An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh101 - Storming Weather

“So what if I cry.”

It suddenly rained outside as a large dark cloud gathered and overcast the once bright and sunny sky. Pedestrians on the road covered their heads with their hands, rushed inside a building or hid under the eaves to shelter from the rain. Bean-sized raindrops rustled against the window screen, and the cold wind wrapped in chilling water vapor had smeared the white sky into night. 5re8SX

The rain came just in time, and it got dark just in time, which eliminated some of the shame of showing off in the daytime. The sound of howling wind and rain perfectly covered up the thought-provoking sounds in the poorly soundproofed room.

The rain came at the right time to turn the sky dark as it eliminated some of the shame of doing lascivious activity during the day. The roaring sound of wind and rain perfectly covered the reverie sound in the room with poor sound insulation.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Lian’s eyes were half lidded. They were slightly wet, as if the weather outside the window poured into his eyes. They were glistering so beautifully that they looked as if they had been greatly wronged. Anyone in the dark would assume it was from Ji Yue bullying him.

How could Ji Yue be willing to bully him? Every time I see his pitiful little appearance, I feel so soft-hearted and want to pull away, but the young man pulls me back stickyly and hugs me from behind, whispering against his back: “…Ji Yue, Duo It hurts me.” dna1 4

How could Ji Yue have the heart to bully him? Every time he saw the other’s piteous appearance, his heart would turn soft as he was ready to withdraw his body. But the young man would pull him back and hug him from behind, whispering against his back, “…Ji Yue, please love me more.”

Wei Lian’s clear voice was unknowingly lazy, “I want more.”


Ji Yue immediately abandoned the concept of time.


Wasn’t he the one who said Zhi Zhi drove him crazy?

He likes to cry with red eyes and stares at you stubbornly. He does not shy away from using the softest voice to act coquettishly to you. He complains and asks you to be gentle but is dissatisfied that you are too gentle. He says to you proudly and harshly. He wants more.

Zhi Zhi liked to cry with his reddened eyes and stubbornly stared at Ji Yue. He coquettishly treated Ji Yue with his softest voice. He complained how Ji Yue should be gentler yet be unsatisfied if Ji Yue was too gentle. He also purposefully said he wants more.

He is a noble and elegant Young Master Lian, he is Ji Yungui’s Wei Yuzhi. 4ebS6g

How could Ji Yue say no?

“Why are you so loveable?” Ji Yue listened to the sound of the storm outside, and with his deep voice, he teased the young man acting like a soft cat, “It is just the right time to continue amidst the cloud and rain.”

Wei Lian lazily shot a glance and groaned out a hoarse voice, “Hurry up.”

Ji Yue said helplessly, “I don’t want you to cry.” CHpM4E

Wei Lian replied, “So what if I cry.”

“…” Ji Yue hissed softly, “A-Lian, you are really…a fox spirit now.”

Then the sky really turned black. VxU0Cr

The rain continued to pour down.

Ji Yue lowered his head and asked the young man leaning in his arms, “Do you want someone to fetch water to bathe?”

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Wei Lian nonchalantly said, “Don’t want to move.”

“I will wash you.” 7p U1H

“Don’t think about moving. Let me lean on you just a bit longer.” Wei Lian gently closed his eyes and said, “I want to hold you.”

Ji Yue did as Wei Lian demanded and let him be held. He was beyond happy inside, but he verbally mocked, “So clingy.”

Wei Lian miraculously did not argue, instead, he followed along, “Because I love you.”

I don’t want to be separated from you because I love you, that is why I am clingy.  65juqM

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Al Tef wjvf atf tfjnlfra qgbwlrf atja j geifg mbeiv ulnf. Lbk mbeiv tf cba yf tjqqs?

Al Tef kjr raeccfv. Lf vlv cba fzqfma Qfl Oljc ab yf rb ogjcx.

Ktf rwjii lccfg Al Tef yfujc ab vjcmf.

Lf rjlv wbvfrais, “Obnlcu wf lr atf wbra mbggfma vfmlrlbc sbe tjnf wjvf lc sbeg ilof. P qgbwlrf sbe klii cfnfg gfugfa la.” jE9Yc5

Wei Lian was obedient. “You are right.”

The small inner Ji Yue began to dance crazily.

He thought that Wei Lian must be moved by him today, to be so agreeable. Knowing the extent of Wei Lian’s venomous tongue, if the young man really wanted to argue about something, Ji Yue basically could not get the upper hand.

Ji Yue was someone who was often not satisfied with small gains. cGh0X1

The corner of his lips lifted. “Say it again.”

Wei Lian chuckled in a low voice. “Loving you is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life. I will never regret it.”

The small inner Ji Yue began to madly dance like he was possessed.

