I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch14 - Because it’s not suitable for minors :)


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Translator's Note

full of dogfood-excessive PTA

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honorable you

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yellow also meeting smutty or lewd

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also a metaphor for male and female desire coming together

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the Chinese title for PUBG

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slang for killing people and taking all their stuff

Translator's Note

Divi: You can swim in PUBG forever, it just takes a while… but you can also drown if you fall too deep without coming back up

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  1. Aww Sweetie is so cute teasing Gege and that small blush is just beyond adorable!!!! 💗💗💗 Gege is so innocent and Sweetie is such a tease! 😳 I agree with the previous comment, gift yourself to Gege!!! 😭💗💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