Yours, EternityCh39 - lll



Suppression by an alpha using their pheromones hasn’t been used in years. Back then, there was nothing banning alphas from suppressing another alpha with their pheromones until a commoner, with stronger pheromones, used it against a king, trying to kill them. But unfortunately, it failed for them as the guards handed the defiant alpha. 


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The result caused kings from other territories to join together and ban the practice of suppressing someone because only the royals and nobles should hold that power without relying on their pheromones. 


But, now, Prince Cyn used his pheromones to threaten his brother. 


There has always been a reason why he covered his pheromones—they were strong. 



Prince Wyot slipped to the ground, standing on one knee as his body trembled. He glared at Prince Cyn through gritted teeth. Prince Cyn barely spared him a glance as he continued enjoying his tea, unbothered by his brother’s struggle. 


His threat lay clear. 


And Prince Wyot was not the only one struggling as Min gritted his teeth, trying to control his reactions. He was different from the prince due to him being an omega. Prince Cyn’s release of pheromones made his knees weak while his whole body began to heat up. If Prince Cyn did not stop, he would trigger Min into an early heat. 


He clenched his fist while breathing hard through his nostrils. I am stronger than this. Min thought as he closed his eyes, fighting against his body’s reaction. 


“Cyn, how dare—” 


“No, brother, how dare you tell me what I should do? Isn’t the point of being royalty is to scheme? Because everyone is doing it, no? So, do not call me out here to correct me like you are the king. The last time I checked, there is no successor just yet.” Prince Cyn interrupted as he set his cup down, standing up from his seat. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Lf wbnfv abkjgvr tlr ygbatfg, ralii cba ifaalcu eq klat tlr qtfgbwbcfr jr tf mgbemtfv lc ogbca bo Uglcmf Qsba. Uglcmf Jsc gfjmtfv ab abemt tlw, bcis obg tlr ygbatfg ab rijq tlr tjcv jkjs. Ktf jmalbc mjerfv Uglcmf Qsba’r ybvs ab ulnf eq jcs gfrlrajcmf jr tf ofii fcalgfis ab atf ugbecv. 


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Prince Cyn laughed as he saw disdain and disgust in Prince Wyot’s eyes. Even as his body struggled under Prince Cyn’s pheromones, his eyes were as clear as ever. “Thank you for the tea, brother; it was lovely.” Prince Cyn stood up, moving away from his brother as he walked over to Min. 


“Let’s go.” He told Min before leaving behind his glaring brother. 


Min followed behind him, holding himself back from wanting to grab Prince Cyn and push them close together. The closer they stood, the harder it took to control his body’s reaction. 


But, once they were further away from Prince Wyot, Prince Cyn’s pheromones disappeared, making it easier for Min to breathe. 


Since there was no one around, Min grabbed Prince Cyn, spinning him around as he harshly grabbed his chin. “If you ever let your pheromones like that out again, I will stab you.” 


Prince Cyn widely smirks, his eyes almost glistering, “Why?” He knew why but Prince Cyn could never help himself from edging Min on; it always led to a fun time. 


Min fiercely glared at him before letting his chin go. Prince Cyn’s chin was starting to turn red from the abuse. “You know why,” Min spoke before walking away, leaving Prince Cyn behind. 


Prince Cyn laughed before following after Min, “Don’t think about returning to the room; we have something to do today.” He called after Min, who did not let up in his speed. 


River, Nabu, and Kiyt entered the village leading to the House of Night’s manor. Kiyt excitedly looked around through the window in their carriage as he tried to take in everything. 


Throughout the trip, Kiyt stayed glued to the window since it was his first time seeing anything besides the house and forest he had been in his whole life. The excitement, wonder, and amazement barely left his eyes; it was even hard to convince Kiyt to sleep since he wanted to see everything. 


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

River silently chuckled at his son’s attics, rubbing his back. “Kiyt, you have been glued to the window for a long time; it is time to take a break.” 


Kiyt quickly shook his head, “No, papa, I want to see.” 


Sighing, River glanced at Nabu to do something. Being an assassin never taught him how to deal with a son who wouldn’t listen, granted that it was the first time that Kiyt did not want to listen to him, and technically, assassins aren’t allowed to have kids. 


Nabu looked back with a raised eyebrow as River tilted his head, pointing towards their son. Sighing, Nabu decided he would play the bad guy as he grabbed Kiyt, pulling him into his lap. 


Kiyt struggled, wanting to go back to the window. “No, daddy. I want to look, please.” He begged. 


“No, Kiyt. You should rest. You barely slept through this whole trip. Your papa and I promise to take you out later to explore.” Nabu tried reasoning. 


Hearing those words, Kiyt stopped struggling and looked back at Nabu before glancing at River with glistering eyes, “Really?” 


River nodded, “Yes.” He did not feel like exploring, even though he would have to in order to jot everything down. But, if Kiyt wanted to, he wouldn’t mind exploring after they settle in. 


“Yay!” Kiyt cheered before a yawn overtook him. He rested back on Nabu, quickly falling asleep as he allowed his exhaustion to overtake him. 

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River moved over, sitting next to Nabu as he ran his hand through Kiyt’s hair, “I thought he was never going to fall asleep. It was starting to worry me.” He shared the thoughts running through his mind. 


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“He is excited about being out. Everything is a first for him.” Nabu commented as he softly looked at his sleeping son in his arms. 


“I know.” River rested his head on Nabu’s shoulder as his fingers still moved through Kiyt’s hair. Nabu turned his head, kissing River’s forehead, before glancing out the window, seeing that they were nearing the house, or more specifically, manor. 


“Are you ready for this?” 


“Nabu, stop asking the same question over and over again.” 


“River,” Nabu started, only for River to quickly silence him with a kiss. 


“Four months,” River whispered once he pulled away from Nabu, “keep Kiyt safe through it all. I don’t want to ruin him.” 


“You won’t,” Nabu reassured. 


“We will see.” River spoke as he glanced out the window, looking towards the manor that stood tall in an ever-moving village. He closed his eyes, not trying to picture that, in four months, this area would go up in flames. 

Hello, I am alive. Life has me with writer’s block, I don’t know where I want to go with this story, and I haven’t found my will to write anything. I have been reading a lot because I honestly don’t have a will to do anything.
Anyway, this came to mind, so I decided to write this out.

In exciting news, it is my and my twin’s birthday; we are now 23 years old. Also, happy pride month (proud to be pansexual and nonbinary), the month is sadly, almost ending.


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