Abuse of Magic is ProhibitedCh2 - Zhao Nao’s ultimate plot hole technique

The little magician stood stunned at the door. His beautiful, deep purple eyes widened and looked at Zhao Nao blankly.

“Did I lose my memory?” Seeing that Xia Ke did not answer immediately, Zhao Nao repeated seriously, “I checked the relevant information and found that amnesia may indeed cause the forgetting of a specific person and form a self-justifying logical system for the remaining memory. This is completely consistent with my current situation.” KP1ndz

“Uh, yes, right,” Xia Ke subconsciously straightened his back, his eyes wandered wildly, and he stumbled to answer, “But that isn’t important and neither am I right now. As long as your memory is intact now we can get divorced immediately, and you will never see me again. Is that okay?”

With amnesia, it seems like it can really explain this chaotic ritual magic. He decided he would write this down in his “Ten Thousand Ways for Magicians to Hide Their Identity” when he gets back.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhao Nao stared at Xia Ke seriously. After looking at him for a while, he sighed in a low voice.

“Can I take the liberty of asking, how was our relationship before I lost my memory?” X9rPVe

Xia Ke nervously pursed his lips. Just as he was about to answer, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the door to the inner room open a little. The little black mice poked their heads out and stared at him and Zhao Nao curiously.

“Squeak?” Who is this? Why haven’t you finished talking yet? The Taobao customer has already replied to the message!

“We used to have a good relationship!”

Xia Ke raised his voice, not wanting to raise suspicion at this time. He hurriedly grabbed Zhao Nao’s arm and pulled him out, causing his back to face the door of the inner room.


“But there were a lot of little disagreements, uh, and you regretted it after we got married—”

“I got married and regretted it?” Zhao Nao interrupted him. With a hint of anger in his eyes, not directed towards Xia Ke, but at himself before losing his memory. “Isn’t that a bit too childish? Marriage is such an important thing but I failed to take due responsibility.”

Xia Ke felt even more guilty and couldn’t hold his head up. He solemnly said, “Actually, it’s my fault. I have too many problems. I’m a loner, and boring, and…”

He listed a long list of shortcomings in one breath, thinking that this would help Zhao Nao make up his mind to divorce him. When he finally raised his head, he found Zhao Nao even angrier than before. He couldn’t help but raise his eyes in confusion. 7v8dod

The little mice looked at each other, not understanding what this strange man was doing, and urged louder again, “Squeak?”

Xia Ke quickly threw a silencing spell at the mice with his hands behind his back, but it was too late, Zhao Nao had already heard their cries.

“There seems to be mice?” His voice was tight and he clenched his hands unconsciously.

Obviously as a pampered, rich young master, he has never faced as terrifying of a creature as a rat. But he still stood in front of Xia Ke reflexively, looking around to find a weapon against this enemy. YH18Cl

“No! You heard wrong!” Xia Ke was really anxious this time. He pushed Zhao Nao out of the door with force. “We just need to sign the divorce agreement. I will never take a penny from you!”

He closed the door with a bang and collapsed onto the floor, messing up his hair in the process. He rolled on the ground several times before slowly getting up. Preparing to restore the furniture to its original condition, he turns his head and sees Zhao Nao looking at him silently through the railing of the iron gate.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xia Ke: “…..”

Llr ojmf lcrajcais aegcr gfv, jcv tf pewqr ab atf vbbg ilxf j gjyyla, alutais rijwwlcu atf yjgr jcv klcvbkr bc atf lgbc vbbg atja kjr wfjca obg nfcalijalbc. 2BYlO

Qlat tlr tfjv qgfrrfv jujlcra atf vbbg qjcfi, tf lcafgcjiis rmgfjwr, “CLLLLL. Lbk mbeiv atlr tjqqfc?”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Lbk mbeiv atlr tjqqfc?”

