Falling into the AbyssCh43 - Atonement: Mars (III)


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Translator's Note

Chromosome 21: Two copies of chromosome 21, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. Chromosome 21 is the smallest human chromosome, spanning about 48 million base pairs (the building blocks of DNA) and representing 1.5 to 2 percent of the total DNA in cells.

Translator's Note

Design drawings are used to develop and communicate ideas about a developing design: In the early stages (during the tender process) they might simply demonstrate to the client the ability of a particular design team to undertake the design.

Translator's Note

Triploidy is a rare chromosomal abnormality in which fetuses are born with an extra set of chromosomes in their cells. One set of chromosomes has 23 chromosomes. This is called a haploid set. Two sets, or 46 chromosomes, are called a diploid set. Three sets, or 69 chromosomes, are called a triploid set.

Translator's Note

Kat: homologous would mean that the additional chromosome’s gene sequence is identical to the original pair.

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  1. oh snap! Why is the other Tansiel looking for Ethan?!

    I feel that Tansiel, like Roland, is just using Ethan’s feelings for their own gain. >-<

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. alternate universe tanisiel…? poor ethan, there are so many things going on with him

    thank u for the update!

  3. At the beginning of the chapter, I was nicely surprised the author has some of the most basic facts about genetics straight. But then… what type of lab equipment do they have??? That machine can display all sorts of things, but not such a basic one as identifying homologous chromosomes? That’s like the first and simplest thing you would do when doing any genetical analysis… Seriously, just throw in some stain, put it under a microscope and look at it yourself, if you can’t trust a super sci-fi machine to do it right. 😭

    I know, I know, I am overreacting, it’s just a novel, the innacuracy is super tiny, and the author probably doesn’t know much about this field. I really need to learn to ignore these things, as unfortunately novels and movies are infested with inaccuracies in how science is conducted.

    • I know that this doesn’t feel right, but I’m going to do it anyway. Do you know the novel called Learning God in Hand I Have the World? I wonder what a knowledgeable person thinks about the science stuff in the novel. It’s BL and World Hopping. If you can get past xenophobia stuff (and I promise you that it will only get better) it is a wonderful read! Please read and I’m looking forward to your opinion on it.

  4. I wonder why he hasn’t mentioned the dry patch..

    I suppose it’s bc he thought it was from some disease in the pipes/ covered by the collar but still

    Oh wait tanisiel was able to bite him even with the collar on before so I suppose it’s not that big🤔 idk I’m just rambling

  5. There’s so many possibilities.

    Tanisiel might not just an extremely powerful eve but be somehow connected to god of disorder.

    He might be trying to do something to get connected with the parallel universe that is the one of the god of disorder’s.

    That black tenisiel might actually be god of disorder using tanisiel face this time to appear before ethan because right now it’s tanisiel who occupies etha’s mind and heart.

    Tanisiel might just be using ethan to reach his ultimate goal.

    Tanisiel might not just be using him as an object but does hold him with some endearment in his heart but his goal takes priority and he’s betraying him.

    Or everything can just be for ethan.

    You never know until you read it 🙂

    All i know is shit is about to go down and it’s about time to prepare my eyebuds