Blooming RomanceChapter 81


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  1. Ji TIanze? Didn’t he get beat up and disappear? What’s he doing back now? We have an appointment with our father-in-law!

    Grandpa Lin is so dang cute. I like how all the grandparents are approving of them and their baby. Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy!

    I really hope that Grandpa Chu doesn’t make a scene just because Grandpa Lin has money.

    Thanks so much for the chapter, I missed these guys <3

  2. Wasn’t he supposed to be beaten to pulp and never show his face again? Siiigh, Chu Xun really liked such a selfish scumbag 🤬

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  3. Wait… who this Ji Tianze again?? The one who been beaten right???

  4. This <#%%*#€££ guy just won’t disappear. LY’s dad is so sweet.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Dang that trash still alive???

    Can’t wait for father Lin to meet Jiujiu 🥰

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  6. Ji Tianze go away!! What are you even doing here!😩

  7. It’s been soooo long. I’ve eagerly waited for this chapter to pop out qUq. And now it’s so quick to finish. UNFAIR YING YING YING. Eh? That son of a bich still dared to appear in front of my baby? Kill him LYC!!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  8. oh, boooooooooo. pls either be a stepping stone so others can look good or shut ur yap. omg i can’t believe u still showed up!!!

    thankses for the chapter!!!

  9. I wanna beat this guy. Ji Tianze, you are dead now.😠

  10. Information overload for LYC’s dad but props – he took it in his stride 😁 Now to meet the new in-laws, grandchild & arrange a wedding! What a cliffy when things are looking up for CX.. Thanks for the chapter 💕