Escape the Infinite ChambersCh180 - Ancient Remains (XIV)


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  1. Oooh will XY remember what happened during the events? I’m also wondering about the tattoo snake LJ and XY shared haha it suddenly sprang in my mind lol.. ei Noen don’t you dare backstab anyone TvT

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

    • Don’t forget about the little snake that the stalker supposedly left on LJ. After it had no more use, the author conveniently forgot about it.

      • Isn’t that because LJ’s original body is already dead? And his new body shares no connection with his old one therefore the tattoo is gone

        • This and above. Or Xing Yan had took it back when he take Lj’s clothes and item to get identity as player temporarily before. After all, chaos broke out in that chamber . He might never got the opportunity to give it back to LJ. The tattoo too served its purpose. LJ marked body died, so the mark remained in the original dead body. It is implied here that XY also able to time-space travel. So the mark might even be given purposely to open escape route for LJ in that train chamber, its main role by XY. So of course they didn’t appear anymore.

  2. I was wrong, so Noen is just making a phone call lol. I felt like from what future XY said, this is also a looping process for him. So this main couple is just looping infinitely? One is trying to find the key and saved companions infinitely; and the other one split his consciousness everywhere infinitely to accompany the one? @.@