An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh68 - Please Husband 

“Happy twentieth birthday.”

The assassins were taken to prison by the bodyguards. nAdjpd

Wei Lian was pressed into the big bed by Ji Yue.

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The night was as cool as water, but it could not calm the burning stream in the bedroom.

“…Ji Yue!” Wei Lian was dragged to the Spiritual Palace by Ji Yue and dumped on the bed. KR5YCb

Ji Yue controlled his strength, dropping the flustered Wei Lian gingerly into the soft bedding.

“That can wait until later.” Ji Yue smiled, “Take off your clothes.”

Wei Lian: “…”

Ji Yue reminded him, “Do not forget what you had promised just now.”


At the mention of this, the youth blushed with shame again.

Of course he did not forget.

When Ji Yue stopped in front of him in the throne room, Wei Lian was very nervous despite looking very calm on the surface.

He did not know how to face Ji Yue. gHcOZo

Is Ji Yue angry?

Ji Yue got closer and asked in a low voice, “How should we punish you?”

Wei Lian flatted his lips and suggested nothing.

He kept it secret for so long, Ji became more and more angry, and it was right to punish him. He also believed that Ji Yue would not really be cruel to him. Ce8b4i

It was reasonable for Ji Yue to be angry and want him punished for keeping this secret for so long. He also believed that Ji Yue would not punish him too harshly.

Wei Lian found that he really did rely on the other’s affection to commit crime.

In the past, to hide his strength and bide his time was for three reasons: having a leeway, avoiding Ji Yue’s suspicions and waiting for his birthday.

Now he gave Ji Yue his biggest leeway, and Ji Yue gave him his heart, he was no longer afraid of showing his sharp edging on his birthday. 4xAw92

He might have to pay a small price at least.

Ji Yue then said the second part in a lighter tone, “…How about dying on the bed?”

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Wei Lian immediately blushed. qVZUiB

Why were they having this discussion?! They were in public!

However, Ji Yue stood in front of him, as if he would not give up until he answered. In desperation, Wei Lian had no choice but to nod in agreement.

However, Ji Yue stood firmly in front of him, with a posture that said he would not drop the matter until he received an answer. In full desperation, Wei Lian had to nod and agree.

…This was no big deal. Worst comes to worst, he will not be able to get out of bed tomorrow. He could not make Ji Yue any angrier. ry7nKE

Wei Lian might as well smash the cracked pot to pieces.

Just like that, Wei Lian was led away by Ji Yue in public and to the Spiritual Palace.

Because it was to celebrate Wei Lian’s birthday, Zhongling Palace was decorated very festively today, with red silk hanging everywhere. Red wax was burning in front of the bed, and the bedroom was even more red.

Because they were celebrating Wei Lian’s birthday, the Spiritual Palace was decorated very festively today as gorgeous red filled the room as far as eyes could see. Red silks hanging everywhere, and red candles burning by the bed. yUV8XH

If crimson double happiness were pasted on the wall, this room would be no different than a bridal chamber.

They were like two handsome bridegrooms with their red outfits, and tonight was their wedding festivities.

However, they both know that this was not the case at all.

Looking at Ji Yue’s gentle and smiling eyes, with a trace of danger, Wei Lian sincerely felt that his time of death was actually on his birthday. DG3Okv


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fcvfg Al Tef’r ujhf, Qfl Oljc ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv ribkis ecalfv tlr jiieglcu gfv mibatfr.

Ktf rifcvfg jcv yfjealoei olcufgr ecojrafc atf yfiar ja j tjlg-qeiilcu ribk rqffv.

This was not the first day that he had been intimate with Ji Yue. He was usually more bold in his style, but at this moment he was a bit shy for no reason, and his face was burning badly. 0uvtQx

Ktlr kjr cba tlr olgra alwf yflcu lcalwjaf klat Al Tef, tf kjr fnfc wbgf ofjgifrr yfobgf atlr. Dea ja atlr wbwfca, tf kjr offilcu rts obg cb gfjrbc jcv yiertlcu nlrlyis.

Maybe he knew he was in the wrong, so he lost his usual confidence. He did not know what treatments await him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue waited leisurely and did not rush. It’s like watching a piece of exquisite multicolored porcelain slowly peel off its paint, revealing the smooth jade-white bottle inside.

Ji Yue, who was calm and unruffled in the midst of Wei Lian’s internal struggle, waited and did not urge. As if he was admiring a lovely and colorful porcelain that was slowly peeling off its paint, revealing the bright and smooth jade underneath. RXgnw5

The youth’s reddish cheeks were as bright as the most beautiful peony under the candle lights. Underneath the festive red clothes were the smooth and fair skins that were as pale as pear flowers in the snow.

Ji Yue’s eyes darkened bit by bit with each article of clothes taken off of the slender body.

While for him, he was fully dressed. He took one of the hanging red silk, grabbed and raised Wei Lian’s wrists over his head and tied the youth to the headboard.

