liu to help move the stethoscope, while casually replying, “He had to empty his bladder, and he will be back in a while.”

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Liu Qing Feng was amused at the moment, playing with the stethoscope, not paying attention to what they were talking about.



Jiang Yue Lou who left to “urinate” was hiding behind the rockery at this time, looking at the layout of the yard. He came to Liu’s house as a visitor before and knew where his warehouse was. Sure enough, there were several guards around the warehouse, with their waists full and bulged, as if they were carrying guns. Jiang Yue Lou’s eyes rolled and he had an idea.

He went to a trunk nearby and silently climbed to the top of the tree before climbing to the roof. He gently lifted the roof tiles and looked down. The dusky warehouse was filled with goods boxes. Half of the boxes were unpacked. He could see that there was a large number of soaps inside wrapped in colorful paper, the same as the one produced by the old factory in the suburbs.

At this time, some people wearing the uniforms of the Ministry of the City Defense came to the warehouse pulling a cart. The visitors whispered something to the guard at the door. The guard opened the door and several people entered the warehouse. GLvWQK

On the roof, Jiang Yue Lou quickly sealed the roof tiles and came down from the tree discreetly.




In the wing room, Chen Yu Zhi was treating Liu Qing Feng with acupuncture and prescribing medicines for Mrs. Liu.

“Please replace yesterday’s prescription with this one, one dose in the morning and one in the evening, and take it for half a month. I will come back to see you again at that time.”

Liu Qing Feng was lying on the bed with his feet facing the doorway, with silver needles on his back and his head. His face was buried on the pillow, unable to lift it.

“Is the time up? If it lasts longer, I’ll suffocate.” KoU2 h

“Mr. Liu, just a few more minutes. I am sure you can bear it.”

Chen Yu Zhi was packing his things slowly, glancing at the door.

“Your cousin has been gone for a while, right?” The butler was wary.

It just so happened that Jiang Yue Lou stepped in at that moment, “Yes, I’m back.” 3QXjyM

Chen Yu Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, and said straight-faced, “Brother Qing, I have already treated Madam, so please don’t trouble yourself. You can go outside and wait for me.”

“I’m sorry, Yu Zhi, I caught a cold last night, and I’m having pain in my stomach…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Liu Qing Feng who thought the voice was somewhat familiar, wanted to raise his head, but with all the needles on his back and his head, could only raise his eyes slightly, and before he could see clearly, Chen Yu Zhi made a step forward blocking the sight.

“Mr. Liu doesn’t move, be careful, the needles could break in your body.” 9agByf

Safeguarded by Chen Yu Zhi’s quick reaction, Jiang Yue Lou safely left the East Wing with the medicine box.

Chen Yu Zhi swiftly began to remove the needle, with his hands flapping in the air like a fly.

Only then did he realize that there was a layer of cold sweat flowing out on his back.




When Chu Ran got up the next morning, she met her roommate Zhong Yiren. This young lady, who was extremely fashionable, classified Chu Ran as a poor student after a glance at her plain and simple clothes.

Last night, Miss Zhong went out to watch a show, before going to a ballroom to dance for the rest of the night. Despite that, she was not sleepy at all and sat down to chat with Chu Ran. O0kPVY

Of course, Chu Ran had no choice but to listen to her respectfully. Zhong Yiren showed off how wonderful Yu Tang Chun’s play was last night, claiming that all the big figures in Jingcheng were there to sing Yu Tang Chun’s praises and so on.

In the end, she set up the basic rules* of their roommate’s agreement with Chu Ran. Paying particular attention to hygiene, having strict work and rest behavior, to not disturb each other tranquility, etc., then yawned and went to her room to sleep. Chu Ran smiled, put on her coat, and headed out to the police station.

When passing by the largest tailor shop in Jingcheng, she remembered that she should buy a few more clothes, but at this time she was busy with this matter and would have to come again later.




At this time, in a wing of the tailor’s shop, Zhan Jun Bai, sitting at a table, was enjoying a cup of tea. Yu Tang Chun was standing there near the table, with a tailor measuring his size, working on a custom-made suit.

