An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh44 - The Gift

The little fox was rather over the moon as its heart burst into bloom. 

When Wei Lian woke up from his afternoon nap, he propped his head with his hand, blinked slowly, suddenly raised his gaze and froze. dYr gz

His eyes fixed outside of the window.

Across the carved hole, he saw a young man in black clothes looking at the plum trees planted outside the wall with a sad look on his face, as if he was thinking about his past while facing the wall.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Through the window carved with flower patterns, he saw a young man in black clothes, who was staring at the plum tree planted on the side of the outer wall with a gloomy look, as if he was standing in the corner to reflect on his mistake.

Wei Lian asked, “How long has he been standing there?” aGVcD1

The palace worker bowed and replied, “His Majesty has been waiting outside for an hour.”

Wei Lian massaged his temples. “Then why did none of you wake me?”

The palace worker hesitated for a moment. “The young master informed us last night that if His Majesty was to return again, he must be stopped just outside the palace.”

Wei Lian uttered after a short silence, “Oh.”


He forgot about that.


Being outside for so long, Li Fuquan’s whole body was freezing as he consistently rubbed his hands and blew hot air into them.

He complained inside that Young Master Lian should knock it off. If this continued, what face would His Majesty have left? lO2NDr

Just as he was thinking this, the door of Zhongling Palace slowly opened from the inside. The handsome young man stood quietly at the door with a pale expression.

As he was thinking about this, the Spiritual Palace’s gate opened slowly from the inside. A spotless youth stood quietly at the door with an indifferent expression.

“Your Majesty, what are you waiting here for? You have startled this subject. You are someone who can’t afford to be idle, how could you waste time…” Wei Lian’s voice vanished.

Because he was embraced by Ji Yue. qHwLlc

Ji Yue held him tightly, putting his chin on his shoulder and saying nothing.

Wei Lian was startled before trying to push the other person away. “Let go.”

They were still in a cold war.

How could he let Ji Yue coax him so easily? B bZnx

“Not letting go.” Ji Yue whispered.

“Let go…so many people are watching us.” Wei Lian lowered his voice.

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“Not letting go.” Ji Yue simply played the shameless card. “You are ours. Let them watch.”

“…” Wei Lian nearly laughed from his anger. “Why are you looking for me again?” AjTOmK

Didn’t he walk out decisively yesterday?

Ji Yue murmured, “Wei Lian.”

He spoke with great grievance.

Wei Lian lowered his gaze. “What’s with your tone? I haven’t said anything yet, and you’re the one feeling wronged here?” Sv19Z

What happened last night? Wasn’t he the one who was wronged from every angle?

Ji Yue said, “Sorry.”

He paused, gently kissed Wei Lian’s cheek and repeated, “Sorry.”

Wei Lian’s heart suddenly softened. vWi Gl

Just as he was about to speak, Ji Yue continued: “Gu Fang has just thought about it for a long time. Gu Yi treated you really badly at first.”

As he was about to speak, Ji Yue continued, “We had been thinking. We really did not treat you well in our first meeting.”

“We should not have punished you for kneeling so long, and we should not have the thought of wanting you to die.”

“Ji Yue was a fool at the beginning, we have scolded him for you.” Ji Yue informed him seriously, “Don’t take it to heart, alright?” R dshl

He added after some thought, “If you are still angry, we can kneel down on durian for you as well…”


Wei Lian said helplessly, “What is your head filled with?”

Did he really care about this? bdGVq8

Fine, maybe in the past. The idea of regicide also came up several times.

But since falling for Ji Yue, those thoughts had vanished like smoke in thin air.

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He was clearly angry because Ji Yue left him halfway on the couch last night. It’s a good thing for this person, he has been here to reflect for a long time, just reflecting on these things that happened eight hundred years ago.

He was obviously angry that Ji Yue had left him in bed last night. This person was really something. He had been here reflecting for a long time, not on what happened last night but events from ages ago. sQL17

The man completely missed the point.

Wei Lian was torn between fuming with anger and finding this amusing.

