After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch12 - After the scumbag’s destined omega turned into a salted fish

The interstellar port, center of the FY57 galaxy.

This was a busy farming season. yP4xC7

Although most of the agricultural and ranching stars in this remote, small galaxy had been abandoned due to the aftermath of the war, there were still a small number of farmers who risked their lives to operate. Some people relied on this for a living, and besides farming, they couldn’t do anything else. Even though there were risks, they had accepted them.

During the harvest season, merchants and farmers came and went, making the usually deserted central port bustling with activity.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was almost a bit lively, with people coming and going.

When Bai Muxing arrived, he met a neighboring farmer who was loading a whole car of Tata beasts to be transported to the central port for trading. dnoEPX

The two were on the same route, and the deliciously meaty little animals were lively all the way, making Bai Muxing’s neighboring farmer hungry.

Because he was too lazy to cook, Bai Muxing had been eating toast with various sauces for several months.

Although he didn’t care much about the taste of food, eating the same thing for months had indeed made him tired of it.

After listening to the calls of the ingredients all the way, he simply bought a small Tata beast from his fellow traveler when he got out of the car and stuffed it into his starship.


He was determined to give up his laziness about cooking and improve his diet when he got back.

Of course, the main reason was that guests were coming, and Bai Muxing couldn’t let them eat dry bread every day.

“The CX88 starship has arrived at the station. The docking time for this stop is one interstellar hour. Please arrange your time accordingly if needed—”

The train arrived, and after a long whistle, the massive transport starship came to a halt. Passengers, dressed in various colors and appearances—since this place was adjacent to the border, many non-human races of merchants came here for trade—either boarded or disembarked, creating a lively scene. yCgo2b

The atmosphere was even more bustling in the cargo hold. Loading the goods within an hour was not that easy. The farmers and merchants delivering goods were busy and sometimes accompanied by disputes with the staff.

Bai Muxing wasn’t here for business; his planting season was a bit late, and he had just begun to manage the harvest affairs.

He was here to wait for someone.

He had agreed to meet with the Black Emperor today. uMzNS4

The bustling scene before him had nothing to do with him. Bai Muxing leaned quietly against the tall pillar in the departure hall, his gaze sweeping through the crowd coming and going. He then quietly lowered his head to look at the personal light brain on his wrist, resembling a silver bracelet.

He usually checked the latest information on agricultural forums every day.

When he finished reading, he was about to close it.

At the top of the forum, a pink advertisement suddenly popped up, promoting a matchmaking website. iatGyw

“A professional matchmaking platform tailored for alphas and betas, providing personalized services for everyone looking to enter marriage!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

…Qtja’r klat atf ajix jybea yflcu ajlibgfv obg jiqtjr jcv yfajr, jr lo Ywfujr cffv mlnliljc wjamtwjxlcu?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Djl Zezlcu, ktb tjv yffc jc Ywfuj lc tlr qjra ilof, tjv j vffq ecvfgrajcvlcu bo atlr, jr tf mbeiv yjgfis xffq eq klat atf wjamtwjxlcu ajrxr jggjcufv ys atf Ywfuj Crrbmljalbc jibcf.

Although the advertisement seemed exaggerated and unreliable, Bai Muxing had nothing better to do while waiting, so he clicked to take a look. Lately, he has been spending his days leisurely farming and fishing. If he hadn’t seen this advertisement, he might have forgotten his original intention of finding a beta to marry. GdnSeN

Not knowing where he ended up, the advertisement page redirected to the registration page of the matchmaking website, prompting Bai Muxing to fill in basic information. Besides the usual name and identity details, the matchmaking website also required some marriage-specific information.

Bai Muxing followed along and filled in his current situation.


Once, he could be considered successful in his career. After all, he had even attained the rank of Colonel! Although his service time wasn’t long, achieving this rank wasn’t easy. 7clCoh

However, those were all things of the past. After retiring from service, he was just an ordinary farmer now.

His current situation wasn’t completely stable yet, and in the eyes of many, being a farmer wasn’t considered a particularly promising career.


This should still be okay, above average perhaps? Bai Muxing didn’t think much about it and casually uploaded a photo of his retirement ID taken when he left the service. yZ3xJB

Financial situation—

Bai Muxing thought about the balance of over ten million in his account. It seemed like a lot; even if there was no income from the farm, this money would be enough for him to live frugally for a lifetime. But if he were to start a family, it might not be enough, right?

Health status—

Bai Muxing paused when he reached this part. uQ1H7T

His glands were gone.

Although he didn’t think it mattered much, the absence of glands wasn’t a big deal for betas.

To prevent being differentiated into an S-class Omega and getting involved in the conflicts of the capital star, Bai Muxing had no regrets about getting rid of his glands. Even if he had to do it a hundred times over, he would still do it the same way.

But he knew that most people still cared a lot about this. qB0drb

Even for betas, without glands, they would be considered incomplete.

