Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh60 - When You Flee Further Involvement


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    • Thanks to you too!

      And yeah, I think that its easier to see monsters if you see the path they took to become that, you know? So it’s not about excusing his bad actions as much as pointing out the ways maladaptive things can be overcome (or not). All the main characters in this story had a decision point where they had to choose how to react to something bad, and I think how they reacted and how they turned out is interesting.

  1. Thank you for the chapter 🤗

    I’m feeling somewhat sorry for Gao Zhong (my phone just autocorrected to “Gay Zhong” 🤦🏻‍♀️), he’s just like a little child that has never been taught what’s good and what’s wrong and is now confused why the world is disdaining his actions. By now the only thing he could do to actually redeem himself would be admitting to everything and asking for forgiveness before he hurts Wei Qing even more.

    I think there would’ve been a third option, that was cleanly breaking things up with Wei Qing and staying on good terms and then asking for his help in as a matchmaker once he returned.

    • Yeah. I feel bad for him because I think what he did (not the tape, but the being willing to so coldly manipulate someone he ‘loved’) is very much rooted in his family’s teachings, especially those of his mom, who I think weaponized a lot of guilt into making him do whatever she said. Which reaches a pretty sad conclusion by the end of this.

      On the other hand, we see flashes of him recognizing that he’s messed things up, yet the crucial difference is that even when he got distance (a whole ass continent) he didn’t do the work to get better. I think if he’d been in therapy or found someone to reach out to, even if that initial violation was already done, it would have been a million times better. Instead, he keeps deluding himself into thinking that he has no agency, and it becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy that makes him more and more miserable.

  2. A carnivorous plant is absolutely a perfect gift for Long Shouning, for any occasion really, maybe the best engagement gift ever!

    It is too bad Gao Zhong didn’t snag himself a poncey European first husband.

    • My dream for Long Shouning is to have one of those old-school conservatories filled with strange and cool tropical plants. Eventually filled with plastic dinosaur toys for a certain someone to trip over as he is pulled into hide and seek by his wife and children.

      Honestly, Gao Zhong should have taken the escape when it was offered. And yet, if he was rational enough to do that, he would probably have been rational enough to not abuse Wei Qing’s trust and make a mess out of everything.

  3. Yeah I’m tangled about Gao Zhong too. Like I still want to bash his head in the nearest wall and he said things like “untained” but yeah. His upbringing sucks.

    Thank you for the chapter 🧁

    • I think a lot of his disgust for others is rooted in disgust for himself. The way he talks about Wei Qing is based on his own inability to ‘pick well,’ his dislike of Yue Fei seems based on his own betrayal by ‘the help’ and his willingness to do illegal and immoral things seems to come from the acceptance of his mother’s belief that his sexuality is itself immoral.

      Which is pretty damn sad. Not that it gives him the right to hurt others, but yeesh.

  4. Gao zhongs need to please or support his mom elicits zero sympathy from me. Hes basically saying he only wants wq bc its convenient n doesnt care about how wq feels. Condescending attitude in regards to yf too.

    • That’s totally valid. Yeah, condescension is like, his main tonality, and it’s super offputting. He’s got to pay for what he did in this life, but I won’t lie, I hope when he reincarnates, he’s lucky enough to break his karma and get a less destructive family the next time around. Because I do think that he was ‘trained’ rotten instead of born that way.

      • Yea the while nature vs nurture thing is pretty interesting in both reality and fiction. I wonder if I’d be more serious or self conscious if I was raised differently. Bc as it is I’m silly so much it even confuses me and I give 0 fcks about how ppl perceive me. My mom is much the same. So yea. Interesting indeed.

  5. Honestly after reading so many books and being a writer myself, I enjoy villain characters that are written with back stories like this. It’s easy to hate someone when they’ve been absolutely vile from the get go, but when you add depth to them and complications, when you make it grey instead of completely black or white, it really makes you relate with the person you want to not like. Call me a weird for that, however I enjoy the realism of it