An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh69 - Commit Regicide

“If you treat me badly, then I will commit regicide.”

The next day, Ji Yue went directly to the Spiritual Palace after the morning court session. Wei Lian was up but stayed on the bed, leaning lazily against the headboard. FrZseQ

Seeing Ji Yue coming in, Wei Lian sank back into the quilt, covering his head as well.

Ji Yue chuckled, “Hiding from us again?”

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Wei Lian kept silent and wrapped himself in the quilt, pretending Ji Yue was not present.

Ji Yue deliberately threatened, “Then do not blame us for tying you up for another night.” 2eoRCI

Wei Lian angrily sat up and glared at him. Complaints filled his eyes, but he kept his silence.

Ji Yue continued talking to himself: “Yesterday’s group of assassins has been recruited. They are a killer organization in the world. They accepted the reward and sneaked into the palace pretending to be a juggler. I have dealt with them according to the law.”

Ji Yue continued, ignoring interference, “The assassins have confessed. They are in an organization for hired men in the Jianghu and received a bounty on sneaking into the palace as a performance team. We have dealt with them according to the law.”

Wei Lian lowered his head and acknowledged, “Oh.”


“Now the assassin matter is done.” Ji Yue smiled. “It is time to talk about you.”

Wei Lian hugged his knees, put his chin on the quilt and whispered, “Being tossed by you the entire night wasn’t enough?”

His whole body was still sore. Because his wrists were tied for too long, the red marks had not faded. He could tell how badly he was bullied last night just from the sight of them.

“One code is the same, I haven’t asked clearly yet.” Ji Yue didn’t forget all about the business after one night, “If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict. Tell the truth.” sKqNQg

“That’s a different matter. We have not got to the bottom of the first thing yet.” It was unlikely for Ji Yue to forget the important matter after one night. “Leniency if you confess, severity if you resist. Be truthful and explain.”

Wei Lian looked up and asked, “Explain what?”

“For example, who is your Master?”

Wei Lian said: “My master’s name is Junzhu. He is a very mysterious and powerful figure. I met him in the palace when I was nine years old. He said that I was destined to have a master-disciple relationship, so he came to the palace to find me.” jBMd6

Ji Yue was quite curious about this Master of Wei Lian. He must be an extraordinary person to bring up such a disciple like Wei Lian. But there was no mention of such a powerful character from the information he had collected on Young Master Lian’s time in the country of Chu.

Wei Lian said, “He is a divine sage.”

Ji Yue asked, “If he is a divine sage, why did he appear in the Chu palace?”

“Fate.” Sd1VEI


Wei Lian said: “My master’s name is Junzhu. He is a very mysterious and powerful figure. I met him in the palace when I was nine years old. He said that I was destined to have a master-disciple relationship, so he came to the palace to find me.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian said, “My Master’s name is Jun Zhu, and he is a very mysterious and powerful figure. I met him in the palace when I was nine years old. He said we were destined to be teachers and apprentices, so he came to the palace to find me.”

Ji Yue: “…” LX1P2y

It was really fate.

“What did he teach you?”

“Nothing at the beginning.”

“?” yRAhnv

Wei Lian explained: “When he first met me, he said that we were destined to be my master, and then he threw me a pile of books and asked me to read them carefully, and wait for him to check and accept the results when he comes back next time. He left. The next time I saw him was half a year later.”

Wei Lian explained, “When we first met, after he told me he was destined to be my master, he left me a pile of books to read. He said he will inspect the results the next time we meet, before leaving. The second time we met, it was half a year later.”

Ji Yue: “…”

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Vemt jc ecgfiljyif wjrafg ogbw atf rbecv bo la. qVBARd

Imagine that a dignified young master from a country suddenly met an unknown person one day and said out of nowhere, “We are destined to be your teacher.” Then he didn’t teach anything, left a pile of books and disappeared. Everyone would think that This person is mentally ill, how could he take this to heart.

