2013 (Doomsday)Ch36.2 - Divergence


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  1. I can’t get angry at the families… But how Can Lai Jie let them beat Meng Feng up? He’s your right hand man, you know?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Is it a Chinese military thing or just the author’s? I don’t think beating up your own men is conducive to good leadership… Ai, what a mess of events in this chapter.

  3. Yup military discipline is tough indeed and you have to follow orders and such, its really not for the rebellious and faint hearted kind. Hang in there YanYan, Meng Feng is right Liu Yan is not a soldier so Lai Jie should not really give him a discipline like he would with soldiers, but i understand the stressing environment they are in, he can’t help it and also LY is their technician so yeah as a member of the squad, he has to follow rules. Discipline is most important in the army. But its fine Liu Yan is a grown up man, he is mature and will eventually learn to be patient, he can take care of himself.