“It’s all in the past.” Wei Lian kept his eyes downcast. “I—”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I stopped caring long ago.  dGxsLu

“I’m so sorry.” Ji Yue was like a child who had done something wrong, “You must have been in pain at the time.”

“Qfii, kf ofia nfgs jqbibufalm.” Al Tef kjr ilxf j mtliv ktb vlv rbwfatlcu kgbcu. “Tbe wera tjnf yffc lc ugfja qjlc ja atja alwf.”

Qfl Oljc ecvfgrabbv ktja atf batfg qfgrbc wfjca. “Tbe kjca wf ab obgulnf sbe?”

Al Tef cbvvfv. “Qf klii vb jcsatlcu obg sbe ab obgulnf er.” 3v9Q5T

The corner of Wei Lian’s lips raised. “Alright, come in.”

Ji Yue was nervous. “To do what?”

Wei Lian lightly regarded, “Continue what you didn’t finish last night.”

Ji Yue blanked out. VDPCL4

Made known of our obscene intention in broad daylight?

“No, no, no, can’t do that!” Ji Yue immediately denied.

Wei Lian replied coldly, “You said you would do anything.”

That was indeed what he just said. bWU0R

Ji Yue shook his head frantically. “That one is an exception.”

Wei Lian frowned indifferently. “Reason.”

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Ji Yue said, “You will be in pain.”

Wei Lian was quiet for a moment. WeICBN

Ji Yue stressed, “It will be very painful, and it will also do irreversible damage to your physical body.”

Wei Lian’s eyes flickered, like a fish swimming in a circle and creating ripples.

He smiled silently and asked, “Who told you this?”

“The imperial physician.” K64Tau

Wei Lian raised his eyebrow. “Which quack?’


“You can ask a few more people.” Wei Lian sneered, pushed him away, turned around and entered the palace.

“Why don’t you inquire with a few more professionals.” Wei Lian sneered, pushed him away, turned and entered the palace. 261vJY

The Spiritual Palace gate was mercilessly closed on Ji Yue again.

Ji Yue: “???”


Ji Yue sent someone to summon the imperial physician as soon as he had returned to the imperial study. IANVsh

“Summon two imperial physicians.”

He needed to hear standpoints from different parties.

“Not the one with the surname Xu.”

There were problems with that one. Wg4vzR

The two imperial doctors who came this time were well-behaved and did not dare to show their anger in front of King Qin. They answered whatever Ji Yue asked, not daring to add fuel to the fire.

This time, the two summoned imperial physicians were very professional and acted as a neutral party. They did not dare even breathe too loudly in front of the King of Qin. Anything Ji Yue asked, they answered without daring to add any unnecessary details.

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So, he learned he was led to the wrong conclusion because of Physician Xu’s advice.

Ji Yue, who finally learned the truth, was so angry that he took his rage on a paperweight. etZnOa

The two imperial physicians were immediately frightened and trembled on their knees.

“Xu Yongkang, to have the guts to deceive us.” Ji Yue was furious. “Pass this order. Physician Xu will forfeit his salary for half a year!”

The two imperial physicians: “…”

After making this a large fuss, the punishment was only to relinquish one’s salary? 46egxa

They thought someone was going to die with His Majesty’s attitude.


Ji Yue, who found out the truth, ran to the Spiritual Palace again.

Originally, he thought that although what he did yesterday was not right, it was at least for the good of Wei Lian’s body. 5LTGMK

Now that he just felt…

That was the stupidest decision in the world.

And he was the stupidest man in the world who made that decision.

This time, he was not blocked at the entrance as he entered the Spiritual Palace with ease. TeE2kF

Wei Lian leaned on his daybed, reading a book. When he heard movements, he glanced at the guest lazily, “Back again?”

Ji Yue coughed lightly: “The meal hasn’t been served yet… Well, hasn’t the meal been passed around yet?”

Ji Yue cleared his throat softly. “Dinner has not been served…” He coughed, correcting his phrasing, “Have meals been requested?”

In this large palace, the only place where Ji Yue could relax was with Wei Lian. 1kwRn9

It was like being in his own home.

