I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]

Ye Muo found himself transmigrated into an interstellar world, becoming the illegitimate son of one of the Empire’s minor noble families. With average psychic power and physical capabilities, his sole standout feature was his remarkable appearance. In a society saturated with nobles, he could only walk with his tail between his legs, constantly aware of his lower status.

However, during a highly anticipated battle simulation among the military academies, Ye Muo astounded all the onlookers by achieving psychic power resonance with none other than the Emperor himself, seated high upon the judging platform.

As was common knowledge, only those with a direct blood relationship could enter such a state.

Ye Muo’s irises trembled like there was no tomorrow.

That very emperor was the tyrant who slaughtered his entire family during his ascension to the throne.

The lunatic who claimed this sinful bloodline would end with his generation.


The Grantz, a clan of lunatics with

Our Sweet Days

His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who’s ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fully enjoy the wealth of his family. After all, he’s no longer the heir (his younger brother took that too) which means that he has no responsibilities. Ah, the life of a worry-free rich young master is really the best!

The Sabbath

Author’s Introduction:

Taking off the heavy and magnificent crown and robe, he met him in Paradise thereafter.

One-line summary: A country love story between A Gui and Xiao Mei

A slightly flashier version could be: A country love story between two robots, A Gui and Xiao Mei, in the alien world.

Translator’s Introduction:

The “Sabbath” is the day God rested from creation. When Asheville Methentahl, the bored, aloof, almighty workaholic in his countless previous lives, decided to take a break by choosing a different fate this time, he met a young man, or rather, a robot. Rong Gui or A Gui, was naive, passionate, and optimistic, sometimes even to the point of annoying. The story begins with both of them being trapped in robotic shells, and Methentahl the majestic being totally flustered by his companion that he eventually fell from grace, and became a mere “Xiao Mei” in A Gui’s eyes. Unlike Xiao Mei, who’s fine with a robotic body, A Gui tr