After I died, I became popular againCh56 - Oh Oh Oh


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  1. Ah ah ah, I smell vinegar! Future vinegar! Chen-ya, you should snatch your man ASAP.

    Thank you for the brilliant translation!

  2. Happy One Year Anniversary! 🎉💕🥰

    Thanks for the update! Love this story and all the face slapping good fun and the art theme 🤣❤️🤣❤️

  3. Long chapter. Thank you for your hard work and congrats on year’s really hard work! 🎊

  4. I love it how QLQ just “accidently” hung up the phone lololol That “big bro” has no word in QLQ’s life, haa~. But he tries it again and again. (But I’m still glad that he woke up from QLL’s “brainwashing”.)

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

    And happy 1st anniversary :3

  5. Thank you so much for all these lovely chapters!

    Particularly enjoy the tsuntsun web-natives constantly assuming he’s going into entertainment and getting slapped soon after lmao🤣

  6. QYJ is the opposite of one of my favorite type of characters… reliable, handsome and mature older brother lmao

  7. happy with the first summer rain after months of dry sunny weather and 2 weeks of summer hell in the Ring of Fire.

    Papparazzi need to have their life spread as well to get their own karma