Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh58 - Emotions


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Translator's Note

Literally, a beast in clothes. An idiom for someone who is immoral and despicable.

Translator's Note

Also known as dragon’s soup or dragon phoenix soup. It is a thick seafood soup made with lemon, chili peppers, chicken, snake, and Chinese vegetables. Other variations include a vegetarian version with mushrooms instead of seafood.

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  1. It really would be a great twist of fate if ZQ turned out to be the human pet, once he were to realise this he would think it made sense since he’s been taking care of FL😁

  2. So many more questions xDD

    Isn’t FL going to that birthday party? lol Then his dragon “pendant” won’t be far xD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Is someone about to eat a phone 👀👀 lmao

    The yaoxhuman story was sweet 🥺🥺

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  4. Really curious about the identity of the ‘pet’, if he could write, knows plenty of stories and cook, was he a former noble? Or a merchant? How that human waited for decades till he heard about FL’s ‘death’. But that’s a story long gone…

  5. So the feeling of king giangli, old ape and white tiger and crew were like attendants raising their little prince is v much stronger now. I wonder what he is and if the reason why the king n white ape were adamant on protecting him and attaching importance on him not eating dragons if his parents had and suffered for it or gone mad by it

  6. Help, when the Kunpeng mentioned “dog like nose”….

    My mind went to the easter bunny in Ten Ttans Go. I’m sorry… Little Fu