As he became high from the inner dance, he wanted Wei Lian to agree to all kinds of strange treaties while the young man was agreeable. He immediately went straight to the point, “So, how about giving outside a try?” idIgc1


Wei Lian crept out of his arms in silence, sat on the bed and wrapped himself in the quilt.

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“I want to bathe.” Young Master Wei nobly gave his aloof order.

Ji Yue: “…” yl pFh

Fine, his time with Zhi Zhi was over.


Ji Yue requested hot water to be brought up, tested the water temperature, carried the little fox, who was too lazy to move, into the bath barrel and personally scrubbed him clean.

The young man lay lazily on the edge of the bath barrel. His thick black hair floating on the water surface and revealing his pale back. dSfL2z

Wei Lian has an excellent figure. His spine is a perfect arc and his waist is deep. The most amazing thing is the pair of beautiful butterfly bones that protrude slightly from his flat back, as if he is about to spread his wings and fly at any time.

Wei Lian has an excellent figure. His spine curved in the perfect arc, his obvious back dimples, and the most dazzling part is those beautiful and well-defined shoulder blades, as if they were a pair of butterfly wings that could extend wings and take off flying at any time.

Yet, Ji Yue did not like them. Every time he saw those bones, the first thing he thought was that Wei Lian was too thin. The young man needed to eat more, best to get some healthy fat on the young man.

“What are you daydreaming about?” When Wei Lian saw the man being motionless for a long time, he had to start urging, “The water is going to turn cold.” 0Eh54s

Totally unaware how wrong it was for him to treat the most honorable King of Qin as a palace servant.

Ji Yue wrung the towel, brushed the shoulder blades and said, “Why are you not getting plump from the food?”

“Why, you want me to become ugly?”

“I want you to be healthy.” Ji Yue said, “I do not think you are eating enough.” celVi

Wei Lian off-handedly replied, “It is better than not having anything to eat like my childhood.”

Ji Yue suddenly paused.

He quickly cleaned them up, stuffed Wei Lian back into the quilt and burrowed in himself.

They sat side by side at the headboard. With a dim candle in the room, they listened to the rain outside the window. mRkJDZ

Ji Yue said, “A-Lian, I want to hear about your childhood.”

“…It is not very interesting.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I missed nineteen years of your life, so I want to learn about them.”

Wei Lian smiled and said, “There’s nothing to say. How other young masters live, I live my life too. After all, I’m the son of a concubine, so no one will look at me. Although Concubine Yan is a little partial, she doesn’t have enough food and clothing. I will be shortchanged.” gL4hFo

Wei Lian smiled and said, “There is nothing much to say. I lived just like any other prince. At least, being the son of a noble consort. No one gave me the stink eye. Although Consort Yan is biased somewhat, I wasn’t short on food and clothes.”

Ji Yue asked, “What about before Consort Yan adopted you?”

With a humble mother who passed away early, the young man was a child growing up alone in the palace. This was before meeting his Shifu. That child was helpless and weak. How did he survive?

People are not born strong. A strong person often experiences many things that make him strong, and those things are not always so beautiful, cruel even. uXw8sa

Wei Lian thought for a moment, “It was not…really a big deal.

“My mother was a palace maid. She was favored by the King of Chu and became pregnant with me. She didn’t even have a title. She died as soon as I was born. No one gave me a name or recognized my identity. A person who once took care of me My mother’s old nanny adopted me and named me Lian, which taught me that the palace is dangerous and must be restrained. I always thought that I was the son of a servant, and when I got old, I would have to be castrated to become a young eunuch.”

“My mother was a palace maid. After being bed by the King of Chu, she conceived me. She passed away at my birth, before I received a name, and no one acknowledged my identity. An old woman who used to take care of my mother adopted me and named me Lian, saying it was to protect me from the evil lurking deep in the palace. I always thought I was the son of a servant, how once I got older, I would lose my manhood to become a young eunuch.

Momo was in poor health. Since I was four years old, she had been helping eunuchs in the palace to do errands in exchange for some money. However, people always make fun of me and say that I’m a son of a bitch. I went back to ask momo. Momo did not tell me anything, just said that those people were talking nonsense and told me not to take it to heart. EGsHnA

“Later, Mammy bumped into a concubine—actually, that woman was angry with other concubines and wanted to vent her anger because she didn’t like anyone else. Mammy happened to walk that way that day and caught her eye. She was beaten half to death and thrown back. She was already in poor health and was old, so she survived for a few days and then died.”

“Then later, momo bumped into a noble consort—in fact, the woman was angry with another noble consort and seemed to vent her anger on anyone in her sight. Momo happened to walk that way that day and caught the noble consort’s eyes. Momo was beaten half dead and was tossed out. She was already in poor health. With her old age, she passed away a few days after.

