Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh52 - What is Love?


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Translator's Note

Also called the River of Forgetfulness. It is said that anyone who falls into the river cannot be reincarnated.

Translator's Note

Known in Chinese folklore as the Naihe Bridge. Meng Po is said to be stationed at this bridge to give her soup to those passing by.

Translator's Note

Different from Yama. Yama is the sovereign ruler of the underworld, while Yama Kings oversee the different levels within the underworld.

Translator's Note

Literally, the ‘god of the walls and moat’’. Cheng Huang is a deity or group of deities in Chinese folk religion who is believed to protect the people and affairs of a particular village, town, or city, and its corresponding afterlife location.

Translator's Note

In Buddhist cosmology, the three realms refer to the following destinations for karmic rebirth: the realm of desire (typified by base desires), the realm of form (predominantly free of base desires), and the realm of formlessness (noncorporeal realm). Only by transcending these three realms can one step on the path towards nirvana, the ultimate spiritual goal of the Buddhist path.

Translator's Note

Chinese short or medium length stories or novellas written mostly in vernacular language. In contrast to the full-length Chinese novel, it is generally not divided into chapters and recounts a limited number of characters or events.

Translator's Note

Some wordplay here that I couldn’t get across in English… ‘breaks’ and ‘discounts’ in Chinese have one character in common.

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  1. I’m curious… who told Shen about Fu li’s past. 🧐🤔

    (Unrelated: The title made me sing 🎶😂 )

    Thanks for the chapter 💞

  2. Aiyoooo~ is Zhuang Qing the pet Fu Lu raised??!! Shock!! I never saw this coming XDD…

    Thanks for the chappie~ ❤

  3. Getting ever closer to learning more about the Human!!! (人´∀`)。゚+

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. I think it’s amazing how humans could love so deeply that they didn’t wanna reincarnate.Altho I don’t know whether or not it can happen in real life.