Alpha PredatorChapter 15


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Translator's Note

metaphor for taking unnecessary pains for something insignificant

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  1. O my, Oh my! Is it a time for panic? D: I’m so nervous for our bubu!

    Great job with translating this chapter, wow, You’re amazing! Thank You for the new chapter 💜

  2. Thanks for the chapter! I got a headache reading all of these long paragraphs about scientific research, i have no idea how you managed to translate it, you’re amazing!

  3. … And my respect for the character plummets to a profound low. Isn’t this person supposed to be intelligent? Why is he showing no indication of having a brain in such an obvious situation?

  4. Oh fuck damn….I hope Qu Moyu won’t say shit about this situation since it’s his fault cause he started the cockfight with other alphas first