“Boss Yu is probably aware but in addition to making exquisite embroidery, this shop also has skilled masters who can make phoenix crowns. I’m keeping at home a box of nice beads and will ask them to reproduce the crown of The Drunken Beauty from the Qing Dynasty Beijing opera* and to give it to you. This crown will suit you perfectly.” GArKlf

“I don’t dare to accept; those costumes are already very expensive.” Yu Tang Chun declined, “One shouldn’t get a reward if it's not deserved*. How embarrassing it is.”

“What’s the matter, it will be a waste not using them.” Zhan Jun Bai added, “Gifting a beautiful woman with a beaded crown, and magnificent clothes are the only thing that matters.”

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Yu Tang Chun lowered his eyes. Director Zhan had always been generous, neither showing off nor causing him to be embarrassed. Apart from occasionally asking him to sing together or to talk about a play, he had made no other requests. He was truly a very rare supporter. There may be some truth in Zining’s words, Zhan Jun Bai and his uncle may not be the same…

His eyes couldn’t help falling on Zhan Jun Bai’s wrist, the emerald watch was shining with a glow. Yu Tang Chun only felt his heart sink and he looked away discreetly. S1pjDC

The shop assistant came in with a bottle and walked to Zhan Jun Bai’s cup to refill it. Yu Tang Chun happened to meet his eyes and was startled by the ominous glint in his eyes…

Without even thinking, he blurted out the words “Watch out!”

Zhan Jun Bai reacted extremely quickly, leaning sideways to avoid the knife. The tailor who was measuring Yu Tang Chun’s size also drew out a dagger rushing towards Zhan Jun Bai. The situation at that moment was critical.

Yu Tang Chun could have avoided it by stepping aside, but he didn’t hesitate to stand in front of Zhan Jun Bai preventing the tailor from committing murder. The dagger penetrated his shoulder, and blood immediately dyed his white gown. nmHUTD

At that time, Zhan Jun Bai had already gotten rid of the shop assistant and taken down his dagger. Qiu Ming rushed in, shot the tailor to death, and then rushed towards the other man.

Without caring about anyone else, Zhan Jun Bai rushed to Yu Tang Chun’s side and caught him at once.

“Boss Yu? Yu Tang Chun?”

Yu Tang Chun was trying hard to stay awake. Qiu Ming leaned over to check his injuries. Zhan Jun Bai picked up the person in his arms and walked out. Z6ajps

“Go, get Doctor Chen, hurry up!”




At the same moment, Chen Yu Zhi had already returned to his hospital with Jiang Yue Lou. The two removed his disguise and took a seat at the table to review what they learned this morning.

“The wrapping paper is the same, and there is absolutely no doubt about the smell in the warehouse.”

Jiang Yue Lou said bitterly, “Liu Qing Feng, the bastard, has been bought by Jinmatang.”

“Do you want to report him?” Chen Yu Zhi was a little worried, “Those things don’t take a lot of space, and it’s easy to transfer them. You have to be one hundred percent sure.” u3PG4Y

Jiang Yue Lou nodded, “If I bring someone to search his house, the opium will be hidden in a blink of an eye.”

“Then what should we do?”

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“We can only send someone to look at Liu, and wait for him to get stolen products for himself from the next shipment to arrest him.”

“Good.” Chen Yu Zhi said, “Although this was risky today, you finally gained something.” ud6X74

“Indeed, and you deserve half the credit, brother Yu Zhi.”

Jiang Yue Lou smiled, and pretended to touch the beard that was no longer there, “You did a great job this time.”

Chen Yu Zhi glanced at him, “How does Brother Qing plan to thank me?”

Jiang Yue Lou thought for a while and said with a smile, “Let’s go to Zhi Mei Lou tonight. Yesterday I ordered a lot of dishes there but I had to leave to investigate the case without taking a bite. And left Zhan Jun Bai there alone on top of it.” itxfIp

“You invite someone to dinner, then abandon the guest and run away, you have no shame.” Chen Yu Zhi smiled helplessly, “Forget it, I still have a lot of things to do today, Let’s just eat a bowl of wonton together at night.”

“Sure! You saved me money!” Jiang Yue Lou was very happy, “I will treat you tonight, and I will eat as much as possible until I’m full.”

His joyfully satisfied enthusiasm amused Chen Yu Zhi and made him smile as he was waving Jiang Yue Lou when he left to go to work.

After sending Jiang Yue Lou away, Chen Yu Zhi started to copy Mrs. Liu’s medical records and received several waves of patients. He was busy until noon when the phone rang on the desk. P2eRym



Chu Ran didn’t miss the opportunity this time, and Jin Dacheng received her in the office.

