An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh16 - Pleasant Dream

“No, it was a nightmare.”

Ji Yue and Wei Lian had fought for an unknown number of times, but the former always ended in defeat. LC3Hqz

Ji Yue feared that he would never be able to verbally beat the youth in his life.

Wei Lian was gifted with words and would make quick comebacks. More importantly, no matter what situation he was in, he could remain calm and even turn the table.

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Commonly known as being shameless.

As the ruler, Ji Yue still values his reputation. 0ks6RI

At night, on top of the imperial bed.

The youth beside him slept peacefully.

Ji Yue was, however, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

As he stared at the brocade quilt over his body, his mind immediately recalled the erratic poetry composed by the youth during the day.


On the beautiful, decorated bed were two embracing lovers, trembling until dawn.

God damned embracing lovers and trembling until dawn.

Even Ji Yue was shocked when he first heard it.

He cast complicated eyes at Wei Lian, who was sleeping inside. The young man was a foot away from him, lying on his side with his back to him. Only a nice outline could be seen in the darkness. vHbpj6

He cast a complicated glance at the sleeping Wei Lian under the quilt. There was a third meter of space between them. The youth was lying on his side with his back to him, and only a well-defined silhouette could be seen in the darkness.

How could such an elegant person come up with such vulgar verses?

It completely contradicted his elegant appearance.

Ji Yue shut his eyes with a chaotic mind. PwLSmB

He had a dream.

I dreamed of a young man in white clothes whose face I couldn’t see clearly. Yin Hong’s lips spat out wild words, mocking him for being a boy every word, but he actually became confused after hearing the first erotic words.

He dreamt of a youth in white, whose face could not be seen clearly, and whose crimson lips exhaled immoral terms, mocking him with all possible words, such as for being a fledgling, and how funny it was for him to be so worked up by a mere poetry.

The nerve of this audacious person! I2Qwhd

Ji Yue called forth his men to remove the offender’s tongue, so the insolent person would forever shut it.

But in this dream, no matter how many times he shouted for his men, no one responded to his command.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He thought for a moment. Stepping forward himself and taking the youth’s waist into his arms, he bent over and kissed the youth, essentially sealing those infuriating words.

The youth gave a startled cry. Ji Yue could feel the other party’s hands on his chest, trying to push him away to no avail. FLf2KB

The youth could only tile his head and allow himself to be taken.

All the annoying words disappeared between the teeth, leaving only faint gasps.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was not until the youth was kissed until his eyes were red, and his lips were slightly swollen, that he gasped breathlessly and called out softly, “Your Majesty…”

Al Tef’r wlcv kfca yijcx yfobgf tf qlmxfv atf qfgrbc eq ys atf kjlra. 6QU7MK

Ktfc atf vgfjwijcv mtjcufv atf cfza wbwfca. Pa kjr gfqijmfv klat j tjculcu gfv qfbcs ujehf megajlc klat atf mjcvifiluta beailcfv akb rtjvbks oluegfr.

He leaned the person against the couch to pay his respects. The young man put his hands around his neck, his fingertips hanging down weakly, biting his lips, trembling his long eyelashes, and a blush on his face.

Lf qgfrrfv atf qfgrbc vbkc atf yfv jcv wjvf ibnf ab tlw. Ktf sbeat’r tjcvr kfgf tbbxfv jgbecv tlr cfmx klat tlr olcufgalqr kfjxis tjculcu vbkc. Lf yla tlr ilqr, fsfijrtfr oieaafgfv klat fjmt yilcx, jcv mtffxr yiertfv ilxf gbeuf.

Folding screens painted with faint smoke and flowing water were erected outside to hide the murmur of watery wet sounds. Btr4nX

“Your Majesty.” The youth pleaded in a whisper, “…Please have mercy on this subject.”

He frivolously and triumphantly asked the youth at his mercy, “Do you still dare to mock us as a fledgling?”

“This subject won’t dare anymore.” The youth gasped, “Your Majesty is more like a combat fowl.”

