After Transmigrating into an Omega, I was Marked by the Enemy

Alpha Yan Qiu bumped his head and unexpectedly transmigrated into his nemesis Ji Xinglan’s Omega fiancé’s body.

【Before Marriage】

Ji Xinglan leaned lazily on the couch. “Renouncing the wedding? Impossible.”

The man smiled wickedly, overturned Yan Qiu on the sofa, and suddenly lifted his shirt.

Yan Qiu looked at his belly and suddenly felt the heavens fall and the earth render!

…Ah, I’m through! This pair of male dogs!

【After Marriage】

Inhibitors couldn’t be used during pregnancy, so Yan Qiu was left with no choice but to let Ji Xinglan repeatedly torture him.

Having to meet with my arch-nemesis is indescribable, I’m going to die!


Only Ji Xinglan knew that he had never touched his Omega fiancé at all.

He was going for Yan Qiu from the beginning.

A few months later, Yan Qiu looked at his still-flat belly, gritted his teeth and slapped Ji Xinglan’s face.

“Roll! You fucking cheater!”

“This Laozi demands a divo

The Sabbath

Author’s Introduction:

Taking off the heavy and magnificent crown and robe, he met him in Paradise thereafter.

One-line summary: A country love story between A Gui and Xiao Mei

A slightly flashier version could be: A country love story between two robots, A Gui and Xiao Mei, in the alien world.

Translator’s Introduction:

The “Sabbath” is the day God rested from creation. When Asheville Methentahl, the bored, aloof, almighty workaholic in his countless previous lives, decided to take a break by choosing a different fate this time, he met a young man, or rather, a robot. Rong Gui or A Gui, was naive, passionate, and optimistic, sometimes even to the point of annoying. The story begins with both of them being trapped in robotic shells, and Methentahl the majestic being totally flustered by his companion that he eventually fell from grace, and became a mere “Xiao Mei” in A Gui’s eyes. Unlike Xiao Mei, who’s fine with a robotic body, A Gui tr