Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh37 - Carrying the Pot


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Translator's Note

Refers to a banquet set up for the aim of murdering a guest. This term has its roots in a historical event that took place at Hong Gate outside Xianyang, the capital of the Qin dynasty, when future Han emperor Liu Bang escaped attempted murder by his rival Xiang Yu.

Translator's Note

Literal translation: Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Duke of Pei (Liu Bang). Refers to the same incident in the previous footnote on Hongmen Feast.

Translator's Note

Simply revealing everything since it’s already partially revealed.

Translator's Note

Someone with iron blood has strong willpower and doesn’t fear making sacrifices.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Basically saying that someone who benefited from someone else would not dare to say or do anything even if this other person had faults or made mistakes.

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  1. Omg Fu Li is a cute little 20 centimetre long-eared rabbit!! HE SOUNDS SO DAMN ADORABLE I AM DED >v<

    And LMAOOO @ that last part 💀💀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Baby:) A cute small rabbit:) thanks for new chapter!

  3. Omg this chapter is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣

    Fu Li, no one in their right mind would dare to give you a hongmen banquet!

  4. AHHH FU LI IS A BUNNY, IM DEAD– That’s so frickin adorable, I wanna squish himmmm

    But that aside, a dragon and a powerful bunny?? This dynamic is fun, I LIKE IT <3

  5. I can’t help but wonder if he’s not actually a rabbit, but they just didn’t know what he was at the time and just called him a rabbit, and he hadn’t been in his original form for so long that no one’s been able to correct him. Or maybe I’m overthinking it. 😅

  6. bunny!! how cute! the strongest cultivator is a bunny, ahhhh heart eyes

    Also, how cute is his coworker, going out and researching the company because he thought Fu Li was wary Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. Thanks for the chapter!

    Well, that was resolved peacefully ^_^

  8. It’s finally confirmed, he is a rabbit hahaha. I can imagine the scene of the cultivators learning that he was a rabbit yao after all. Though, it really is interesting and even more mystifying how he was able to sleep for so long and be the only one to live.

    Looking forward to future updates hihihi. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ Thank you Ilyz!

  9. An extra chapter ~

    Hahahaha, how
    they´re all talking about rabbit meat and how tasty it is and then there´s Fu
    Li who´s just wondering why they all are doing this xD
    Seems like my thoughts about Fu Li not being a rabbit in the wrong – Hongmen
    feast indeed ~

    Poor FL, now I
    completely understand why he´s so aversed to anything scaly. I would be too if
    this happened to me. On another note: fluffy little baby bunny Fu Li – how
    adorable is that?

    So that´s where his
    inferiority complex is coming from …

    Oh baby … their
    reactions are gonna be hilarious, won´t they?

    …knowing that he´s a
    rabbit as well this whole paragraph just makes me a bit nauseous? That sounds
    just .. No. Just no. ‘Their main economic funtions are to be eaten, skinned and
    have their fur trimmed off’ – You heathens!

    And now the cas out
    of the bag! Or more like the rabbit´s out of the bag

    Hahahaha, their
    reactions are as good as I thought they´d be ~

    Quick thinking ZQ!
    Won´t get you any plus points though xD

    I like his
    nonchalant behaviour after the fact that he just htrew it away ~

    And now you´re
    changing your tune? Too late

    And now the even
    switched to fish! I mean, ZQ is probably very about that. Remember the crayfish
    incident? Yeah. He´ll like that.

    Sweetie, you´re
    overthinking this. They just didn´t think that you´d be a rabbit! I wouldn´t
    have as well. You shouldn´t take note of this for future references. You´ll be
    getting even more crooked ideas if you do that orz

    Yeah, of course he´s
    an anomaly. He has the freaking heavenly law on his side!

    And now they want to
    flatter him lmao. What´s it with jade rabbit? As if Fu Li would be flattered by
    that xD

    He´s so cute when
    emberassed though >.<

    Aww, so cute how
    they took him in! Was he too adorable or what was the reason? Did they really
    simply think he was too pitiful or am I overthinking this again?