Ji Yue suddenly felt proud of winning the cockfight. He lifted the young man’s chin with satisfaction and wanted to give him a kiss, but his body froze when he saw the young man’s tearful face. LuV0Qh

Ji Yue immediately felt smug, like coming victorious in a cockfight. Pleased with this, he lifted the youth’s chin for a kiss, but his body stiffened when he saw the youth’s tearful face.

This was Wei Lian’s face.

Followed by a sharp rooster’s crow, causing Ji Yue to sit up from his bed.

It was dawn, the time when roosters make their morning call. iSHdro

…He actually had a night of spring dreams.

The person he dreamt of turned out to be Wei Lian.

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Ji Yue’s expression became extremely gloomy.

Normally, a royal family would have a palace maid to enlighten them when they were thirteen or fourteen years old, but Ji Yue kicked out the enlightenment palace maid back then, and has not paid attention to this aspect for so many years. 38OakC

Ordinary royal families have palace maids to teach them bed mastery starting from age of thirteen to fourteen, but Ji Yue drove out his instructor in the past, and there had never been a concern for this topic for many years.

He has always been pure-hearted and has few desires. Not to mention going to bed, he has never even committed suicide once. It wasn’t until I was twenty-one that I had a dream for the first time. The other person was also a man, his surname was Wei and his name was Lian.

He was always uninterested in self-indulgence, let alone summoning a bed servant; he hadn’t masturbated even once. It was not until he was twenty-one that he had his first pleasant dream with another, surname Wei, and name Lian.

This is understandable. The only people Ji Yue has contact with all year round are ministers and palace people. He couldn’t remember any of the maids around him, and he wasn’t so harsh on the ministers. He couldn’t dream of doing that kind of thing with Li Fuquan. Ot3BFk

There was no excuse for this. The only close contact Ji Yue had all year round were ministers and palace workers. He could not remember any of the court ladies around him, and none of the ministers could even come close to his taste. There was no way for him to dream of doing that with Li Fuquan, outrageous!

After reflection, the only suitable candidate was the young and handsome Wei Lian.

In normal circumstances, there was no need for him to ponder over.

Ji Yue reassured himself as he planned to get out of the bed and call someone to freshen himself up. It was dawn, the time to prepare for today’s court. qU8pr3

But he froze immediately after he moved.

His undergarment…was wet…

Ji Yue sat up in bed and sunk into a daze. QuGAL7

To make matters worse, his movement disturbed the sleeping youth beside him.

Wei Lian blinked his eyes in a daze, unable to open them as he asked in a rough, sleepy voice, “Your Majesty is up already…”

Ji Yue stiffened. “Yes.”

Wei Lian rubbed away the sleep from his eyes. “Would you like this subject to serve you in changing?” Cr2QFo

Ji Yue exclaimed in a conditioned reflex, “No need!”

His voice was so harsh that it immediately woke Wei Lian up.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian studied the other person. “Did Your Majesty not sleep well? Why are there dark bags under your eyes…?”

Ji Yue turned his head away. “It was but a nightmare.” XvxicU

Right, it was a nightmare, not a spring dream. Ji Yue brainwashed himself.

Wei Lian showed a worried expression and tried to lean over. Ji Yue shuddered, fearing that a certain someone might notice something strange under the bedding and immediately pushing the other person away.

“…Oof!” Wei Lian was caught off guard by the push and smashed his shoulder against the headboard, enough to instantly bruise his fair skin.

When Ji Yue saw this, he wanted to help and almost blurted out a word of apology when all of those were stopped by the noticeable sticky feeling beneath him. maepx2

It also calmed his brain down.

He had never apologized to anyone before.

Ji Yue stated coldly, “There is nothing for you to do, go back to sleep.”

“But, Your Majesty—” 5OTBuM

“That is an order.”

Wei Lian: “…”

Ji Yue looked silently at the youth’s appearance, and with a lump in his throat, he added firmly, “Apply some jade ointment on your shoulder to stop the pain.”