“Have some senses, it is still early.” Wei Lian lowered his eyes and continued reading. “Meals will have to wait.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What are you reading this time?” Ji Yue leaned over curiously and slowly read the title out, “Guide on Using the Jade Piller…”

“Why can’t you read proper books!” Ji Yue’s complexion quickly darkened, visible with the naked eye. “Every time we catch you reading, you will be reading these…” sRb5mY

These shameless things!

Although he had been cramming diligently with the same things recently…

“I can’t help it.” Wei Lian said casually, “Your Majesty has many things to do every day, and I am lonely in the palace, so I can only rely on these gadgets to relieve my fatigue.”

“The subject had no choice.” Wei Lian ran his unrestrained mouth, “Your Majesty turned opportunities down every day with reasons. This subject is lonely in the dark palace and could only rely on this thing for relief.” qoeTnQ

Ji Yue was in a trace. “Did you…rely on that thing last night?”


Wei Lian had not yet.

No matter how presumptuous his words were, it was all empty talk. In any event, he dared not put that thing anywhere near or in him. m3FknS

…It was such a big guy.

He felt the dread just by looking at it.

It’s just that Wei Lian, who has been accompanying Ji Yue to eat and drink these days, is also a little angry. Last night, he was thrown away in the middle of being teased, and his whole body felt very uncomfortable.

It was just that Wei Lian had been accompanying Ji Yue on meals and feeding him tonic, when his effort went to waste, he was bound to be angry. He was abandoned in the middle of their session, of course it was unbearable for his body. JPbhSs

He had no choice but to relieve himself once.

A proper gentleman with a pure heart, and few desires, to be put in such an embarrassing and unprecedented state.

When he cleaned his body, he practically pushed Ji Yue to the top of his most hated list.

To go through such an extraordinary shame and humiliation, if he did not retaliate, then he did not deserve to call himself Wei Lian. vCkG18

“What else?” Wei Lian casually turned the page.

Even if he did not use it, it was still a viable topic to tease Ji Yue with.

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Ji Yue: “…”

He was slightly jealous. Ov0d6n

He had not been that intimate towards Wei Xiao Lian yet.

How dare a jade pillar beat him to it?

If this news was to get out, he would be a laughingstock.

The grand King of Qin was jealous of the jade pillar, drinking its vinegar. 5CPAE7

“Don’t use it in the future.” Ji Yue unhappily snatched the book. “We are confiscating this book.”

Wei Lian was not at all afraid of him. “You are telling me what I can and cannot do?”

Ji Yue blurted out, “You can use us.”

Wei Lian raised his eyes and glanced at him. Tt1Mvd

He didn’t speak, but the message was very clear in his eyes.

—You are a useless thing.

“…” Ji Yue held back for a long time. “We are very useful.”

The King’s ears quietly blushed. xnO4Da

“Then can we…stay tonight?”

Wei Lian grinned. “Sure.”

Then when Ji Yue was provoked tonight and had to shoot the arrow, he kicked him out of bed and said softly: “Have you forgotten? I haven’t forgotten yet. Let’s go over with your zhezi.” “

This way, when Ji Yue was caught in the pleasure and before he could release the bow from the string, he would kick the young man out of the bed and inform him softly, ‘Have you forgotten? Because this subject has not. Go spend the night with your memorial.’ 9tbzSe

Let Ji Yue learn the taste of frustration.

Was the other man really treating him as if he would come at a wave of a command at any time?

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Towards a vindictive individual?

_ kgGEO

“Oh, that’s right, speaking of jade.” Ji Yue suddenly remembered something. “Here, this is for you.”

He handed a luster white jade to Wei Lian.

Now threaded with a red string, the white jade could be worn as a necklace.

Wei Lian accepted it and inspected it with the palm of his hand. It was a lifelike little fox. wWj1cb

Smooth jade and exquisite details.

The fox’s eyes were half closed, giving off a cunning and lazy aura.

The most breathtaking characteristic was the flower branch the little fox was holding between its mouth.

The flower just happened to be resting in front of the fox’s chest. bCKIjs

Exhibiting the blossomed flower in the best possible way.