    I feel you, ZQ, I
    feel you …

    Lmao, Chu Yu is
    transforming into the ultimate fanboy xD

    Pfff, all of them
    are overthinking this xD

    Oh ZK … you
    should´ve already learned your lesson. Why are you stubborn like this? Do you
    want to be beaten up or frightened?

    Well, the Suanyu has
    the most reason to feel like that hahaha xD

    Good question
    though! Now I´d say it may be because of the heavenly law, or it may be because
    of something else. Maybe training and maybe the other yao on the mountain were
    ancient yao as well. Or maybe he´s not a such a normal long.eared rabbit he
    thinks he is. Who knows?

    Oh Fu Li, you´re
    such a sweetie ~ You still have an iron core though >.>

    ‘Was broad minded
    and wouldn´t be petty with the younger generation’ hahaha

    I understand your
    envy. I really, really do. You´re a rabbit though! You have cuteness on your
    side ~

    Lmao, ZQ is slowly
    becoming his person chauffeur xD

    … Zhang Ke. You
    believe things too easily.

    ‘They mnight already
    be extinkt’ – that´s a flag. That´s definitely a flag. There´ll be a Fenghuang
    in the futue, won´t there? And it will want to fight with ZQ?

    Also: ‘What fighting
    can there be’ – you just put more and more flags into this story …

    ZK, are you sure
    that you should be feeling like this in regards to your junior? Shouldn´t you
    also feel that way for every yao cultivator out there? Or even your own
    seniors? Why are your brain circuits so weird?

    Yeah, the human race
    is cursed ~

    Lmao, the
    misunderstandings just keep piling up xD

    Fu Li, you guys sure
    had strange living arrangements, huh?

    And ZQ – I had the
    exact same picture in my head xD

    Lmao, you´ll be lead
    astray even more in the future xD

    It´s somehow really
    nice to see Fu Li caring so much about the rules and regulations? I don´t even
    know why, but it´s just a nice feeling?

    Pfff, ZQ xD

    Awww, he even looked
    the company up! Such a good colleague! Didn´t think they´d actually have
    products though xD

    Aiii, the people in
    the bureau sure are leisurely ~

    That sounds like
    such a nice comapny though! Now I wonder how all of this works? How would the
    humans see a normal lab scene? Knowing how labs look like … how would they
    achieve that? And which pat of the company is actually selling products? And
    how? How do they develop them?

    Lmaoo, I´m a big fan
    of the bonsais already xD

    Hahhh, the deceiving
    thief is here again. It´s nice that Fu Li is still trying to let him see his
    flaws and guide onto the right path, but I doubt it´ll work. He likes this sort
    of life and therefore won´t stop…

    Of course he´s not
    from his mountain!

    Now I do wonder
    where Fu Li went to sleep …

    And I really do
    wonder if they never cheated people or just did it behind Fu Li´s back like Chu
    Yu thinks? Will we ever get to know? I doubt it. Though … if they actually were
    reincarnated into this time, I would love for them to meet again :3

    I also wonder if
    these yao knew of the man Fu Li lived with who didn´t want to leave? Or if that
    was after their time? I´m a bit confused in that regard!

    Lmao, another
    cheater again xD

    Lmao, I´d like to
    know why they´re aggressively pulling at a human as well xD

    Pfff, it´s a lemur!
    How did they confuse it with a fox??? xD

    Thank you for the

    • Fu Li’s brain is on a completely different wavelength from the rest of them and I love it 🤣

      The man FL lived with who didn’t want to live? I’m assuming you’re referring to FL’s human ‘pet’ lol. They did know of him! They were still around when FL picked the human up~

      Thanks for the long comment as always, hope you have a nice day ^^

  10. It was so painful watching everyone dig themselves into a deeper hole as they explain the rabbit’s ‘economic functions’ XD XD XD But ah, so was Fu Li didn’t want to be looked down upon when it was revealed he was a rabbit and that’s why he hid it? Rabbits are super cute, and they can kick arse, like mega-lopunny or antylamon XD

  11. I wanna believe Fu Li is no ordinary rabbit; so he is either a rabbit race connected to the 12 Zodiacs or he’s from the moon; or both 😂