In fact, it was just a slight bump. Because Wei’s skin was too white, it seemed so serious. It was good for Ji Yue. Jade cream worth thousands of gold was used on Wei Lian as if it was free of charge. zdBRpx

It was actually a light bump more than a hard crush, and it only appeared serious because of Wei Lian’s pale skin. Ji Yue, however, was kind. He granted the youth the permission to use a priceless ointment on such a small injury.

Wei Lian lowered his head and chuckled. “There is no need. This is a minor injury, not enough to require the use of the jade ointment.”

He lay down again and fell asleep. The posture is still the same as before, lying on his side with his back to Ji Yue. It’s just that the clothes on the shoulders slipped down, deliberately exposing the bruises on the shoulders, which made Ji Yue feel very uncomfortable.

He lay down and went back to sleep, returning to his prior posture of lying on his side with his back to Ji Yue. The only difference was the robe over his shoulder. It slipped down slightly, intentionally revealing the bruise on his shoulder, which left a bad taste in Ji Yue’s mouth. K2W3sz

Ji Yue sat against the headboard for a while, calling for the court maid once he was sure Wei Lian was asleep.

Several maids filed in carrying basins, handkerchiefs, and court clothes. The leading maid was named Zhuyue, who was beautiful and beautiful, and she specialized in waiting for the King of Qin to change his clothes.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Several palace maids entered in line with basins, handkerchiefs, and the court outfit. The leading lady was a beautiful woman with a colorful appearance named Zhu Yue, who specialized in waiting on the King of Qin in changing.

In fact, if a palace concubine rests in the king’s chamber, the concubine should be the one to serve the king in dressing the next day, and it is not the palace maid’s turn to intervene. But in order to show his love for Wei Lian, Ji Yue was always reluctant to wake him up in the morning so that Wei Lian could get enough sleep. HA2 QG

In fact, if there was a consort resting in the king’s chamber, she would be the one to serve the ruler the next day, giving no chance for the palace maids to interfere. However, in order for Ji Yue to show his love for Wei Lian, he never woke the youth up in the morning, letting him sleep his fill instead.

The same was true today. As Zhu Yue was about to present the court outfit to Ji Yue, he commanded, “Prepare the bath. Also, when Wei Lang wakes up, change the beddings and blankets as well.”

Zhu Yue was stunned. Bath this early in the morning? And change of beddings?

Suddenly, Zhu Yue noticed a strange spot below the King’s body, which seemed to be wet. Then with a glance, on the bed, she saw a bruise on the youth’s shoulder. Wu5 62

Zhu Yue: “…” Alright, got it.

She moved her sight away without making a sound and bent her knee to perform a curtsy. “Understood.”


The Hall of Mental Cultivation’s west wing was the palace maids’ residence. The first thing Zhu Yue did when returning was to slam the door and sit on the bed in sulk. YJPIcO

On the other chair was Zhu Chu in the middle of embroidering. In response to this, she raised her head and asked, “What’s wrong? Who made you this angry so early in the morning?”

She thought for a moment. “Did you get yelled at by His Majesty?”

“That won’t make sense.” She threw that guess out of the window. “If you enraged His Majesty, you wouldn’t be breathing right now.”

Zhu Yue: “…” NuRkLA

She snapped, “I am angry at that bewitching vixen, Wei Lian!”

Zhu Chu paused in her embroidering. “How could you address the young master by his name?”

“Young Master? How dare a stray mutt from the Chu be regarded by His Majesty?”

Seeing that the other person was getting more and more out of line, Zhu Chu hurriedly went to close the door and frowned, not looking happy. “Zhu Yue, you went too far.” Mwnfx4

“I just can’t stand him!” Zhuyue stood up and walked to the dressing mirror, gritting her teeth, “Isn’t my life good enough? I have served His Majesty for three years, and Your Majesty still doesn’t remember my name. Wei What about Lian? He has captured His Majesty’s heart in just three days. How can I be inferior to him?”