“This marriage was ordered by my wife. She said that she couldn’t be unworthy of the Jin family, and had to find someone to carry on my ancestral line. It turned out to be you. I was originally worried that I would not be good enough, but so far I am still in good shape and my appearance is not so bad, that’s why I reluctantly accepted* to marry you.” R wFm1

Jin Dacheng looked at Chu Ran up and down, squinted, and nodded.

His tone made Chu Ran a little uncomfortable, but she could only endure it, “You don’t have to be embarrassed, I’m here to cancel it.”


Jin Dacheng was in disbelief “You’re joking right? You are a lucky bastard who got the chance to marry me, and still, you say you don’t want it and refuse to be my concubine ???” wcbF9y

Chu Ran couldn’t bear it anymore, stood up, and said, “How much was the betrothal gift, I will pay you back.”

“I don’t need you to pay it back.”

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Jin Dacheng smiled and approached her, “Just like hot pepper and chili, I kind of like it, let’s simply decide about a good date for this wedding?”

“You!” Chu Ran took a few steps back, starting to feel a little scared. amMVcL

At this moment, the door was slammed open. Jiang Yue Lou was standing outside, his expression indifferent.

“Section Chief Jiang, this is my office. You didn’t even knock on the door and walked right in. Isn’t that appropriate? Jin Dacheng was sulking a little bit.

“When I heard Chief Jin screaming, I thought something was wrong.” Jiang Yue Lou’s gaze swept across Chu Ran, “Never mind, I’m leaving.”

He walked to the door and left. Chu Ran who hadn’t reacted yet. What do you mean? How can you leave just like that and leave me alone!? Oucs0t

The door was suddenly kicked open again. Jiang Yue Lou poked his head and said with a professional tone, “I forgot to tell you that the Director was looking for you, it seems urgent.”

After speaking, he closed the door with a slam and left.

“Hey, you Jiang Yue Lou!”

Jin Dacheng didn’t believe him but didn’t dare to take the risk so he went to the Director’s office to report. A0slnN

When Chu Ran walked outside, Jiang Yue Lou was no longer there.




Yu Tang Chun was still in a coma when Chen Yu Zhi arrived at the Zhang mansion. Because of the excessive blood loss, his face was pale, his eyes closed tightly, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

Chen Yu Zhi made a prompt decision, he would pull out the dagger first and then stop the bleeding. He instructed the servants to prepare some hot water, towels, and other utensils. Watching aside, Zhan Jun Bai’s usual calm appearance faded away, and his expression was anxious.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Chen Yu Zhi took the scissors and carefully cut the clothes near the wound. Without looking back, he handed the scissors behind him. Qiu Ming immediately took it. He carefully checked the vicinity of the wound and looked at Zhan Jun Bai.

“Help me and press him down.” u7aAkd

Qiu Ming rushed and said, “Director, I will do…”

Without paying attention to Qiu Ming, Zhan Jun Bai sat down directly on the bedside, pressing Yu Tang Chun’s shoulders to prevent him from struggling when the knife would be removed. Chen Yu Zhi grabbed the knife with one hand, took a deep breath, pressed a towel near the wound with his other hand, and without any other help abruptly pulled out the knife.

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Hot red blood sprayed out everywhere, splashing Chen Yu Zhi’s face and Zhan Jun Bai’s clothes, neither of them bothered to wipe it. The towel was soon completely red, and liters of blood were flowing out. Chen Yu Zhi pressed his homemade Jinchuang* medicine on the wound, finally able to slow down the blood flow. He took up the surgical sutures and the needle, and carefully sutured the wound that had now stopped bleeding.

After working for more than two hours, Yu Tang Chun’s situation was finally stabilized. Chen Yu Zhi relaxed a little, feeling exhausted. pLjXlG

“Doctor Chen, thank you!” Zhan Jun Bai said gratefully, “You saved Boss Yu’s life.”

“Boss Yu is also my friend, Director Zhan doesn’t need to thank me.”

Chen Yu Zhi rested a little bit before writing the medical prescription and handing it to him, “I didn’t expect someone would try to assassinate you in Jingcheng. What happened?”

