Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh73 - Shoulder


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Translator's Note

Also known as Mooncake Festival. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar and has a history dating back 3000 years, when China’s emperors worshipped the moon for bountiful harvests. Lanterns are displayed as beacons to light the way to prosperity and good luck. Mooncakes (a pastry typically filled with sweet-bean or lotus-seed paste) are traditionally eaten during the festival.

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  1. In the end, Zhuang Qing’s body is still the more honest one LMAOO xD His mind still needs time to catch up lol

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Hahahahaha ZQ is so cute ne~ his physical self is more honest and FL is still so pure (つ✧ω✧)つ

    Hahahahaha looking forward if CY is going to start a gossip he he he

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Awwww. ZQ falling for FL deep, he’s even willing spent more money to ordered second helping of hairy crabs for FL, even though he’s thinking something wrong… FL plan to go fishing and selling theirs catch, set up stall and such, he’s just agreed. What’s a good hubby! 😍😊😍😊👍😍👏

  4. Zhuang Qing, feel free to let go and just fall in love! go ahead, you’re already halfway there.

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  5. Yes, ZQ, that’s exactly how men interact. Keep doing that! hahaaa, he’s so cute this chapter!! Thanks very much for the translation!

  6. “didn’t want to embarrass his yao… ”

    he said ‘his yao’ ahhhhhhhhhh🤭🤭

    Thanks for the chapter ~

  7. I wonder when FL will fall for ZQ? I don’t think he’s fallen yet, while ZQ already have or is at least in the midst of falling. Will FL need a stimulation? Like taking ZQ away or someone else being loud about admiring ZQ? Or maybe ZQ himself will initiate it? ლ(^o^ლ)

  8. ZQ keeps going on about FL being pampered and what not. Did he choose to forget that all the yaos who pampered him were brutally killed off by the azure dragons, who in turn got slaughtered by FL. That did happen, right, I’m not imagining it? How can ZQ say that FL didn’t ‘suffer any grievances’ and he ‘saw everything beautifully’?

    Falling in love is one thing. Completely disregarding or minimising someone experiences and heartaches is something else entirely