Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh55 - Imagination Running Wild


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Translator's Note

A traditional Chinese unit of distance. One li is 500 meters.

Translator's Note

Refers to Felix Grandet, a character in the novel Eugénie Grandet. In the novel, Grandet was known for his miserly habits.

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  1. Why is he jelly again? lololol

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

    (ZQ, I see you taking pictures of FL in his rabbit form and that you want him to stay at your house – in his rabbit form, not human form xDD)

  2. Just say you’re chugging on a bottle of vinegar, accusing our family’s Fu Li for being absent minded at work. What a slander. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA