I Love FarmingCh36.2 - A Cat’s New Utility (Part Two)


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Translator's Note

Tea sets which had woven covers put on: basically he’s just describing how he put clothes on his slaves like how he puts on ‘covers’ on his tea cups and tea holders

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  1. I think covers were used to keep the tea warm/steep it in the teapot, but nowadays many people have a thermos at home. Besides, in our family, hot milk tea goes straight from the pan into the mug!💖

    Thanks for the chapter!💕

  2. Lily: Do you think the Lord will want me to serve him…?

    The black cat: Hiss.

    “??” Lily doubted her ears. Did she hear the black cat making a mocking sound at her?

    what I heard was:

    Xiao Bai: no way you’ll get in Cui Qichao’s bed before I do. No one’s getting on the bed with Qichao other than me!

    Thank you for translating (人´∀`)。゚+

  3. It’s called a ‘tea cozy’, and is used to help keep the tea hot for longer. At least, that’s the case for tea pots, but the only reason I know of to put anything on a tea cup is to keep it clean while storing it.