Holding Onto My ManChapter 31


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

A collection of poetry dating back to 11th-7th BC, one of the five Confucian classics; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_of_Poetry

Translator's Note

for the original host

Translator's Note

also slang for homosexuals

Translator's Note

of his plagiarism

Translator's Note


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  1. Thank you for the update!! It has been one month since the last update. Finally, there is an update to this chapter!!!

  2. I didn’t know you are continuing the translation. Thank you so much for picking this up!

    Rush deep breath, be patient, he will g3t what he deserves soon.


  3. Woohoo!! Thank you for picking this up! The cobwebs on it’s title in my reading list were really hard to bear. 😖😖😖

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🥳🥳🥳

  4. I love this story so much I feel like getting this chapter after the little break is me re-realizing my addiction before I could become spiritually sober. I love it I don’t need sobriety let me drown in the sauce I’m ready🤣👌

    Thank Youu for the chapter!😍😚💕🙏

  5. Fu Junli always stops breathing … does he want to die earlier? 😂

    It’s some lovey dovey time with ML in the next chapter ~

    Thank you so much for the update! It felt quite a while .. ❤❤❤

  6. thx for the update ~♥~

    Thx for picking this up ~♥~

    Finally I can see GB back in action!! Thx for the hard work translator Sama n editor Sama (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡

  7. Rush is the editor we didn’t know we always needed 😆

    Rush’s comments are more golden than Ji Changyin’s token lmao

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  8. Thanks for uploading, just binge read the whole novel! Asking the translator for another chapter~ Just kidding dear translator please take care of yourself, thank you so so much for the chapter!

  9. Ah, en esta vida… amarás a la persona que tanto lastimaste en una vida pasada por ser un psicopata de porqueria, hablando de ello en esa otra línea de tiempo ¿se quedó con el loto blanco?

    Mientras tanto, al fin MC y ML se reencuentran una vez más, esperaré la esponjosidad.

  10. Editor Rush is very fierce, indeed, killing the villain BOSS long before this arc even finishes, hahaha

  11. Ah, there will be so much suffering…


  12. Camping camping camping.

    Side note: Thank u Thank u so much for picking this up. I’ll be camping here now! Ciao!

    • Camping, camping, are you still camping? It’s been a whole month!

  13. GB more often that not seems to act as the pure type?

    The relation/connection beetween ML and GB is cute!

    I wonder why was it only the first world that the ML questioned that the MC isn’t actually the Original Body, does he remember?

    I require more~ gimme updates!

    • because in the first world, ML was his adoptive brother and more or less grew up with him, therefore he was aware of the OCCness of MC. In Arc 2 ML just met the original once and didn’t even remember that encounter. And in this world, ML and the original never met. So the only possibility of him becoming aware of the serious change between the original and MC was in the first world.

  14. Someone translate two chapters continuation from this. It’s updated on novel updates. The translation makes me cry, it’s gibberish. Please return and do something dan dan sama :(((

  15. Such good novel, when its will update again? Its been 2 month since last update

    Hope not to be dropped.

  16. Rush!! I love you 😀 (because I completely agree with your opinion)

    Thank you for translating and editing, the both of you are awesome!

  17. maybe it doesn’t come out correctly, because I’m using Google translator. But can anyone tell me when ML first appeared? Because I think I missed something.

    Aaaaaaaaaa I am very confused!!!!

  18. “Afterwards, every time it was his turn, Gu Bai carefreely plagiarized the verses he had heard in the last two worlds, as well as the world he was living in before, with a thick face.”