Vajcvlcu ecvfg atf vlijqlvjafv jqjgawfca jcv ibbxlcu vffqis lcab atf vlrajcmf, Itjb Rjb jirb tjv rbwf vbeyar jybea ilof. HDCXbl

“Am I actually a scumbag who always gives up?”

The guy on the other end of the phone laughed dryly.

“But you can’t actually be considered a scumbag either right? Aren’t you guys married? You also signed a prenuptial agreement with such stringent conditions. If you hadn’t lost your memory, maybe you two would be quite happy.” After a pause, he added, “Of course, if we don’t count the fact that you have never let us see him, didn’t invite any friends to the wedding, declared that you were single, and even let him live in a rental apartment with such poor conditions—tsk, when you think about it, you seem to be quite the scumbag.”

Zhao Nao facepalms. jrIPYs

“You also can’t completely believe what he said. After all, you’ve lost your memory,” His childhood friend continues. “Maybe he deliberately wanted you to pity him.”

“Impossible. He’s so good-looking. He wouldn’t lie to others.” Zhao Nao shakes his head and analyzes, “Think about it, as long as he divorces me he can get half of my family property, but he’s willing to reject it. What does this mean?”

“What does it mean? Wait, are you saying this because he doesn’t want your family property or because he’s good-looking?”

“He loves me,” Zhao Nao said firmly, completely ignoring his interruption. iHodhD

His friend facepalms. “….Okay.”

After Zhao Nao made his own judgment, he stopped worrying and hung up the phone. He turned around and walked out, looked at the secretary waiting by the car, and whispered instructions, “Cancel today’s dinner and make an appointment for a marriage consultation.”

It’s about time for him to take responsibility.


“I have to take full responsibility for this!” Xia Ke laid on the desk, wanting to cry, but without the tears. Three little mice sat in a row in front of him, patting his forehead comfortingly. “But I really didn’t expect that ritual magic to work like this. I thought it would be a lottery or something! I even bought a lottery ticket for five yuan!”

Five yuan! The little mouse distressingly squeaked. This could buy several packs of instant noodles. Xia Ke covered his face and depressedly fell back. The carpet quickly stood up to catch him. It wrapped him up like a caterpillar and rolled him onto the bed. The edge of the blanket pointed to the wooden bed, gesturing for him to go up and sleep.

“This time it’s not a problem that can be solved by sleeping on it.”

Xia Ke sighed and stood up. He snapped his fingers. The wooden bed instantly transformed into a brown square table. There were countless parchments piled on top, as well as several jars of mysterious, sealed potions. GYvbNn

The cauldron from the back room came out with a clang and a bang before stopping in front of him. As the magician’s slender fingers danced, blue flames ignited below it. Magic materials of all kinds flew in from all directions and lined up to land in the crucible.

“I have to research the solution to that ritual magic today.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He looked over to the little mice holding the phone, apologetically.

“You guys go watch cartoons for a while first. After I resolve this I’ll go do the divination.” s4AEaZ

The little mice nodded and ran back to the back room, giggling while watching cartoons. Xia Ke took the parchment and rummaged through it to see if there was any annotation on dispelling the ritual magic.

He also glanced over at the crucible, stopping from time to time.

“Wisteria, you aren’t part of the potion’s ingredients this time. Hurry back to the storage box now.”

A wisteria, almost as big as a holly tree, aggrievedly turned around mid-air. It floated back to the drawer in the corner before stretching out a small branch and waving its leaves at Xia Ke. g7ubUa

The crucible gurgled all night long. Even after the potion was finished brewing, Xia Ke couldn’t find any information related to the cancellation of this ritual magic.

He rubbed his eyes and stared at the pile of parchment sadly. He waved his hand and dozens of glass bottles jingled while flying out of the drawer in the corner. They collide with each other before flying to the side of the crucible.

The crucible tilts itself, pours the lavender concoction into the glass bottles, and waits until all they’re full. Just enough to fill up all the potions, it nods proudly to itself and swangs its four square legs towards the inner room, ready to clean himself up under the faucet.

