BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh77 - Damning Evidence


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  1. At least she’s woken up from that abusive relationship with her douchebag of a father. 😑

    Also, her thoughts better not tilt to the malicious side, Nie Yi is not as nice as he pretends to be 😅

    Thank you for translating 🍎💐🙇‍♀️

  2. Gods!! I didnt expect General Sun to have so many weird ideas.

    Poor SCZ. She gave her all but got nothing in return.

  3. Poor Sun Chengzi, she Just wanted to support his brother and make her father happy, but he never cared about her.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Having a father like that douche but still grew up to be sane ppl shows how well their mom raised them :<

  5. So does QJ like Nie Yi or not? Am confused, sometimes he shows signs and other times he shows distaste. So what is it

  6. Everyone saying Sun Huan is sane and poor thing, did you guys miss that he knew about it in advance? And yet he didn’t even tell his sister who absolutely would have helped, even if she may not have ended it she had enough power to bring it to everyone’s attention. Growing up in an abusive household is a reason for being uncaring, selfish, and malicious, BUT IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE! Seriously, he’s disgusting

  7. She should have just beaten her father up. Having to call such a psychopath that sees his daughter as a bothersome obstruction and his son as a tool to continue his family line father is really horrible.