“Before she died, she finally told me who I was. She said that I was not the son of a servant, but one with nobility status. Originally, she did not tell me because she was afraid that I would be cynical and hurt myself. She said that I do not have a good fate and could only accept it.

“But I discarded my fate the moment I was born. PMEGnD

“The hardest time…was when I was starving to death. A group of eunuchs forced me to kneel down, and if I crawl through their legs, I could get a bit of food.” Wei Lian smiled lightly, “Guess what I did in the end?”

Ji Yue’s heart ached as if it was squeezed.

Knowing Wei Lian’s arrogance, he probably would ‘starve to death over accepting food from others’, let alone suffering the ‘shame of crawling under their crotches’. But…but if he did that, how could he live to this day?

Wei Lian lightly continued, “I did it.” Q2d0x9

Ji Yue almost wanted to say, ‘stop talking’, but he stopped and forced himself to listen even if it pained his heart.

He needed to know Wei Lian’s past.

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If he could not even bear to listen to it, who would love that helpless small Wei Lian?

“I have always been a spineless person.” Wei Lian sighed lightly, “Dignity is important, but dignity is not worth mentioning when it comes to living. I want to live and avenge momo. I did not resign myself to aggrievedly dying when no one in the world would remember me. Isn’t that even less than dignified? n8FMGd

“For me, I felt like my existence deserved to be remembered in history. After my death, the whole world will grieve. I want to be magnificent, glorious and respected by the world. I do not want to die so quietly.” Wei Lian chuckled. “I really thought so at that time.

“So, I did what they wanted. They took pleasure in humiliating a nobility. I gave them such distorted happiness in exchange for my life and unlimited future possibilities. I felt it was worth it.

“Then, I schemed for Consort Yan to learn of my status, granting me a position.

“I learned much from Shifu, gaining me the abilities. fLXtZA

“Those who had humiliated me were all killed by me. Their bodies were buried in the snow, sunk in the water, or ‘slipped’ and fell into the well. In short, it had nothing to do with me.” There was a faint indifference in Wei Lian’s eyes, “That The concubine who killed grandma was sent to the cold palace by my scheme, and I heard she went crazy in the end.”

“I have killed all those who have insulted me. None of the buried bodies in the snow, drawn in water, or ‘slip’ into the well had to do with me.” Wei Lian had a slight indifference in his eyes. “I plotted against the noble consort who killed momo. I heard that she went crazy in the cold palace in the end.

“I did not let off a single one of them.”

As soon as he finished, the room remained quiet for a long time. S9zeIW

Ji Yue rubbed Wei Lian’s head and sighed, “Wei Xiao Lian, is really a little piteous man.”

Wei Lian said coldly, “I’m not piteous. I’m strong. I can kill when I get angry.”

Ji Yue continued rubbing the other man’s head. “But how is that enough, my heart still aches for you.”

Very painfully so. ejPKfF

Even if you are strong enough to be indifferent to the past, I feel sad for you, for having to experience this. 

I can’t just ignore your past. 

Wei Lian’s frozen eyes suddenly melted, becoming as soft as a fox cub.

He pursed his lips and whispered in grievance, “Ji Yue, if only you had shown up earlier. 5TYd6Z

“But if I can really go back to the past, I have to get to the country of Qin first and save you from the cold palace.” Wei Lian thought.

He puffed up his cheeks and lamented, “How can I save you?”

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Ji Yue poked his two puffed cheeks and Wei Lian let out his breath. “Stop being so cute. I do not want to carry you for another bath.”

Wei Lian’s cheeks were puffed up again. “I’m seriously planning a way to rescue Ji Xiao Yue. Don’t interrupt me.” eVtFK8

“Didn’t you just rescue him?”

Wei Lian huffed, “When did I save Ji Xiao—” He abruptly stopped.

The Ji Xiao Yue he spoke of, was it the same as the Ji Xiao Yue that Ji Yue spoke of?

Ji Yue was making things turn yellow again!!! U9P06N

Ji Yue said with joy in his eyes, “I told you to stop puffing your cheek. It keeps reminding me of the scene of you holding Ji Xiao Yue in your mouth.”

He said in a low voice, “That is not rescuing me, that is killing me.”

Wei Lian: “…”

Help, I can’t live through today.  T6Ojke

His husband is becoming more and more flirty.

The author has something to say:

Ji Yue: But wasn’t it you who first invented Ji Xiao Yue?

Wei Lian: (aloof) It was invented by Zhi Zhi, not me. isYe71

Translator's Note

The word for cloud and rain is figurative speaking sexual intercourse.

Translator's Note

The Lian in Wei Lian’s name is from 收斂. It could mean weakening or disappearing, to retrain oneself, to converge.

Translator's Note

Elderly lady. The old woman who adopted Wei Lian.

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