Bai Muxing filled out his information truthfully.

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Summary: Beta, male, average savings, occupation: farmer, no bad habits, glands missing.

No matter how you looked at it, it didn’t seem like a promising situation. IdFPm3

Bai Muxing finally selected beta as the preferred gender for a spouse and then closed the page.

He didn’t take it to heart.

It didn’t matter if he couldn’t find a suitable marriage partner. He enjoyed his days farming and fishing (even though there wasn’t much to catch), and he had an online friend to chat with. Life was pretty good this way.

An hour later, the starship, filled with passengers and cargo, closed its doors and slowly departed from the central port. kYpHd

The next starship slid into the platform, and the doors opened with the announcement, followed by a bustling crowd pouring out.

Like bees clustering together and then dispersing, each heading toward its own life orbit.

Bai Muxing double-checked the flight number: this was the one.

He put his personal light brain into sleep mode and focused on observing the crowd. dH0NWB

After just half a minute of observation, he felt something was off.

Wasn’t there an unusually high number of military personnel getting off this starship?

Although these soldiers were in civilian clothes and disguised themselves in relaxed and leisurely postures like ordinary people, Bai Muxing’s years of military experience and keen intuition still allowed him to notice something amiss in the subtle details. He recognized them as special forces soldiers responsible for undercover operations within the military.

He had a natural sensitivity to dangerous situations, and it was precisely this intuition that had allowed him to survive countless missions. 1FuDXm

He speculated.

Had spies infiltrated the border recently, so they’re prompting a secret operation to capture them?

Bai Muxing racked his brain, trying to recall any relevant news from his previous life, but nothing seemed to match up.

Perhaps it was some classified mission that couldn’t be made public. PqDQBz

After some thought, he decided to pretend not to notice the presence of these soldiers.

Since they were so carefully disguised, their mission must be of great importance, and approaching them rashly might disrupt their plans.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Moreover, he had already retired from the military and had no authority to intervene.

In any case, it wasn’t something a retired officer like him needed to worry about. 4 ETxY

Bai Muxing refocused his attention on the present.

He compared the features sent by the Black Emperor and searched for the target in the crowd.

He was about 1.9 meters tall, with silver hair and silver eyes, dragging a suitcase with a large star on its surface.

Bai Muxing didn’t need to search at all; with just one glance, he found the suspected target amidst the bustling crowd. 0C91qB

It didn’t take him much effort at all.

—Because that person was simply too conspicuous.

Although Bai Muxing already knew from the description that the other party’s appearance would be very distinctive, he still found it difficult to describe the feeling at that moment when he saw him with his own eyes.

He was a tall man with broad shoulders and long legs, dressed in the simplest white shirt and dark gray slim-fit trousers, yet he couldn’t be ignored. jJbRmk

As soon as he stepped off the starship into the crowd, people’s gazes would involuntarily be drawn to him.

His brow bone was well-defined, accentuating the deep-set eye sockets; his features were extremely three-dimensional, with sharply arched eyebrows slicing into his forehead and lips of just the right thickness, giving him a handsome yet somewhat sinister appearance.

He took a few steps forward, pulling his suitcase along, and walked into the sunlight, his hair reflecting a faint glow under the light.

His hair and eyebrows were both a dark silver color, and the depths of his eyes held the same cold hue. 2UnqGp

In the shadows, it wasn’t very obvious, resembling black hair, but under the sunlight, the metallic, icy color emerged, sharply piercing the eyes and adding an extra layer of coldness to his already somewhat sinister countenance.

Bai Muxing’s heart skipped several beats in an instant.

He was startled.

His first thought was, “Wow, he’s really big”— cUK5VC

Is this really the appearance a person who just turned eighteen could have?

The second thought was, “His presence is too strong.”

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He couldn’t help but wonder, is this really the person who would chat with him online every day like a child, discussing meaningless topics?

Isn’t this appearance and aura really so mature?
And it seems like he has a strong sense of aggression? dRVWTq

Bai Muxing didn’t like dealing with people who had a strong sense of aggression; it reminded him of some unpleasant memories from his previous life.

During the courting period, alphas always arrogantly considered their overly strong offensive as their charm, trying to dominate omegas with their aggressiveness. Bai Muxing still couldn’t stomach the thought of that scene.

Of course. What happened to him in his past life has nothing to do with this person.
He just subconsciously thought about it and felt uncomfortable.

In any case—It’s just not right. jDO5Mu

Looking left and right, Bai Muxing seriously doubted whether he had been scammed online!

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  1. I wonder if ML, after scaring MC during their first (well, actually second) meeting, will have to register in the dating app and disguise himself as someone less threatening? 🤔

  2. …i feel like if ML just showed up in his Yijia form, Bai Muxing would be absolutely on board with everything.

    Though, our Black Emperor probably can’t be serious in front of Ah Bai for long, and I feel like he’ll also find Ah Bai’s dating page sooner or later.

    Thank you for the chapter~