Wei Lian was caught off guard, “What are you doing.” MjDVAe

As he was thinking of using his internal energy to break away from the red silk, Ji Yue’s ‘You had promised’ instantly dissipated all of Wei Lian’s strength.

…Whatever, just this time.

Wei Lian awkwardly looked away. Compared to his tied-up state, Ji Yue was fully dressed. This was extremely embarrassing.

He simply closed his eyes and thought to himself that he could take anything Ji Yue threw his way. Pmz1bD

Unexpectedly, Ji Yue did nothing after a long time.

…Was Ji Yue going to ignore him here?

This was crossing the line!

Wei Lian quietly opened his eyes again and found that Ji Yue was opening a box. There were many objects with different lengths and thickness inside the box. PCvaQ4

Wei Lain was stupefied.

Could Ji Yue plan to toss him from side to side with these playthings?!

Wei Lian was a little flustered. “Ji Yue… You can’t be…”

Ji Yue picked the thickest one and played with it, casually asked, “Can’t what?” m1CjWw

Wei Lian’s face changed. With a bitter face, he whispered, “I don’t want to use this…”

Although he always brought these up, he had in fact never used any external objects at all and had an instinctive opposition to these cold instruments.

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He paused and pleaded in a lower voice, “I want you.”

This almost melted Ji Yue’s heart, but he maintained his stern face and said, “We are punishing you, not giving you pleasure.” tw8d2m

Wei Lian inquired in fear, “Then can you change it to a smaller one?”

He was going to die with this large size.

He was really going to die.

Ji Yue held back his smile, changed to the thinnest one, sat down in front of the bed and ordered, “Open your legs.” sCMwKW

There was no way for him to have the heart to bully the other, but it was necessary to scare the youth.

He could finally get back at the other person openly after enduring for so long.

The hourglass flows bit by bit, and time becomes slow and torturous. Wei Lian bit his lip lightly, sweating slightly, his long eyelashes trembled fragilely, and his neck was lightly pink. i0AmMW

Sand flowed through the hourglass bit by bit as time became painfully slow. Wei Lian gently bit his lips as faint fine sweats dripped down. His long eyelashes trembled weakly, and faint blushes covered his neck.

After a while, even his eyes were filled with fog.

“Ji Yue…” He gasped, “Enough.”

He actually wanted to say not enough. FeDSKC

He wants Ji Yue.

Ji Yue knew his underlying meaning, but he was not satisfied. Instead, he leisurely asked, “You know the art of healing?”

When the imperial physicians treated him, his wounds had been treated so well that it was obviously not done by an amateur.

Just because Ji Yue did not mention it before did not mean he had forgotten. WslLEF

Wei Lian frowned and looked at Ji Yue accusingly.

How could Ji Yue bring this up right now…!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue stopped. “We will leave if you do not answer.”

Wei Lian: “…” gBXEpb

To this day, he would still scold this man as a dog of an emperor, dog of an emperor, stupid dog of an emperor!


“You also detoxified our poison?”

“Yes. I gave you an antidote.” Wei Lian did not state clearly what he had used was the extremely precious revival pill. uxoILw

Only he should know what kind of price he had paid. There was no need to share it.

“You killed those assassins.” Ji Yue stated with a determined tone.


“Your horsemanship is very good.” At the mention of this, Ji Yue was clenching his teeth slightly, “Not taught by us.” BpuXKx

Wei Lian had no plan to hide. “Yes.”

“Who taught you?”

“I—” Wei Lian gasped, “Self-taught.”

“Martial arts and medical skills are also self-taught.” O05zkJ


“What do you mean by somewhat?”

“…There was this master.”

“Who is this master?” CNYzGv

Wei Lian was on the verge of tears from the torment. “Ji Yue, take it out first…”

Ji Yue chuckled and pulled out the jade pillar.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian’s body stiffened then all his nerves tightened, leaving him panting for a good while.

“So fast?” Ji Yue raised his eyebrows and untied the red silk once Wei Lian came back to his senses. AmD6SI

As soon as Wei Lian was free, he hurtled himself into Ji Yue’s arms and violently bit the young man hard on his left shoulder.


Beast, bastard, scumbag!

Ji Yue did not frown one bit, instead, said with a smile, “Little fox, such a sharp teeth and mouth.” hH ZDu

At the same time, he rubbed the red marks on Wei Lian’s wrists that were left from the red silk.

Wei Lian loosened his strength and lay quietly in Ji Yue’s arms, staying in the embrace.

With his long hair spread out, the fair-skinned young man leaned in front of the young man in red, showing an attitude of attachment.

His long hair was spread out. The youth with fair skin snuggled into the red clothed young man’s arms with a posture of attachment. AFZ0 N

In the end, he did not put full force into the bite.

“Wei Xiao Lian, you are so secretive.” Ji Yue chuckled with his deep voice.

Wei Lian whispered, “…Do you blame me?”

“If we did, you would have been in the prison like those assassins. Do you underestimate the crime of deceiving the ruler?” XrxmbB

Wei Lian stopped talking.

