Blooming RomanceChapter 84


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  1. Zhuang Hanxue, that little idiot. Good idea, just didn’t think through. What’s up with his parents though? They have a perfectly suitable daughter to take over everything, yet they prefer that little idiot.

    Chu Xun being nervous is so cute! It’s okay. Daddy Lin is kind, loving, accepting!

    Thanks for the chapter <3

      • My mother was American born and bread (for generations) and she was all about the boys. I was her firstborn but she wasn’t a “success” (in her mind) until a year later when my brother was born. Never understood the focus on gender. Love your kids and rejoice in who they are. (And let them do the things in life that make them happy as long as it doesn’t involve harming others!)

  2. Hanxue should suffer maybe just a little bit more for tipping over a vinegar jar. And wasting screen time which could’ve been spent on Jiujiu… Just kidding hahaha~

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  3. Jiu Jiu and Chu Xiaopang are so cute together 😁 Daddy Lin still possessive with Chu Xun and wants him all to himself! Thanks for the chapter 💕