Blooming RomanceChapter 72


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  1. Ohhh~ Imagine all the brain holes Yanchen’s friends are gonna come up with to speculate Jiu Jiu’s origins (≧▽≦)

    Thanks for the update 💕

  2. Zhan Hongyu is really like me here. I would also come up with several dog blood plots in this situation lol

  3. This chapter was so wholesome but Lin Yanchen really can’t catch a break. I see hilarious misunderstandings coming up.

  4. I wonder if they will properly explain this. How would you though.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Uhoh, would they pester the two so that Lin Yanchen can go pursue the ‘mother’ of his child or would they feel pity for Chu Xun?

    Thank you for translating 💐💐💐

  6. :0 oh no, I thought LYC had told him about the baby??? I’m confused, I couldn’t have forgotten. I remembered that LYC told him that CX had a child? Hmm. Idk, perhaps I really did forgot..

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  7. Didn’t he.. didn’t he already know?? Or did i mistake ZHY for someone else???

  8. *Olc Tjcmtfc meglberis kjamtfv Ale Ale fja.

    Qtfc Ale Ale rjk ugjcvqj yglcu atf yly bnfg, tf xcfk ab ajxf atf lclaljalnf ab ragfamt bea tlr cfmx jcv ifa tlw qea la bc delmxis. Snfgs alwf ugjcvqj qea bc j yly, tf kbeiv ulnf Ale Ale obbv.

    Dea atlr alwf, ugjcvqj vlvc’a alf atf yly bc. Ale Ale qjclmxfv. Pa kjrc’a atja tf kbeivc’a yf ufaalcu jcs obbv ab fja, gluta? Ale Ale ibbxfv qlaloeiis ja Xgjcvqj*

    Can someone explain this cause I think am really really dumb!