Rbk tf atbeuta jybea la, lo j rbc bo gbsjias revvfcis wfa j wjc ogbw jc ecxcbkc bglulc, ktb rjlv atfs kfgf ojafv ab yf wjrafgr jcv vlrmlqifr, jcv abiv atf rbc bo gbsjias ab jmmfqa tlw jr j afjmtfg. Ktfc yfobgf tf ajeuta jcsatlcu, tf ifoa klatbea j agjmf, ifjnlcu j qlif bo ybbxr. Ccsbcf kbeiv atlcx atlr wjc kjr wfcajiis lii. Qts kbeiv jcsbcf ajxf tlr kbgvr ab tfjga?

As for those books, either store it in the deepest part of storage, or worse, burn them as it was hard to grasp if that stranger had an ulterior motive or not.

“The Master left all sorts of books, medical, military, martial arts and mental skills, as well as children’s picture story books.” Wei Lian said, “Most of them were entry level.” CmSWrx

Although it is at the entry level, it is really difficult to understand if there is no one to guide you and just rely on reading books. Wei Lian was only nine years old at the time. Any child with this pile of books would probably only be interested in books about villains.

Although they were entry level, it was still very difficult to understand the content just by reading without guidance. Wei Lian was only nine years old at that time. Any child who got this pile of books would only be interested in picture books.

“Half a year later, Master came back and asked me how much I read. I said most of them. Master dismissed it with a laugh and asked me how much I took in?”

Ji Yue thought that with how smart Wei Lian was, the youth probably understood all of them. XDM7sF

Sure enough, when Wei Lian shared this, he appeared very proud, “I told him all of them.”

Even now, recalling how his Master stared at him with wide eyes and mouth was a great amusement.

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At that time, Wei Lian suddenly got such an opportunity. An ordinary child might not be able to seize the opportunity, but who was Wei Lian? At the age of six, one can understand the human heart, and at the age of nine, his character is not inferior to that of an adult. Having experienced the pain of being weak, he is extremely persistent in becoming stronger, and would rather believe in its existence than its non-existence. UeuXjG

At that time, what Wei Lian got was the opportunity of a lifetime. Any ordinary child may not grasp the opportunity, but Wei Lian was no ordinary child. At the age of six, he understood people’s hearts, and at the age of nine, he was not inferior to adults. He had experienced the pain of being weak and small, so he was extremely persistent about becoming strong. He would rather believe than assume the truth.

After half a year, except for a small portion of children’s books, and other uninteresting topics like the shaman spell and curse… Wei Lian studied in great depth through the rest, divination, art of healing, and the basics of martial arts.

Six months later, Jun Zhu returned again and asked, “How much did you read?”

He thought it was impressive enough for a nine-year-old child to read twenty percent of the books, but it was also possible to read none as well. ddFsqJ

Wei Lian replied, “More than eighty percent of them.”

Jun Zhu smiled faintly and was noncommittal. The books he gave were difficult for an adult to understand even if he had no basic knowledge. The child probably just glanced at them once and didn’t understand their meaning.

Jun Zhu showed a faint smile and made no comment. The books he gave the child were mostly for adults. Even adults without the foundation would have a hard time processing them. This child probably glanced through them briefly, not understanding the meaning at all.

So, he asked the second question, “How much do you understand?” BI305u

Wei Lian replied, “All of them.”

Jun Zhu only viewed it as this inexperienced child acting brave and over exaggerating his answers. He said in a joking manner, “Alright, I will test you to see how much you understand.”

…The result of the test had made Jun Zhu dumbstruck as his brain shut off on the spot.

No matter what he asked, Wei Lian could answer it flawlessly. He even deduced many things from one case, an otherworldly genius. WEcUYv

“He is really a genius.” Junzhu exclaimed as if he had found a treasure. “My child, you have passed the test. From today on, I will officially accept you as my disciple.”

“You are indeed a genius.” Jun Zhu was ecstatic, as if he had gained the most precious treasure. He clicked his tongue in wonder, “Boy, you have passed the test. From today on, I will officially accept you as my apprentice.”

