I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Chapter 156


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  1. I guess the memories of the day his supposed ‘mother’ died is also slowly coming back to him. What a poor child, at least now he had a family that will cherished him for the rest of his life.

    Anyways thanks for the double update (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆

  2. Thanks for the chapter! I was afraid of when he was going to remember that… & every painful thing in his past, like his dad trying to kill him. There is also the previous life of his. It will make things so confusing…