Zhan Jun Bai blamed himself, “It was my fault, they came for me. The Financial Secretary introduced several new policies last year, and the implementation process didn’t go smoothly. You know how people make deals under the table, or how they rely on a family member in the government, sometimes, their methods are even heavier.” YJAlCe

Qiu Ming looked upset, “Director, you are being too nice. Those nasty things have nothing to do with you, and still, in the end, those wicked people blame you.”

Zhan Junbai glanced at Qiu Ming, Qiu Ming lowered his gaze and stopped talking.

Chen Yu Zhi sighed, “I didn’t mean to be harsh with you and caused your grievance.”

“It’s nothing. After so many years in the bureaucracy, I’ve long been used to it, but I never want to involve Boss Yu in it. Ugh…” BiLGUt

Zhan Jun Bai, who was annoyed and blaming himself, sighed, “I am not at ease with him being in this situation. Dr. Chen, you have visited Boss Yu several times in the past few days, can you still do the same and visit him here?”

Chen Yu Zhi thought for a while, but he was really worried about Yu Tang Chun’s injury. After taking the medicine just now, he should sleep for more than half a day, but could still wake up at night and may still have a fever.

“Then I will leave first, and will come back at nine o’clock in the evening and stay here to look after him.”

“Thank you.” r7diqM

After seeing Chen Yu Zhi off, Zhan Jun Bai stood in the living room for a long time without moving.

Regarding today’s matter, even if Yu Tang Chun didn’t sacrifice his life to save him, with Zhang Jun Bai’s skills, there would have been no risk for his life. But this doesn’t mean he wasn’t moved.

“Director, I took care of it.”

Qiu Ming came in from the outside, leaned into his ear, and said, “I have found out about his identity, he is…” idXZ1g

Zhan Jun Bai raised his hand slightly, indicating that he didn’t need to say anymore. Yu Tang Chun’s blood was still stained on his sleeves, making him a little frightened.

“Go, find someone smart to wait upon Boss Yu’s room, and he will have to report back immediately when he wakes up.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com





Chen Yu Zhi rushed back to the hospital. He wanted to have lunch but was very busy today. Several more patients came to the hospital. When he was finally free, he was really hungry. There were still some pastries in the cabinet. He was about to grab them when unexpectedly, a group of policemen broke in and pointed their guns at him.

“Don’t move!” wlcd2z

Jin Dacheng swaggered in.

“Are you Chen Yu Zhi?”

Although extremely unexpected, Chen Yu Zhi tried his best to stay calm.

“Yes. Sir, you brought so many people inside and pointed guns at me. I wonder what crime I committed?” w257oG

“Which crime?” Jin Dacheng snorted, “Someone reported that you had a private possession of opium and colluded with Jinmatang.”

“What?” Chen Yu Zhi was shocked, “There is no such a thing!”

“If there is any, we will know after searching.”

Jin Dacheng waved his hand, “Search!” m3JOvr

Under his order, many police officers started to move one after another. Some went to look through the medicine cabinet, some pulled the drawers, and some others rushed upstairs. The remaining two policemen were still pointing their guns at Chen Yu Zhi. Their reckless behavior caused Chen Yu Zhi to frown.

He held back his anger and said, “Sir, can I see your search warrant?”

Jin Dacheng laughed, “In Jingcheng, my face is the search warrant.”

Chen Yu Zhi still attempted to persuade him, “You! This is against the rules! Even if you are a policeman, you should act per the laws…” 3tu02R

Jin Dacheng felt annoyed, “You are the one who sells opium in your medical clinic, and you are giving me a speech about law and rules? Grab him!”

The two policemen stepped forward, grabbed Chen Yu Zhi rudely, and pressed him on the table. Chen Yu Zhi’s medical kit fell to the ground, smashed open, all his things rolled out, and the precious anti-inflammatory drugs were scattered all over the floor.

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“My medical kit!”

Jin Dacheng squinted his eyes and leaned over, “This box seems precious to you, my hands are free right now, let me see if there is opium hidden inside…” LYpcto

As Jin Dacheng said that, he deliberately kicked the tools with his feet, and even stepped on the pills to crush them, destroying everything in a hideous mess*.

Chen Yu Zhi couldn’t bear it anymore no matter how good his self-cultivation was, and while struggling, he shouted, “You are a robber! The police can’t just wrong people without justification…”

A policeman hurried down from the upper floor holding a box, “Section Chief, I found the opium!”