It was clear at a glance just how much effort the sculptor had put into it.

Wei Lian studied it quietly for a while, not saying a single word.

Ji Yue was feeling nervous. “Do you like it?” WMeoPc

“I just did it casually.” He tried his best to act like “I just did it for fun and gave it to you. I definitely didn’t stay up all night for this.”

“We just carved it on a whim.” He tried his best to sell his ‘We did this just for fun, but you can have it. This is definitely not something we hurriedly carved with our blood, sweat, and sleep’ manner.

In the end, Ji Yue could not stand the silence. After seeing no response from Wei Lian, he had to ask, “Are you happy?”

The voice took a hint of cautious anticipation. 4A OUY

Are you happy?

Wei Lian lowered his head and quietly rubbed the jade.

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His memory was so good that he immediately remembered the annotation on that book, word for word.

Are you treating it as if this young lady from an influential family will be happy with just this plaything? As if she has not seen the wider world? 3oxBG

Is a handmade item really that valuable?

Will it really make someone happy?

Then we will try our best to make one for Wei Xiao Lian.

We want to make him happy.  AJsjxm

He remembered that Ji Yue had been busy hiding in the imperial study.

As well as the cut on the man’s fingertip.

In all of his life, there was roughly no one that had set their hearts on him like this.

Wei Lian was silent for a long time before sighing softly. T90sYu

His childish grudge from before was gone.

He could not deceive himself of what he was feeling from the bottom of his heart.

He was happy.

The little fox was rather over the moon as its heart burst into bloom. UXMlaq


On this chilling night, the moon rose above the willow tree.

Wei Lian was dressed in obscene clothes, sitting in front of the bronze mirror, holding a comb and slowly combing his long hair.

Wei Lian dressed in his inner clothes, sat in front of a bronze mirror, held a double-edged fine-toothed comb and slowly combed his long hair. b4CqSa

Ji Yue paced back and forth in the room, looking more nervous than him.

Wei Lian was catching the uneasiness from the other party and waved. “Can you stop?”

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Ji Yue was at a loss. “We are afraid, more so than fighting on the battlefield.”

“…Can you be a little more promising.” vVmJfz

The young man lowered his eyes, suppressed the shaking confusion inside and quietly began to undress.

When her fingers with beautiful crimson joints clenched the brocade quilt tightly, the peerless beauty Rong Hua placed one hand on the jade pillow and rested her forehead on her arm. She only made a suppressed groan when she was hurt hard.

A beauty, who was blessed with rare and radiant beauty, was supporting himself with one hand on the jade pillow, while his other hand was blushed lovingly as the five slender fingers clenched on the brocade quilt. He hid his forehead in the crook of his arm, and he occasionally muffled out a groan from a harsh thrust. syBaxQ

His long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, and his cheeks dyed with the deepest blush.

The jade furnace is made of ice and mandarin duck brocade, and the powder melts into the incense and sweats the mountain pillow.

A luxurious incense burned beside the affectionate couple, who were under the brocade quilt like two joined branches of two separate trees; they rested and stained on the same pillow.

Two jade-like beauties that were decorated with spring. MmngyG

There was a frost flower growing in the frozen soil. Later, when it felt a ray of spring breeze, it carefully and tentatively broke out of the ground. Later, it discovered that there was a whole spring outside, so it happily took out its branches and buds and bloomed the most gorgeous flowers.

There was a frost flower growing in the frozen soil. Then, it was bathed in a wisp of spring breeze as it carefully attempted to break through the soil. Later, it found that there was an entire spring outside, so it happily extended out branches and buds, blooming out the most colorful flowers.

Blooming at the top of another person’s heart. G6xZ 5

Translator's Note

It became an internet meme to apologize, and it’s a way for a wife/ girlfriend to punish the husband/ boyfriend. Another common thing to kneel on is the keyboard.

Translator's Note

Be over the moon or bust with joy could work by itself, but the idiom is literally (breaking down by words) releasing the passion from one’s heart like a flower. So, I added ‘heart burst into bloom’.

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