Wei Lian kept his expression and calmly asked, “Did you have a second thought even after saying we were destined?”

“You kid, you are quite clever at such a young age.” Jun Zhu said proudly, “I am a genius, and my apprentice cannot be a fool. If you have gained nothing in the past six months, I will not care about your fate. I won’t accept you anymore.” bkXVOA

“Little boy, you are very sharp at your age.” Jun Zhu said proudly, “I’m a genius, so naturally my apprentice cannot be a fool. If you have gained nothing from the past six months, I would not have accepted you regardless of that nuisance fate.

“But fact proved that you are not without talent, little boy.

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“I’m willing to accept you as an apprentice. Will you accept me as your teacher?”

Wei Lian accepted the strange man as his master without hesitation. Uir Tv

Wei Lian knew who could teach him more useful things, the gentlemen in the palace who would go easy on the princes or the mysterious man before him.

Junzhu drank the apprenticeship tea and found a new talented apprentice. He was very excited: “My teacher’s name is Junzhu. Little apprentice, please remember it. I will come often in the future to teach you some deeper things.”

In the master and apprentice ceremony, Jun Zhu drank the tea and gained a new gifted apprentice. He chirped, “This teacher’s name is Jun Zhu. Remember well, my young disciple. I will come more often in the future to teach you more profound things.”

_ 95im8I

“But actually he doesn’t come very often.” Wei Lian said, “It can be as short as three or five months, or as long as one or two years. Every time he comes back, he will give me a few words of guidance during my bottleneck period, and then he will drop more profound books. Gone again.”

“At the rate he was going, he actually did not visit me more often.” Wei Lian recounted, “Shortest being three to five months, and one to two years at the longest. Every time he appeared, it was when I was stuck on something. He would give me a few instructions for my bottleneck and leave more advanced books, before disappearing again.”

It could be said that this was a very hands-off teaching method.

Wei Lian was really self-taught. sMRhWS

Jun Zhu had come and gone without a trace. For so many years, he could enter the Chu palace without alerting anyone. No one knew of his existence except Wei Lian.

Even after so many years, Wei Lian still did not know his Master’s origin.

Ji Yue listened with great interest. “He is indeed a divine sage.” Wei Lian must be very lucky to have such a fortuitous meeting.

To be fair, Ji Yue was very thankful for this Master whom he had never met. If it wasn’t for him, Wei Lian would have a harder childhood. TVGFIE

In this world filled with suffering, only the strong have a saying.

The weak do not even have the ability to protect themselves.

“Yes.” Wei Lian deeply agreed, “I haven’t seen him a few times in so many years. Not to mention that others know him, very few people even know that I know martial arts. I first practiced swordplay in private. At that time, I was accidentally bumped into by Changsheng. I simply taught him martial arts and helped me.”

“That’s right.” Wei Lian thought deeply. “I have only met him a handful of times after all these years. Not many outsiders know of my martial arts skill, let alone about my Master. At the beginning, there is Chang Sheng, who accidentally discovered me practicing swordsmanship in secret. I simply taught him in return and let him be my right hand.” AkSQhq

“Now,” Wei Lian looked at him, “you increased that number.”

Ji Yue was not the only one. After last night, the whole country of Qin should know that the hostage prince sent by the country of Chu was not as simple as he appeared.

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He really showed all his cards at once.

Ji Yue thought of Wei Lian’s ability, then their first meeting, how he tormented the youth and was suddenly in cold sweat. ZR5fw6

He hesitated and asked, “Wei Lian, tell us the truth, did you…have the thought of killing us in the beginning?”

The period when Wei Lian first arrived was not a good one, and it was also the period of time that Ji Yue felt most distressed and regretted later on. He thought that Wei Lian was weak and couldn’t resist at that time. His life was so wronged, and the more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. But it turns out… Wei Lian is fully capable of revenge.

Wei Lian’s first arrival was not a fun time, which was also the most painful and regretful time for Ji Yue now. He thought Wei Lian was weak and insufficient, without the power to resist. The youth must have lived very roughly which birthed some dangerous thoughts. But facts have proved that…Wei Lian was fully capable of retaliation.

