Falling into the AbyssCh44 - Atonement: Mars (IV)


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Translator's Note

The Black Pharaoh and The Crawling Chaos refers to Nyarlathotep, a fictional character created by H. P. Lovecraft. The character is a malign deity in the Lovecraft Mythos, a shared universe. First appearing in Lovecraft’s 1920 prose poem “Nyarlathotep”, he was later mentioned in other works by Lovecraft and by other writers. Later writers describe him as one of the Outer Gods, a malevolent pantheon.

Translator's Note

Initially it was four chinese words, but translated to English, it became six.

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  1. i know I say this often, but when Tansiel says stuff like “things have progressed without me” or whatever he said, I dont trust him

    thanks for the chapter <3

  2. I think Tansiel is genuinely worried about Ethan…maybe only a little bit. But I like him, even if his mission is recreating Evil God

  3. I wonder.. maybe ethan will be taken to universe of gods (?) And btw i like tanisiel, he’s gray character, but i think his intention or real purpose not going to sacrifice our beta

  4. Tanisiel seem to have gone through so much to be the him he is today. He might not be perfect,he mught noy be an angel,his actions might be driven by his own motives and goals and i might not trust him but that doesn’t mean i dilike him one bit. As the author said every person here are morally grey and each of them has a history of their own. So judging them just from the perspective of ethan is rather biased.

  5. I’m yet again going through the dilemma that I’ve went through when i was getting to know adam and trying to understand him in “the mechanic”