Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh51 - Shen


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Translator's Note

A type of sea creature in Chinese mythology. There are multiple variations of its appearance, including large oysters, giant clams, and sea serpents. In the legends, they are said to possess the ability to create illusions. The ability to alter memories was added by the author.

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  1. Fu Li my dear, maybe you’re from heaven. 😉🤭

    And I’m curious about his previous ‘human pet’

    Thank youuu😊

  2. That previous human pet should be Zhuang Qing ah~

    That ‘shen’ yao should get ready ba Fu Li might go and pay him a visit~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Thanks for the chapter! 🐰

    Ahh, that educational video would work well, for sure 😎

    Hehe, naturally Fu Li’s relationship with his pet was pure. Who and why would’ve thought otherwise?


  4. what could they possibly gain by imprinting false memories into a regular human?

    even if it is the human that lived with him, what would he gain? it is not like Fu Li forgot him..

    thanks for the chapter <3

  5. splutters Fu Li pls! Skdjskksls you know how when you lose something, and you’re absolutely sure it’s not in that one place but….it is?

    Fu Li. Fu Li it might be you. 😭😂

    Thank you for the Chapter!