“I just can’t stand the sight of him!” Zhu Yue stood up and walked to the dressing mirror, gritting her teeth in rage. “Am I not born good enough? I have served His Majesty for three years, and His Majesty still doesn’t remember my name. How about Wei Lian? He was able to capture His Majesty’s heart in three mere days. How am I inferior to him in any aspect?”

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Zhu Chu stated calmly, “You are not as good-looking as he is.”

Zhu Yue: “…” EX4ulS

“As a man, how could he not feel a tad ashamed to serve someone in bed!”

“The young master is not like that.” Zhu Chu immediately defended Wei Lian. “The young master had no choice.”

“Had no choice? What a good joke.” Zhu Yue sneered. “When he only knows how to pester His Master with his wicked charm. I even saw the traces on his body this morning, and I can see he is enjoying himself.”

Zhu Chu frowned. “At the end of the day, it’s you who is upset. He could attract His Majesty, while you failed. You are just jealous of him.” 0HjFPi

She knew Zhu Yue had always been unstable. As the most beautiful maid among them, how could she accept being a serving maid for the rest of her life when she was waiting upon the King.

Your Majesty is young and majestic, so it is normal for Xiao Nizi to be tempted. She always thinks about flying up to the branches and becoming a concubine. But His Majesty is not a person who cares about sex, and he does not accept anyone in the harem. After Zhucui warned him several times, Zhuyue gradually calmed down.

His Majesty was young with an impressive appearance, so it was normal for young girls to have their hearts moved, thinking of soaring to the top of the social ladder and becoming a consort. But His Majesty was not a lover of sex, and it showed with his empty harem. It was only after numerous reality checks from Zhu Chu did Zhu Yue gradually abandon her foolish dream.

Zhu Yue could bear it if His Majesty never took consorts. But now that His Majesty was showing so much affection to a male pet, she was upset, and it inevitably birthed resentment. 0DRC6w

“I’m jealous of him.” Zhuyue cried, “Sister Zhucui, you used to say that my heart is as high as the sky, but our lives as servants are low, we can’t reach high places, and we can’t have wishful thinking. Okay, I listened. But Wei Lian is right. What? He was originally a lower class person than us in Qin Palace, why should he… just have that face? “

“I am jealous of him.” Zhu Yue admitted in tears. “Zhu Chu-jie, you used to say that my ambition is set higher than heaven, how our lives as servant girls are too low to climb high, so we must not be delusional. Fine, I listened to you, but how is Wei Lian better than us? In the Qin Palace, he used to have a lower status than us. So, what gave him the right… Just with that face of his?”

Zhu Chu was surprised. “Isn’t having that face enough?”

Young Master Lian was a wondrous beauty. Even if Zhu Yue was bragging about her beauty, she was a far cry from him. DJK7H1

Zhu Yue: “…”

She didn’t want to continue this conversation with Zhu Chu anymore.

“Just you see.” Zhu Yue wiped her tears fiercely as a small trace of indignation filled her eyes. “His Majesty is a heartless man. I’ll see how long Wei Lian can remain pleased with himself!”

Zhucui warned in a deep voice: “Zhuyue, you’d better not have any unnecessary thoughts, otherwise I’m afraid you will end up in a miserable way.” She felt that Zhuyue was completely blinded by jealousy and burned her mind, for fear that she would do something stupid. ql3DS

Zhu Chu warned in a deep voice, “Zhu Yue, you’d better not have any unneeded thoughts, or else I fear you’ll end up in a miserable situation.” She felt that Zhu Yue was now completely blinded by jealousy as the emotion was fueling her mind and burning away her rationality, fearing that she would do something stupid.

“I won’t, Zhu Chu-jie,” Zhu Yue pulled out a faint smile. “I know.”

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Translator's Note

Literally, kill someone from rage (because of those words, in this case) without paying with one’s own life. More specially, words that could anger a person to death.

Translator's Note

Wet dreams. Think of spring as joyful, youth, love, and lust.

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