Blooming RomanceChapter 42


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Translator's Note

person who makes inauspicious remarks

Translator's Note

Really cute community thing in China where a bunch of women get together and dance. My grandma used to do it :D Vid:

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  1. Just butt right on out JT. Nobody needs you. Hmph.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Why the F is here?


    We’re expecting Lin Yanchen, not you, you scum.


    Thankfully his stomach doesn’t get so big that he had to stop going outside.

    The doctor is right.

    He can’t stay at home all the time, or else he’ll get depressed easily.

    I’m grateful for his parents for their support throughout the pregnancy.

    Everything is great.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  3. Aww, it’s so heartwarming to see Chu Xun spending time with his family. His dad is going to be such a doting grandpa…

    I hope Ji Tianze and Chu Xun can become friends again. If not, it’d be good if they could at least talk. I’m such a softy. 😂

  4. Ah shit, what a cliffhanger. I stockpiled some chapters for nothing, I’m left on such a tempting ending 😭

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  5. I hope they can meet soon. Like in the next chapter. Thank you for your hard work Dan-Dan mein!

  6. JUST WHEN IS HE MEETING XIAO LIN!!!!!!!! This is really tormenting to him! Don’t tell me they won’t meet until he gives birth?? ugh

    Thank you.