BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh8 - Nie Yi’s Past


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  1. See they told you, Dont DROP The Soap,what did you,you dropped it :/

  2. Nie Yi being a big softie (●´ω`●)

    Husbands that take revenge together, stay together (๑>◡<๑)

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Another great chapter! Thank you! I always look forward to updates on this one

  4. Nie Yi can forget all about that Scum and like Just Qi Jingchen.

    The little sister being all protective of his big brother is so sweet awwww

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Gahahaha! Nie Yi’s passive aggressiveness!! Ahahahaha. Nie Yi is such an adorable baby. And Yan Zhe. Ugh. I hope you get eaten and the first thing to go to be your pretty face. Thanks for the chapter 😊

  6. haha, author i see what u did there with the soap ( 〃´艸`)

    is it bad that i know the reference?

    … ┐ (ㆆᴗㆆ) ┌