Falling into the AbyssCh108 - The Eves’ Planet (XIV)


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Translator's Note

Classmates refer to the readers… authors on jjwxc uses all sorts of cutesy nicknames to refer to their readers

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  1. Deep inside I want to forgive Tanisiel, but I still can’t get over the fact he wanted to sacrifice Ethan since the beginning.

    Both of them are so pitiful… If only they could live happily, far away from that mess.

    If they had gotten to know each other in different circumstances, how different would all have been?

    Samuel is such a lovely human being T^T I know Ethan has no feelings for him, in the romantic sense, (and Samuel is still recovering from losing Schneider) still, I know Samuel would have treated him very tenderly and Ethan would have returned that warmth.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!! :3

  2. Ok tanisiel finally doin the right thing. He better treat ethan like a king after this.

    And samuel u dropped this 👑 stan samuel for clear skin yall