“What?!” Chen Yu Zhi was agitated. How could they find opium in his hospital! LcFaXz

Jin Dacheng sneered and placed the small box heavily on the table in front of Chen Yu Zhi’s face.

“Can you see this? This is what people call opium. Take him away—”

The police grabbed Chen Yu Zhi and went out. Chen Yu Zhi knew that something was wrong, and someone must have planned it to frame him.

“Wait a minute! I was framed, I… Um…” L160bu

Before he finished speaking, Jin Dacheng grabbed his cheek and stuffed a cloth ball in his mouth.

Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time*, I still remember the last time I was scammed by you.”

Jin Dacheng said, “This time I have to see your face clearly, to avoid that someone replaces the original with a fake*”. Tie up this guy for me and take him away!”

Although Chen Yu Zhi was struggling desperately, he couldn’t do anything against these ruthless* police officers, so he was dragged out of the hospital and crammed into the police car. 5r2AXe

Translator’s note: This is it…. The end of Book 1… I can’t believe we did it! With my wonderful Editor we started this crazy amazing journey together almost exactly a month ago (on April 8, 2021, I just checked…xD). Who would have thought we would go that far…?

I can’t even describe my feelings. I think I’m just happy.

Happy to come across this wonderful “Killer and Healer” drama.

Happy to start reading the novel to stay in Jingcheng a little longer. BJ29Fm

Happy to witness those wonderful and tender moments between our “match-made in heaven” couple Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi.

Happy that someone on his earth decided to write such a beautiful character like Chen Yu Zhi (my favorite character forever and ever).

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Happy to start this crazy translation adventure. It wasn’t easy, idiom SUCKS but overall it was really challenging and exciting.

NOT HAPPY, that Book 1 ends with such a cliffhanger… Why author, why does he have to suffer THAT MUCH, WHY?! lRNPO0

But more than anything I’m happy to share this novel with you! I cannot describe how much I was touched by all your support and your kind words during this journey. I think I said it already before, but sharing those small moments with you really, truly made my days brighter! To all of you Thank you, Thank you so much for everything.

For my editor: Euh… I think we did it, we really did it!!! And this is all thanks to you. I still can’t believe you made me do it xD!!!! I would have never been able to do it without you! Thank you for all your support, to all our fangirling moments together, thank you for all of this!

I’m just happy that this novel exists because it gives me the chance to meet you!


Oh gosh this is a very long message, sorry guys.

I hope you enjoy spending some time with us reading this novel! Thank you so much again for being here and See you soon with Book 2!


Editor’s note: It is still hard for me to believe that in such a short time we have wrapped up translating book 1!! It feels like yesterday both me and the translator started to talk on MDL and one thing led to another and we started this crazy exciting journey to bring this novel to you guys. Q9AR1W

I remember I waited for Killer and Healer Novel for more than a year because I am a sucker for Chinese Republican Era even though they always end up with BE but never ever I expected to fall this much in love with this series. It took me by surprise. Especially how much immersed and in love I am with the novel at this point. I am so glad I got to meet such a wonderful and strong-willed couple: Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi. They come into my life when I need them the most. They made my days more exciting and happy and gave me a feeling of serenity. Thank you, Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi for making my days better and more bearable. Thank you, Jiang Yue Lou and Chen Yu Zhi for showing us how a healthy relationship should be like and that it doesn’t make one’s relationship boring. Thank you to the author (even though I have a love/hate relationship with them) for introducing us to this beautiful story and characters.

Thank you to the Killer and Healer series through which I meet our kind-hearted soul: The Translator. I am glad to meet you and be able to share so many things with each other. I have met my fair share of people on the net but none are kind and selfless and understanding like her. Girl we did! We both were very scared when we started this journey because we were and are still noob and worried if we are doing justice to the novel as neither Chinese nor English is our mother language and I am glad we didn’t do injustice to the story. Our translator despite being very busy spent so many hours translating the novel with as much perfectionately as possible. Everyone, please say Thank You to her!

And you guys, all of you are the BEST Humans ever! Always understanding, showering us with your appreciations which honestly motivated us a lot you guys have no idea, always supporting and helping us to improve. Thank you. Thank you so much! Lots of love and hugs to you all. You guys are the best readers.

See you all in Book 2! XOXO e1u7r5

Translator's Note

Looking around secretly, snooping

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning there is no king; not to take the country’s laws into consideration; refers to people’s unrestrained behavior.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom from Mencius meaning benevolent heart and skillful execution; charitable in thought and deed.TN: Mencius (372–289 BC or 385–303 or 302 BC) was a Chinese Confucian philosopher who has often been described as the “Second Sage”, that is, after only Confucius himself. A key belief of his was that humans are innately good, but that this quality requires cultivation and the right environment to flourish. He also taught that rulers must justify their position of power by acting benevolently towards their subjects, and in this sense, they are subordinate to the masses (Source Wikipedia). Sounds a lot like our beloved Chen Yu Zhi’s demeanor and life philosophy…

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning to gaze fixedly; to be fully concentrated; to preserve a correct attitude.

Translator's Note

also known as Su cuisine, is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of Chinese cuisine. It is derived from the native cooking styles of Jiangsu Province. In general, Jiangsu cuisine’s texture is characterized as soft. For example, the meat tastes quite soft but would not separate from the bone when picked up. As the style of Jiangsu cuisine is typically practiced near the sea, fish is a very common ingredient in cooking. Other characteristics include the strict selection of ingredients according to the seasons, with emphasis on the matching color and shape of each dish and using soup to improve flavor (Source Wikipedia).

Translator's Note

Qing dynasty province abolished in 1955 and divided among Hebei, Liaoning, and Inner Mongolia.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning with boldness and grandeur;straightforward and sharp speaking; without mercy.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning see the opportunity and act (idiom); to act according to circumstances, to play it by ear, to use one’s discretion.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules.

Translator's Note

*The Drunken Beauty from the Qing Dynasty Beijing opera: The story happened in Tang Dynasty around 745-755 AD. One of the masterpieces by Mei Lan-Fang. It is almost a one-person show. Mei had made this play famous by his vivid performance reflecting the concubine’s disappointment after the emperor didn’t show up for their meeting, her drunken charming, and the intentional show-off of her beauty (Source Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) was a notable Peking opera and was known as “Queen of Peking Opera”. Mei was exclusively known for his female lead roles (dan) and was considered one of the “Four Great Dan”, along with Shang Xiaoyun, Cheng Yanqiu, and Xun Huisheng. (Source Wikipedia).

Translator's Note

When you not deserve when you receive something

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom meaning everything in disorder; in a hideous mess; at sixes and sevens.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom which can also be translated as one only learns from one’s mistakes.

Translator's Note

Chinese idiom literally meaning steal a rafter and replace it with a column; to replace the original with a fake; to perpetrate a fraud.

Translator's Note

literally like wolves and tigers

Leave a Comment


  1. Wow. What a cliffhanger. I wonder how Dr Chan can defend himself with the “evidence”

    Thank you so much for the translation. This is the first time I’m actually reading Chinese era not a wuxia novel.

    Hope to read the book 2 soon.

    You got me hooked

    • Thank you so much for you kind words and happy that you like it! We just started posting Book 2 today and we will post 2 chapters every week!

      Agree with you it will be hard for our Dr Chen to defend himself with such evidence against him! Hope someone will come and help him !!! 😀

  2. I’m very happy you decided to translate this novel! The story catch me after the very first episode. Can’t wait for Book 2 =)

  3. Can’t believe book 1 is over. Thank you for the translation!!!

    The ending was really intense and the way they end it like that is like torturing all of us.

    • Yes the cliffangher was terrible!!! How can they treat CYZ so badly!? Did he not suffered enough already in the previous chapters !!!! And chapter 20 is about to come!!!😱 Why the author loves seeing him suffered so much?😅

  4. We should be the one to thank you for deciding to translate this wonderful novel and bring it to us. You are doing a wonderful job with the translation. Really, congratulations, I know translating required a lot of time and great effort, as much as editing, so I’m really grateful that you are keeping up the hard work and that you are translating the novel.

    I can’t wait to go on reading!

    Thank you again for your hard work 😊

  5. Thank you so much for translating this work, I was crazy looking for it and I was very happy to find your translation, besides, you are doing a great job, it is very easy to understand the writing, congratulations. See you in the second book. Kisses from Brazil 🥰🇧🇷

    • Thank you so much for you kind words!!! Happy that you like it! The drama was awesome and Book 1 was also great with so many new stories!!!!

      Hope you will also like Book 2 😀