After Marrying The Villain, I Became PopularCh69 - Happiness


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  1. Im sorry but Xia C dont deserve XW love, dude kidnapped a kid cuz his life is sad/bad. Doesn’t even want XW biological parents to find XW how fck up is that.

    • Same here. But from Xia Wan POV when he came to this world he only had XC by his side so he kinda has some attachment towards XC that is what I feel.

    • It is both morally and legally wrong to kidnap a child. But I’m not going to dehumanize a man who lost his wife, job and mobility in such quick succession that it directly sent him into depression and thoughts of ending it. Those feelings are not sadness; Xia Wan was literally this man’s lifeline. To Xia Wan, he functioned exactly as any loving parent would and did his best with what he had. The overall situation is way less black and white

  2. Honestly, I feel bad for Xia wan OG parents more than anything. Also isn’t it sad that Xue family never got to meet their actual son and he just died unjustly. And xia c, dude doesn’t deserve everythings forgiveness just because he’s apparantly sick.

  3. I know people are not happy with the adoptive father. But if it was me in his shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. As a person with depressive disorder, whenever I catch a hold of something that can make me cling to life much tighter, I’d find myself keeping it to myself regardless of my moral bottomline. Call it selfishness, call it evil. But I fished that kid out of a more dangerous situation when I wasn’t even responsible for anyone else’s safety but my own. Especially since seeing that the little kid was in the hands of two strangers who were so obviously not his family members.

    Think about it. Something could have gone worse if he didn’t take Xia Wan with him at that time. And while I understand it was also not the biological family’s fault, the fact is, the kid still got lost right under their noses. What were you doing with all that money if you couldn’t even keep a decent security around your children? It wasn’t like Xia Wan was forcefully taken out of their hands at that time, with guns being pointed at their temples. It was a case of entrusting the child to the wrong person and that could be accounted to how they did not give the child the security he needs, given the fact that he’s a rich man’s son.

    • Thank you for your perspective.

      Although not justifiable, I also agree that at that state of mind, he will cling to XW to survive. It is morally wrong, we all know it, he knows it, but only a person who is trully desperate will understand his feelings. That’s the reason I can’t make myself hate him.As someone who read multiple stories with depression/suicide tags, I kinda see why he did that. It’s the perks of being able to see the story on a third person. They make us see what others are going through. What we need is to understand and help them. Encourage them. Unfortunately, no one reach out to him at his lowest time. It’s sad, but we are all human. And humans make mistake. I don’t condone his mistake, but also won’t judge it recklessly.I don’t have depression, so I can’t really understand what you are going through and I know the thing you hate the most is saying “I understand you” because no one can trully understand your feelings aside from the people with the same depression as you.I’m not good with words, so I hope I didn’t offend you or anything. Thank you for sharing your side on this and t hank you for fighting continously. I hope you live well no matter what and take care of yourself. You can do it!


  4. Okay this made me tearful 😢… But if just blame one side for all the things happened I don’t think it’s proper because the people involved are at fault no one was above the other. This is a very complicated matter that we as third party who’s just reading the experience of these characters have no right actually to judge them… since the characters aren’t really bad and not really good they are “Human”

    We may say that XC kidnapped XW it’s true it was wrong but we couldn’t deny the fact that they both save each other. if XW wasn’t with XC he might have worse life, it’s like the lesser evil. Although the mother suffered her negligence also lead to this event, remember a child as two years old still needs his parents attention and love. There’s no feminism or women rights here it’s about responsibilities of being a mother. Careers are important but child care is also important that they’ll be a child only one’s. So it would be wrong if we sided with only one side since both sides really love XW but it is a different story if XC had malevolent intentions and was really bad after he kidnapped a child.

  5. Don’t know what original XW would think, if he knew the truth…

    And yeah, XC did good thing saving a child, but then…I don’t want to dehumanise him, he made a mistake, but man, he had 18 years…he knew child’s family was well off…thinking about a child, when struggling with life, he could seek for real parents. He’s not evil per se, but utterly selfish. IMHO.

  6. I find it icky how everything will be forgiven for XC, not only did he kidnap a child but he gave him a miserable life, I mean yeah he treated him well but everyone else around bullied him and treat him like trash and clearly XC didn’t have the power or abilities to protect him, even when he saw that he still kept the child when he could at any moment give him to the police to find his real family back, XC himself acknowledged that it was clear that his real family treated him well and he had everything, the excuse of “yeah I was starving most of the time but sometimes he gave me steak” doesn’t sit right with me, for me this is the strict minimum because knowing that his life sucks he brought a child in this misery and the negative effects on the og XW were clear he was taken advantage of and ended in a miserable way never standing for himself, so og XW never had the happy fulfilling life he could have had, and the worst for me is that XC could at least have tried to give XW a less miserable life he could have tried to take back his company, he could have tried to continue working as an architect he may be disabled but he clearly has the use of his hands so he could have 100% retake his company or find a good paying job but he didn’t even try to make an effort he just decided to live miserably and drag a child in his misery to the very end, him being depressed and sick doesn’t really move my heart that much as those are not valid excuses for what he did, in the end og XW was robbed of a life with great opportunities and a great loving family and no “he gave me steak instead of eating it” and “he saved money to buy me expensive sneakers” will change that, it would have been good selfless actions if he was his biological father or if he adopter him in a normal way, but to me it was just selfish actions to justify and make his guilt less heavy, if he really loved XW and wanted the best for him selflessly he would have brought back XW to his parents a long time ago (there I needed to rent about this 😅😅)