You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh56 - I can do it!


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Translator's Note

originally, “no money” = 没钱, which could stand for MQ, so I tried my best to preserve the pun

Translator's Note

from the game Sekiro, the line from the final boss

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  1. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) My notifs didn’t work, I came an hour late!!!

    But anyways, HEHEHEH, Wenxi’s crossdressing was dug out, but even Momo’s dark history of calling him wife was brought to light too~ I guess it’s equal. Hehe.

  2. Hmm don’t get why momo got so frosty when he was exposed ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ not like he wasn’t constantly flirting with xixi back then.

  3. Mo chen is so cute. Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️♥️

    By the does anyone else have problems with the notifications or is it a problem with my phone? I’m not getting any notifications at all.

  4. I didn’t receive any notifications.. T^T

    Why?? Now. I’m several hours late 😥

    I loved their reaction to Wen Xi’s crossdress! And Wen Xi’s rection to being called Mo Chen’s wife by him! They’re so cute!!! And bless Lightning for… Well, for being him! PS: I wanted to see that photo too 😣

  5. Might I suggest “Miser Quacks” instead? Miser meaning stingy and money hoarding which will somewhat preserve 没钱 pun

  6. Lightning saw that none of the CLM people knew about it, and was surprised and a bit excited. He pulled up a chair on the spot between Chen Wei and Ling Shuyi and sat down, exclaiming, “I have a picture of him crossdressing oh! You guys look!”

    Ling Shuyi & Chen Wei: Ohhhhhhhhh!

    Lightning’s teammates: …..

    Our own family’s captain just ran over to the enemy’s table like that and started chatting about the enemy crossdressing?!


    🤣🤣🤣 What a cutie Baby!

  7. Liu Weizhe swore, he was just curious, he was not jealous, really!


    OGAYYYYY, You’ve already admitted it.🤣🤣🤣 I swear, I believe you, REALLY!

  8. Looks like MoXi have to look after those two children, being parents must be hard. But with two OP parents, this game will be a walk in the park!