Xia Ke stops the crucible. He raises it with two of his fingers and uses a cleaning spell on it. He touches the edge of the crucible and helplessly says, “Did you forget, our water supply was cut off last week because we couldn’t pay the utility bill.” n7AEID

“Squeak?” Hearing Xia Ke’s voice, the little mice run out of the back room and gesture curiously.

“There’s no case of removing this ritual magic at all. I did find a note from an archmage stating that once the ritual magic takes effect, it can’t be withdrawn.” Xia Ke distressedly continues, “This is a big problem now.”

The little mice sighed along with him, stretching out their paws to pat his boots as comfort.

“If someone comes here today, you must hide in the back room and don’t come out.” Xia Ke kneels down and tells them seriously, “Ordinary people are afraid of mice.” TdVcjH

Before he finished speaking, there was already a knock on the door.

“It’s only six o’clock.” Xia Ke glanced at the wall clock in surprise and muttered in a low voice. “Nevermind, it’s better to resolve this matter sooner rather than later.”

The wall clock dinged, and a bare, puppet bird popped out, sticking out its tongue slightly at him.

Putting down the parchment in his hand, Xia Ke waved his hand. All traces of alchemy products quickly disappeared and the little mice also quickly ran to the back room. When Xia Ke opened the door, the furnishings in his home were the same as yesterday. VFco4

While rubbing his face in hopes of making his facial expression less stiff, Xia Ke opens the door. Zhao Nao stood at the door, dressed much more casually this time. He wore a sports shirt, loose, straight pants, and held a large bouquet of champagne roses in his hand. When he saw Xia Ke, he handed it to him with a smile.

Can flowers like roses really be given away to anyone? Xia Ke froze in embarrassment, not knowing whether to accept it or not.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I happened to casually pass by a flower shop and bought it,” Zhao Nao put the bouquet into his hands and casually asked, “Is this your first time receiving flowers?”

Xia Ke agrees. we7TtO

If you don’t count the piranha flowers that his master gave him as a potion ingredient, this is really the first time he has received a serious gesture of ordinary flowers.

Zhao Nao nodded and made a note of himself before amnesia in the little notebook in his heart. He still calmly smiled on the surface, “Can I come in?”

“Did you bring the contract?” Xia Ke looked at the roses in his hand and vaguely felt that things were different from what he thought. “We can just sign it directly. No need to waste your time on this little thing.”

“Don’t belittle yourself so much,” Zhao Nao frowned slightly. He said seriously, “You are a great person and deserve the best treatment. Just believe in yourself and learn to love yourself——” hFPyTu

“What are you talking about?” Xia Ke interrupted him, confused. He wanted to use magic to listen to this person in front of him’s heart beat. Fortunately, reason stopped this imminent move in time.

“Let’s sign the divorce as soon as possible.”

Zhao Nao looked at him sadly.

Has he already been gaslighted to this stage, that he won’t even listen to this little compliment? R9b7BS

“We just got married. The only person who did something wrong in this marriage was me because my amnesia led to the current situation.” Zhao Nao coughed lightly and calmly analyzed, “I think we haven’t reached the point where we have to sign a divorce agreement yet.”

Xia Ke: “…..”

Xia Ke choked again, and this time his eyes were a little red from anxiety. He took a deep breath in order to calm himself down, but realized that he really couldn’t do it. Finally, with a shake of his hand, he slammed the door shut. The heavy iron door almost hit Zhao Nao’s tall nose.

The magician inside the door took out a large bottle of calming potion from his pocket and pulled the cork off before starting to pour it into his mouth. 9xiM8V

The rich man outside the door stretched out his hand, rearranged his hairstyle, smiled, and shook his head before sighing.

He loves me too much. When I said we wouldn’t divorce, he almost shed tears!

Translator’s Notes

Fa Xiao actually was actually supposed to be childhood friend, but now its been fixed. Sorry to those who read it before the fix. o(〒﹏〒)o


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