I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Ch39 - Acting Cute


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  1. Ano is much more suited for the fun uncle role then the father role. The guy just threw the kid to the lions without a second thought, lol.

    At least Norton has the sense to check if his kid likes lions. I don’t think he completely comprehends why his kid might not like suprise lions but … baby steps.

  2. “It’s trying to act cute so you’ll give it the apple”—

    I’m crying and laughing like a madman here 😭

    Thx for the chappie~

  3. Irl, if a lion licks you, it’ll hurt and you’ll have a cheek full of scratches because they have tounge with spines/barbs that can lick your skin off, they used it for grooming and to scrape meat off from the bone.