Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh90 - When Moonlight Burns (Not Sexy NSFW)


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  1. Thank you for giving Huang Luchuan a second chance. I imagine Wei Qiwan having a panic attack while acknowledging the trust and love Wei Qing has for him

    Thank you for chapter

  2. Holy crap! Wei Qing died because he let himself in to surprise his boyfriend with a romantic night 🥺. Huang Luchuan’s setup makes the payback even more satisfying ! I love how neither Wei Qing or Yue Fei are disturbed by the death but only by the familiarity of the scene. Haha, good thing the hidden cameras weren’t on after all 😅

  3. I finally caught up and luckily I did it here and not withy he horrible cliffhanger in one of the previous chapters lmao

    I must say, I was 80% sure that Huang Luchuan would die and I’m somewhat glad that you changed your draft, I can see what you mean with it-

    I hope Tatu can help him heal, even if it’s just a little bit, but most importantly: poor Gege, suddenly asked to make a body disappear AND to trick the family he wants nothing to do with. I somewhat have a feeling JieJie would be better at it, but considering that Qiqi already planned to murder someone in the first live, it is entirely possible that he has a side we don’t know? 👀

    Anyways! Thanks for the chapter 🤗