Ji Yue suddenly felt that he was really lucky to be still alive. ewWENn

It turned out that it was not he who had let Wei Lian off, but Wei Lian who had let him off…

Opponents with equal strength are more likely to be victorious if they are hidden in the dark.

Speaking of this, Wei Lian recalled something.

Due to Ji Yue’s earlier A’Meng-like behavior, he was… i9P Wh


Combined with Ji Yue’s excessive behavior of blinding him to do whatever he wanted last night, Wei Lian felt vexed the more he thought.

The fact that he allowed Ji Yue to indiscriminately play him last night did not mean there was no grudge afterwards.

Wei Lian sneered, quickly pulled out the dagger hidden under the sheet and placed it against Ji Yue’s neck. “What do you think?” DgyS9u

Ji Yue: “…”

Fine, he understood. Wei Xiao Lian really wanted to kill him at the beginning.

No, that was not the point. Why was there a dagger hiding under the sheet?!

In fact, it was not difficult to guess since it was common for people with high vigilance and low sense of security to hide weapons by the bed. Ji Yue was the same. 2fI0Vt

But Ji Yue still felt scared after thinking about it. He didn’t know that there was such a sharp weapon hidden under the sheets. What if Wei Lian was injured after playing too much last night…

But Ji Yue was still afraid of the thought. Not from the thought of having a sharp weapon hiding under the sheet, but what if Wei Lian was hurt by the sharp weapon during their session last night…

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Although this probability was very slim, everything related to harming Wei Lian must be zero percent.

During his chaotic thoughts, he remembered another detail. PfCLE6

Recalling the event from last night, Wei Lian’s fingers had grabbed where the dagger happened to be hidden between his sobs.

He bullied Wei Lian so much that Wei Lian even had the thought to kill him…

And what did he do in return?

When he heard Wei Lian’s cry, he put more forces behind… li58jI

Wei Lian’s fingers stopped in that area, tightened for a long time but weakly loosened it at the end, letting him continue.

It turned out that there was a dagger under there.

The more Ji Yue thought, the more guilty he felt.

He was thankful for Wei Lian’s mercy! 9IKMGJ

Although he had terrified himself at the thought, he still insisted on not losing face, even if he had lost countless faces in front of Wei Lian.

But Ji Yue refused to admit it.

He said coldly, “Wei Lian, do you want to rebel?”

Wei Lian smiled and intimately rubbed his finger against the speaker’s lips. “If you treat me well, I’ll be your Shijun. If you treat me badly, then I will commit regicide.” NymltQ

He was so close that most of his bedding slipped down, revealing his snow-white skin with captivating marks.

Ji Yue: “…”

We are dead.

There is no one who can stand this.  itHMwa

Ji Yue internally recited the cleaning-heart mantra and told himself to calm down.

But Wei Lian leaned against his neck and whispered, “…Jun as in a husband.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue: “…”

Fuck being calm! K9NmzY

The dagger fell to the ground with a crisp “ding-dong” sound. The young man on the couch had long been pressed down by Ji Yue. His black hair was disheveled, his snow-white neck was slightly raised, and his eyes were clear and moist.

The dagger fell to the ground with a clink. The youth on the bed had been pressed down by Ji Yue. His black hair was scattered, his pale neck was slightly tilted, and his eyes were clearly moist.

Ji Yue lowered his head and kissed him.

“Let this husband take good care of you for a lifetime. Buythi

“And you can be this husband’s Shijun for a lifetime as well.”

Translator's Note

Dog like. Or lowly behavior.

Translator's Note

A little play on word here. Before, shijun has been used as a lord/gentleman who serves. Now, it’s more like a husband who serves. The ‘husband’ they have been using is 夫君, or fujun. What Wei Lian is saying is, I’ll be your Shijun, Jun in Fujun. That’s why it’s cap Shijun and not lower case shijun.

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