2013 (Doomsday)Ch23 - Avalanche


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  1. whoaaaa.. I really wonder what those giant zombies want.. or going idk ..lel good thing they found everyone now~ yay the gang is back

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~

  2. Zhang Min shouted? That’s too OOC. Could it be the names are switched and Jue Ming is the one that shouted and Zhang Min the one who calmed him?

    They have seriously the best of luck!! That giant didn’t step on them, they outran an avalanche and Liu Yan and Meng Feng found them just in time!! Awesome.

    Now that they’re reunited they must find a place to stay. The fuel is not gonna last and Zhang Min can’t run anymore.

    OHHH, I’ve finally caught up… time to wait for the next chapter. 😭

    Thanks so much for your hard work!!

    • in the original text, the names are as translated! it’s a bit weird but that’s how it was haha. ty for all your comments on the chapters! ^^

  3. It seems like the giant is being formed every time they blow up a large amount of zombies. Maybe because of the heat or something along those lines.

    Yeah, ZM and JM are the kings of luck, not just calm. Their part of this chapter was simply a roller-coaster. My heart kept going up an down bc of their ‘adventures’.

  4. I wonder if that is really alien trying to save Earth lol. Why southeast though? Is there where the high ranking military? You know that Meng Feng’s father.