Holding Onto My ManChapter 32


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  1. It’s been a very long time since I started reading this novel and I’m glad and I’m glad someone picked it up

    Thanks a lot!! 🙂

  2. You just need to remember that Fu Junli can’t fall in love with Du Yunxi, otherwise Gu Bai will die…”

    I think it’s “if FJL does not fall in love with DYX, Gu Bai will die”? 🤔

  3. Thank you so much for not droping this novel!!

  4. thank you for continuing this! another translation group had picked it up and although i am grateful, the translation quality is terrible and incomprehensible

  5. Thank you for the chapter! It was this story that led me to Chrysanthemum Garden and I’m so glad I’m here!

  6. 若傅君黎不能爱上杜云溪,那么顾白便得死

    ^^^ Shouldn’t this line be:

    “If Fu Junli cannot fall in love with Du Yunxi, then Gu Bai will die.”

    Thanks for translating!

    • Yep, already fixed it! Sorry, must have been cross-eyed there 😢 And thanks for pointing it out!

  7. Another translating group has also pick up the novel and have been updating it daily.

      • Yeah, I can totally understand not being able to update daily. I just wanted to inform you guys about the other group. Thanks for your hard work of translating!!

        • Ooohh. Yeah, if that group is the same group I’m thinking of, then we know ^^ That’s why we started releasing chapters for HOMM again, actually. Thanks for the heads up anyway<3

      • I feel like I missed/skipped something. How does ml know that mc name is gu bai? I feel like I missed a convo or smth.

  8. Thanks for continuing to translate this! I thought it was dropped here because the other group was translating the next chapters ww;;

    • Ohh, this was never dropped by us. It was a teaser, so that’s why the chapters were so few and far in between. But now that we’ve taken HOMM as a side project, releases will be often!

  9. I was slowly increasing my comprehension of the MTL version, but I don’t really think they were getting better, I think I was just learning how to speak MTL…


  10. Omg thanks for being active on this novel! I love it so so much so I was very sad to see that it isn’t being updated much. I’m very happy now (●´ω`●)

  11. Ok so messed up and commented accidentally but it was supposed to be like this . I feel like I missed/skipped something. How does ml know that mc name is gu bai? I feel like I missed a convo or smth.

  12. I like how this QT the MC actually is able to kind of speak about his missions.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  13. I love how the author made ML’s situation ‘eyes are the window of the soul’ kind of thing, evert time he sees MC’s he can’t stop from falling same from the last world, this novel has so much detail and I love it that way. And I love the interaction between them💞👏🏻

  14. Can i ask how can our mc tell who the male lead is and how they there real names i think i miss some chapters

  15. Im confused… can someone please tell me if I missed a chapter or a convo because I don’t seem to have read the part when Ml knew GB’s name as GB and not the og host’s name. And how come the host knew immediately who ml was when the last two worlds, he was very hesitant. Where did I miss?