Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh121 - Past Relations?


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  1. Bo Lian got his man in new life, though he isn’t aware anymore..

    White ape ??? But isn’t Baize the White ape ???

  2. Okay, we didn’t get a real 100% answer that BL is now ZQ…. but there seems to be a palace at the end, so.. yeah xD

    And the next one came out lol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. King Ape! yay! they all have to show up before the bonding ceremony.

    after this chapter I am 100% sure that our Zhuang little dragon is the reincarnation of that other guy Bo Lian. I was still hoping otherwise, but what does it matter as long as they are happy

    thanks for the chapter <3

  4. Aahhh, sad for Bo Lian i-i And still hoping it’ll be revealed soon that Zhuang Qing is Bo Lian or smthn ><

    But yesss, the white ape/monkey elder is coming!!! Finally!! Ahhh i cant wait >u<

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. I really hope Bo Lian is ZQ, only then it’ll be fair for both of them and also for Fu Li. It was heartbreaking to read about the pains of BL’s when it was described from POV of the Yingchai in an earlier chapter. Even though FL was oblivious of BL’s feelings for him, he did care for his “pet” so much that the death of his “pet” caused him to fall into a deep sleep out of sadness.