Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh54 - Ghost Ship


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Translator's Note

A song that was extremely popular during the year 1988. The composer, Chi Zhiqiang, wrote a series of songs, including this one, after having personally experienced being in prison.

Translator's Note

Translated literally to capture the ghost reference, but this is an idiom for harboring ulterior motives

Translator's Note

Essentially means that anyone who is upright has no need to fear others badmouthing them, because they have a clear conscience.

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  1. I’m really curious what would have happen to FL if the heavenly lightning would have struck him. Death or nothing?

    I see a proud dragon bc he got the biggest fish lololol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  2. Fu Li: pats zq’s butt innocently

    Zq: scandalized

    Ahahahaha! Oh goodness, now we’re getting into it!


    thank you for the chapter!!!

  3. ooh, Fu Li is dangerous. but it is about time the elder took in all the damn dragons. they are too wild, doing whatever they want to do.

    thanks for the chapter <3

  4. I feel so sorry for Fu Li. Having to see his beloved yao and mountain in the Shen’s illusion must have hurt 💔💔💔 but damn he is scary when he loses his rag like that

  5. That part where FL casually patted ZQ’s butt and told him to take off his pants nearly killed me🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. I’m absolutely enraptured by this unassuming fic. I thought it would be fluffy but im pleasantly surprised by the character depth and complexity. The ease at which the romance and intimacy between the two main characters is blooming. It’s hard to find fics that smack just right.

  7. hehehe! him being proud of himself for catching the largest! awh hahaha!

    i wonder what his felling’s for Fu Ge are, because this isn’t his normal approach to his employees… sips tea