Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh107 - I’m greedy for your body and I’m not that good of a person


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Translator's Note

XHZ used he

Translator's Note

Fairy scam = Badger game
Extortion tactic

Translator's Note


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  1. a hahahahaha hahah LMAOOOOOO huanhuan im SO sorry king (btw does anyone know what chapter everyone finds out about him and the voice changer lol)

      • I’m waiting for XIANG gong to get his revenge. There’s a lot of promises huan huan made. And lots of teasing. I’m sure XHZ is also very pent up. Pls go to an onsen so you can bite those white milky thighs of your bf

    • Imagine if in a guild instance, the used mics and Huanhuan ends up talking like the usual Tianjing… BUT, he forgot to turn on the voice changer because he’s been having (real) voice chat with his husband the past few days

      Or, its the one girl friend (the tampon, remember that? 🤣) who finds out first… 🤭

    • dont know the exact chapter but it is almost there since the live streaming was mentioned

  2. They reached the 3rd base yay!! 🤭

    And poor LWH just date irl 😁

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. Oh no, Xiang Huazhi is definitely far from pitiful 🤭

    He scored the best (drop dead cutest) catfisher of them all 👌

    Hao’er 😂 you keep digging pits for yourself. I still remember the handstand (or was it a headstand?) bet. Birds of a feather, indeed.

    I have a feeling that once Huanhuan and Huaizhi comes out as a couple to JH’s friends, Gao Zixiang would give them a congratulatory box of condoms. 😆

    Thank you for translating 💕

  4. Umm translator, you misspelled huan huan name… ” If he didn’t move, then Jung Huan couldn’t get up without using brute force. “

  5. I cant help but giggle on this chapter. Though the “touching” scene was omitted i cant help but grin. I love how comfortable they are with each other.

    Poor Wenhao, while he is suffering Huanhuan and Huazi are having a good time.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. 🤣🤣🤣 I’m rolling on the floor at the last half and can’t breath at the first half ☺️ covers eyes

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  7. Poor Lu Wenhao… But it was paradise for Xiang Huaizhi, so stop talking about Xiao Tianjing.

    Ohh, they helped each other, huh? So thirty.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Poor Lu Wenaho… not only will you be doing a handstand, you’d probs be eating lots of dogfood in time…

    Omg even omitted Xiang Gege and Huanhuan did something~ fufufu~ will they be coming out of the closet or at least introducing one another to their family within the story??? fighting

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  9. Ahahahahhahah dog foood dog food everywhere /happily eating it

    They’re so cute ahaha Gege leaned his forehead on Huanhuan’s drowsily 💕💕💕

    Huanhuan is comforting(?) his friend and suddenly got attacked by said friend lmaooooo

    Yearning for is REALLY happy rn shush Haohao

    Thank you for the chapter🥰

  10. Snrrrk yes LWH you got Xiao Tianjing’s gender correct but pretty sure Yearning For is super happy about that catfisher 🥰🥰🥰

    aaaa really hope that huanhuan and xiang gege’s friends will find out about their relationship uwu …. can’t wait to see their reaction

    Thanks for the chapter!!!!

  11. hahahah poor Lu Wenhao, he should be thankful if Xiangzhi doesn’t manage to read that last bit of insults towards his online wife, he’ll definitely end up like Quifeng 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Hahaha Hao’er, just resign. Even if everyone got catfished, they won’t be as bad as you. Your luck with relationship is just as bad as HuanHuan’s luck with almost everything. HuanHuan got lucky this time since he caught a manekineko lol 😂😂

  13. I feel bad for laughing at Lu Wenhao’s situation. He’s so honest, hope he’d found his real love in the next chapters ah. Kinda shipping him with Lu Han 😌

  14. Well… You’re not COMPLETELY wrong… It’s just… I can’t wait for him to know. 😂😂😂😂

  15. Yeheey a three day couple vacation!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congrats to Hao’er having a second scare from online dating, save yourself and don’t date anymore dear! Hao’er got fed up from being catfished and chose to be a psychic LMAO 🏃💀😔

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