You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh64 - CLM was indeed poisonous!


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Translator's Note

enjoy some gossip

Translator's Note

Two legendary friends. Yu Boya was very good at playing the qin, and Zhong Ziqi always knew what he meant while playing it. When Zhong Ziqi died, Yu Boya broke the strings on his qin and vowed never to play again

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  1. “No matter how powerful the newbie is, you are the most special one to me.”

    PLS, (aggressively agreeing with Chen Xiao) JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY TWO OF YOU screech


    ….also, am I the only some sensing a possible POSSIBLE relationship between Chen Xiao and Jiang Xinyi–

  2. Lol this Newing kid is so cute. Also the manager!! 😆😆

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  3. I… actually didn’t think XiXi is older than MoMo…

    And from “oh no gays” to “I SHIP THEM” in less than 24h, lol!

  4. JX is too relatable XD “Give me a definite answer, or I won’t be able to concentrate […]”

    More shippers are always welcomed!

    MoXi is too cute!!!!!

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  5. It takes 64 chapters and a new character for us to find out everyone’s ages. So xixi is older than momo? Not that it matters but that’s interesting.

  6. Ah xinyi my favorite child!! We now have a complete family!!! The mom , dad, cat, dog and a baby!! Also I would like to remind everyone that Chen Xiao is that token straight guy lololol. He ain’t into JXY. I kinda ship shuyi and xinyi tho. The two youngest are just cute together.

  7. Hmm, I might be over analyzing things… But I think there is a possibility that Jiang Xinyi would replace Momo in the future. It was mentioned a few chapters before that Mo Chen would be working for his family’s company after the championship(?), and I don’t think he would have time to play.

    But well, then again, I might be over thinking. Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Chen Wei, don’t worry, it’s the captain that’s gonna retire, you can keep hiding yourself on the single matches….

  9. Chen Xiao is brutal bah if he really didn’t notice all Liu Wenzhe’s effort all this time. Could it be he still can’t read Liu Wenzhe’s body language as well as Chen Wei? I hope he is just not saying anything because he truly is straight and wanted to cherish their friendship. And based on what Chen Wei said, it implied that Liu Wenzhe is also super nervous when inspecting Xixi for the first time befor? I remember Xixi commenting on “what an elegent lady”, and then “yi, she become more elegant drinking a cup of tea”. Isn’t that shows Liu Jie nervous enough till he become thirsty? His interaction with Chen Wei really is cute. And Newing 😂. Also Kitty believing Chen Xiao lies 🤣.
  10. Newing didi turning 180° from a(n almost homophobic) straight man to a gay CP shipper in a span of one duo match is so hilarious ah