Seeing that his beloved was in a low mood, Ji Yue brought the youth onto his lap and said with a smile, “Why isn’t Wei Xiao Lian atoning for his crimes yet?”

Wei Lian lowered his eyes to meet Ji Yue’s eyes. “How do I atone for this capital crime?”

“I’m still injured, so I can’t move easily.” Ji Yue pinched his chin with amusement in his eyes, “Do you know how to sleep with him?” fn1cyt

“It is inconvenient for us to move with our injuries.” Ji Yue pinched his chin, playfulness in his eyes. “Do you know how to serve from the top?”

Wei Lian was stunned.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Let him do everything?

Wei Lian’s face burned even hotter, seeing the wider smile in Ji Yue’s eyes. 1xcUhR

“…Understood.” Wei Lian closed his eyes.

Fully diving in.


Ji Yue loves Wei Lian’s shy appearance. cko2 S

The first time he took the initiative to do this, the young man was so ashamed that he felt like a cooked shrimp. Her eyelashes were trembling so much that she didn’t even dare to open her eyes, and the small moans that occasionally escaped her mouth were suppressed and swallowed. She was so cute.

As Wei Lian’s first time taking the initiative, the youth curled into himself in shame, like a cooked shrimp. The eyelashes fluttered so much that he insisted on keeping his eyes closed. The occasional small groans overflowing from his mouths were swallowed again repeatedly. It was so cute.

Once Ji Yue was satisfied by such a sight, he flipped their positions to regain the lead.

Yes, the youth was very cute, but also very slow. It was torture for both of them. o31JnO

Wei Lian opened his confused eyes. “Isn’t it inconvenient for you to move?”

Ji Yue kissed his eyebrows. “We had to get well quicker for you.”


We had to get well quicker for you. sA kyF

Because of this sentence, Wei Lian’s whole body was in danger.

Ji Yue kept his word and did not give Wei Lian a chance to beg for mercy the entire night. Wei Lian was also stubborn, staying firm to his decision and enduring one round after another.

But he could not endure endless demands.

No matter how ruthless Ji Yue was in the past, he was concerned about Wei Lian’s weak body and always left a leeway. Tonight was a complete invasion, relying entirely on Wei Lian’s foundation to get him to death. kjYMg3

Once upon a time, no matter how ruthless Ji Yue was on the bed, he had kept Wei Lian’s delicate body in mind and always took it easy. Tonight was a complete takeover. It was all about bullying Wei Lian’s backside to death.

In the end, Wei Lian did not want to cooperate at all. He struggled to escape, but Ji Yue dragged him back, tied him up and continued. His actions showed that ‘die on the bed’ was no joke.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The red gauze curtain swayed slowly as lively color brought forth fragrance.

The young man’s wrists were tied with red silk, with dark blue veins winding out. His skin was so white that it was almost transparent, and the ends of his eyes were extremely red. The red plum blossoms are covered with white snow bit by bit, blooming quietly and looking very beautiful. 6ZtkMs

The youth’s wrists were tied with red silk as the winding dark blue vein appeared on his almost transparent skin. Deep red painted the corner of his eyes. The red plums covered the snow little by little, before blossoming quietly and creating a beautiful sight.

Wei Lian really could not stand it anymore. He said in a hoarse voice that was no longer clear, “Ji Yue, enough.”

Ji Yue ignored it.

With determination, Wei Lian broke free from the red silk, bolted forward and hugged the young man, whispering, “…Husband.” wF4vu0

Ji Yue’s movement paused, directly lowered his flag.

He really…powerless against this word.

Wei Lian’s whole body was trembling as he tightly held on to Ji Yue. “No more, please?”

How could Ji Yue have the heart to continue? CEyLdg

He already bullied the youth to this.

Wei Xiao Lian was not drunk today. When sober, Wei Lian has one hundred times more endurance than when drunk. Now that he was forced into this, it could be seen that he was really at his limit.

Ji Yue took the young man who was curled up like a small animal into his arms and patted his back gently. After being quiet for a while, he opened his lips lightly and spoke in a solemn tone like an oath:

Ji Yue took the youth, who was curling up like a little cub, into his arms and gently patted him on the back. After a long silence, he gently cracked open his mouth, with a solemn tone as if he was taking an oath, “My A-Lian, we regretted that we did not spend those nineteen years with you. But we hope that it was not too late today. We wish you endless happiness, and a worry-free life for years to come. Ji Yue will stay with you and love you, year after year, until it is time to descend and to drink from the Yellow Spring.” 1hbvqg

He kissed the youth on the forehead. “Wei Xiao Lian, happy twentieth birthday.”

Translator's Note

Write oneself off as hopeless and act recklessly. Another idiom that matches this one is ‘send the helve after the hatchet’.

Translator's Note

The combined symmetric character 囍 (similar to 喜喜) as symbol of good luck, esp. Marriage.

Translator's Note

This description shows up in novels from time to time. This translator tried to add the reason why. This is an expression of someone feeling shame, a cooked shrimp would turn red (blush) and curl into itself (hiding away). At least, this is how I see it.

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