Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh60 - My Gege is the best in the world!


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Translator's Note

big player to take you around to do quests

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  1. FINALLY!!!! Server integration/merging is here!!!! The god Huanhuan has his time to show off to god Xiang!!! (Like what I read in The Antelope and the Night Wolf)

    Awww… I knew Qiufeng would do everything to ‘seduce’ Xiao Tianjing the times Xiang gege isn’t around 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 people, just take this as Qiufeng ‘abducting’ an ‘innocent, naive and stupid’ little girl Xiao Tianjing 😂😂😂😂😂😂 maybe Xiang would finally issue a challenge to PK Qiufeng to show Qiufeng he, Yearning For, ‘marked’ Xiao Tianjing? 😂😂😂😂😂 then the two of them will show everyone true love exists even in online and feed them all dog food? 😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Didn’t Qiufeng say they were going to the arena? Why are they in a room? Suspicious!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. thanks for the chapter….it’s tym for XHZ to eat vinegar….the wait to see the reaction of XHZ is going to be cruel

  4. I love the sunglasses in the picture. Very retro chic! 😝

    XHZ, you are too good a gege. Your little fox will train with less excellent geges to be worthy of you.

  5. Is this the time that we are waiting for?! I want to see XHZ getting jealous hehe.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. XHZ: Now, there’s 3 boats …

    is the next chapter gonna show the true strength of vinegar Xiang? 🤩 i hope so!

    i hope it’s Huanhuan’s original server so he get his old god account back!

    Thank you for this chapter! Eagerly waiting for what happens next!